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MP Down??

Teagan Parnas

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As a proof: Here is a transaction I made trying to buy my own product while the quequed transactions, wich druing the time marketplace was down was delivered to me, but yet, i haven't recived the lindens and in transaction history, looks like it is still beeing delivered.

February 14, 2012     1290056345     Being Delivered     Shaleene Kenin     L$450     View order

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Starting at 11pm SLT, February 13, the Second Life Marketplace experienced two separate hardware failures which resulted in delayed deliveries and Marketplace downtime. While the site has been back up since 1pm SLT today, some merchants may see delays in order completion and merchant payout. We continue to investigate the cause of these issues to prevent this kind of failure from happening in the future. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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You can be sure for the Lab is everything solved now. They dont care about the damage. They never did and will never do! There will be a written apology and thats it.

I bet most of the pending orders will fail. However i would contact every single customer to check if they received something or not. It wouldn't be the first time that products get delivered without payment.

A further reason to keep your customers away from that marketplace from now on. It can be used as search engine (since this search is a bit better than the screwed up inworld search) but purchases should be done ALWAYS and ONLY inworld. If i were still a marketplace merchant i would be tired of paying that stupid commissions for such an unreliable service. I would try to find a way to get all (or at least most of) potential customers to your inworld store to make a purchase, just to avoid all those stupid problems here.



Didnt see the CommerceTeam post but just quoting myself: 

--- There will be a written apology and thats it. ---


There you go! *lol*

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Customers I have contacted so far have said they got all the items that are showing as undelivered and unpaid.  They say money has gone from their account and item received.  I know the lindens hold onto the money when things have stalled out so will they send us the money even though their records are saying not delivered? 

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Shaleene Kenin wrote:

As a proof: Here is a transaction I made trying to buy my own product while the quequed transactions, wich druing the time marketplace was down was delivered to me, but yet, i haven't recived the lindens and in transaction history, looks like it is still beeing delivered.

February 14, 2012     1290056345     Being Delivered     Shaleene Kenin     L$450     View order

I still have sales like that ^ one too showing "Being Delivered."  Sales since then have gone through fine.  I hold no hope of ever seeing the money from the transactions still showing they haven't been delivered yet.

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CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

Starting at 11pm SLT, February 13, the Second Life Marketplace experienced two separate hardware failures which resulted in delayed deliveries and Marketplace downtime. While the site has been back up since 1pm SLT today, some merchants may see delays in order completion and merchant payout. We continue to investigate the cause of these issues to prevent this kind of failure from happening in the future. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Inconvenience????  How about this, CTL...release all the monies to all merchants for transactions that are currently showing "Being Delivered" or "Delivery Failed" or anything else from today's mess?!  LindenLab can take the loss if there is any.  We poor merchants can't.  So YOU take the loss since it is YOUR system and key payouts to ALL merchants for today's fiasco!

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and here is a weird thing.... ever since my last submitted posting in the forum, all my forum subscription notices to my email have stopped.  I was wondering why the forums went so quiet and looked into the forums and noticed that the forums were still active but I am no longer being email notified.

Is it only me or are the rest of you not getting email subscription notices?

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

and here is a weird thing.... ever since my last submitted posting in the forum, all my forum subscription notices to my email have stopped.  I was wondering why the forums went so quiet and looked into the forums and noticed that the forums were still active but I am no longer being email notified.

Is it only me or are the rest of you not getting email subscription notices?

No, you're not the only one, Toy Dude.  I'm not getting mine either.  I just figured they shut that off for some kind of "damage control."  

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whew good.  Thought it was just me.

And I find it funny how "LL Commerce" is saying that they are blaming all these problems in 2 failures of hardware from yesterday but the MP started showing problems right around their announced scheduled HW MAINTENANCE at 4:51am today.

I guess they are trying to cover up that it was all because a freak of bad luck and not something they did.

But sassy is right... all the problems about merchants not getting paid for delivered products is horridly stupid System Architecture.  Who separates a transaction?

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"May see delays"?

Question for you Commerce Team Linden, here's a row of an item awaiting delivery:-


Been like that now since 6.09am SLT it is now 11.37SLT

However, (ignore the time in the following, this was posted many hours ago) this is the data sent from ANS and within our sales SQL database.ansorderlog.jpg

Here's the problem, you're sending ANS transaction data BEFORE the transaction has occurred which is ridiculous and yes there's a JIRA for this.  Has the product been delivered or not?  I haven't been paid for it.

I've already made comment about how every part of the sales process has been disconnected from the other but this just highlights another problem we face at present.  We enable customer inworld self redelivery of products to make up for the woefully inadequate lack of feature on MP. 

In this state, because you have sent ANS data indicating that the transaction has occured, the customer may self redeliver inworld.  I could go back to disabling this but why should I? 

SALES DATA SHOULD BE TRANSACTIONAL and sent only when the transaction has completed.

Imagine your employer giving you a payslip that says you've been paid but you haven't, then they steadfastly refer to the "evidence" on this payslip that says "computer says you have been" when you complain.


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Shaleene Kenin wrote:

As a proof: Here is a transaction I made trying to buy my own product while the quequed transactions, wich druing the time marketplace was down was delivered to me, but yet, i haven't recived the lindens and in transaction history, looks like it is still beeing delivered.

February 14, 2012     1290056345     Being Delivered     Shaleene Kenin     L$450     View order

I have exactly the same - I did a test delivery of my own product to see what was going on when the delays got bad .

As customer I've been charged, item was delivered (I was online and received it), but no payment or email/completion.

Still at "Undelivered" / "Being Delivered"depending which page you look on.



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Its not just us merchants that are getting screwed. I ordered a new bed, so i could spned some quality time with my RL/SL wife (i am away on business) and guess what, never delivered, money gone from my account but never delivered.. OVER 24 Frickin hours!?!?!? i still show the

"1 item has not yet been delivered
This item is queued for delivery. Merchants cannot redeliver the item at this time, and have not been paid. If the item is not delivered within 8 hours after purchase, you will automatically receive a refund to your account. If you make a purchase while the transaction is in progress, the refund credit may be applied to your next order."

So when does the 8 hours expire and  i get my $L back?

Way to ruin the number one most romantic holiday LL.


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Same issue here as a buyer... Ordered 3 items in 3 different orders from 3 different vendors... All pulled money from my account... 1 item arrived, the other two are Order Status: Being Delivered

I thought this was resolved?

Been WELL over 8 hours and still no product or refund.

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I am just curios, what will happen after the 24 hours from my last ticket, as i have been told to wait? Will they screw us all? Merchants will even get paid? Customers will recive the products? Will this have a solution? or just a written apologize for the "inconvenience"?

I never complained about their services untill yesterday, but yesterday was just a "day to remember".

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I'm also one of the many merchants who still have yet to be paid for sales from yesterday but my customers did receive their products. I have to say...this is EXACTLY why I focus more on in world sales than I do on my marketplace listings. And after this, I will be focusing on making in world sales even better. I'm already working on crafting a letter to send out to every group I'm in and to my entire customer list explaining the pitfalls of the MP and why shopping in world is going to benefit them from here on out, at least at my store. Definitely on an anti MP campaign after this one!

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Deja Letov wrote:

I'm also one of the many merchants who still have yet to be paid for sales from yesterday but my customers did receive their products. I have to say...this is EXACTLY why I focus more on in world sales than I do on my marketplace listings. And after this, I will be focusing on making in world sales even better. I'm already working on crafting a letter to send out to every group I'm in and to my entire customer list explaining the pitfalls of the MP and why shopping in world is going to benefit them from here on out, at least at my store. Definitely on an anti MP campaign after this one!



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"Starting at 11pm SLT, February 13, the Second Life Marketplace experienced two separate hardware failures"

Was this:

A) essentially the same failure twice (meaning it wasn't fixed the first time)

B) cascade failure in which LL failed to anticipate the second part or to take timely action

C) yet another weird coincidence which will go uninvestigated in which 2 apparently unrelated things somehow went wrong either simultaneously or in quick succession


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it will probably sort itself out, either they push the payments through or they refund the customers .. even if they already received the items.

i don't think they will just keep the money, they never did.. that i know of anyway..

sc.ew the sales from yesterday, i am thankful for sl to be even still online and working as good or bad as it does! the day it all comes to an end, that is the day i will cry, but not before..


so now, time to move on, we have work to do! :)


(sorry josh i replied to your post randomly, since it was the last one)

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