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MP Down??

Teagan Parnas

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Fornicola Butuzova wrote:

Deliveries going out, Customers contacting me for support, the only thing missing is my payment!

How can they deliver a product to a shopper before the merchant gets paid!


Because they have implemented a disgracefully inadequate set of processes!

What should happen is that a transaction is defined where a transaction is considered atomic in that it cannot be further reduced.  A transaction happens either in full or not at all.

It should go something like this:-

<start transaction>

  • pay for product
  • deliver product
  • reconcile payements

<end transaction>

and all of that should happen pretty much immediately.

It is absolutely evident that what actually happens is this:-

<start payment transaction>

  • pay for product
  • put details about product purchase into the "deliver it queue"

<end payment transaction>

delivery queue process runs in a loop, iterating through products to deliver. 

After delivery, enter details about "delivered product" into "payment table"

payment reconcile process runs in a loop, iterating through table of payments to make.

It's along those lines anyway, very distinct processes and not at all atomic in the transactional sense.  Imagine putting money into the bank and there being no record of it until several days later, or taking money out and it still showing as all the money present until several days later.

Poor, very very poor architecture.  D-, go back to database school Commerce Team Linden.


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I've been having problems with receiving tems from in-world vendors too. I can't rule out the Viewer I use, but the Marketplace problem makes it hard to tell.

Using "share" in the viewer is working, so I'm inclined to wonder if there's a scripting problem. Maybe it didn't get noticed on the RCs last week, Maybe it's older. But something is broken.


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You and I and several other SL Merchants who have RL experience in Business IS operations can point at countless immature business and IS practices, architecture, planning, deployment, and customer service aspects.

Solutions and practices that are Grade 6 common sense industry standards seem to be completely out of the grasp of comprehension of LL Development & Commerce.

Sadly, we also have Executive and Senior LL management that condones these practices.

What I have already done very publicly to Rodvik on Twitter, but it is the responsibility of all SL Merchants that they take some time and voice their frustration at how LL is allowed to continue these practices and demand answers from Rodvik when he will sit down with his Sr. Management and demand answers and an action plan.

Questions you should be asking include the points made by Sassy on solution development, but even more importantly, you should ask Rodvik:


  1. Does LL have any identified business periods like V-Day where LL is not allowed to make ANY system changes unless they are to correct an active disruption.  i.e. ask Rodvik if LL has any recorded CHANGE FREEZE windows and is V-Day one of them?
  2. If not, ask Rodvik why he allows Sr. Management to risk any service disruptions by performing any system upgrades only hours before one of the busiest shopping days in SL?  There was a scheduled HW maintenance  done by LL at 4:51am PST.  Likely the cause to the MP failure.
  3. If V-Day was a designated Change Freeze, why did he or his sr. management allow this staff to violate this change freeze?
  4. What will Rodvik be doing in the next couple days to get to the bottom of this, demand changes to their processes to ensure this doesnt happen again, and report back to LL's Customers how LL will prevent this from happening again.

As LL Customers that were impacted by this LL screw up, we have a responsibility as customers and SL product & service providers within SL /MP to demand that Rodvik take some actions. 

Rodvik on Twitter is chaulking this major screwup to "SODS LAW" when he knows full well that this was "LL's LAW" that was the root cause to this problem.  We need to hold his feet to the fire and demand action.

Rodvik.... stop focusing on the shiny new LL toys and focus on fixing the major fundamental immature processes and management within your current operations and staff.

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I don't know how it can be called resolved. I just took a look at my transaction history again. I show 3 transactions in the 'Being Delivered' state, my magic box sent me 3 messages saying that product was delivered 3 times.

and, as others have experienced, i received no lindens.

i have received lindens from inworld purchases though.

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ohn wrote:

I don't know how it can be called resolved. I just took a look at my transaction history again. I show 3 transactions in the 'Being Delivered' state, my magic box sent me 3 messages saying that product was delivered 3 times.

and, as others have experienced, i received no lindens.

i have received lindens from inworld purchases though.

I have these as well.  No money yet either.

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Toy, the earth just came to a grinding halt, I agree with you :P

There should have been a change freeze today if not this week.  We had no rolling restarts after 4th July because Oskar posted that the US had just returned from holiday, despite leaving us with an unstable grid the week before with sims grinding to a halt and inflicting that upon us for another week.

Given that "we've been on holiday" was sufficient to do nothing for a week, you'd have thought that a change freeze for a major shopping event wouldn't have been considered an issue.

Valentines day is long since over for the Eastern part of the world, as good as over for Europe and that just leaves the US half way through or more.

Anyway, we now need a new thread for us to disagree on or the world will be in imbalance.

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I have been testing. So i bought a product from my friend. Lindens were taken from my account. I did receive the product about 5 hours later. In her transaction history my purchase is marked as being delivered and lindens didn't get to her account, even though i received the product about one hour ago. 

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Same problem here, many queued orders up until now. New orders are being delivered properly now, but some customers mentioned that they received their item, the delivery status hasn't been updated for me as "Delivered", nor did I receive any linden for that purchase.

Very displeased at this point, and I would expect that at least because of the day, they would be more carefull messing with marketplace...

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I care about my customers so I just sent everyone of them an IM letting them know I didnt get paid and the item might not have been delevered but thier accounts where charged... I droped the item into everyones profile because I want them to have a good V-day... yes I would like to get paid but if I dont I hope I will get a comment or two on my market place store or at least a good rep for this..... was sooooooooo hopeing for a good money making day today.... At least my customers are taken care of

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I made a test order this morning on MP, at a friends shop, so i can ask her.
The item was delivered many hours later, and this is many hours ago, she still has not received my L$.

I did a second test with her minutes ago:

It was delivered in minutes, she got messages from the MP, the MB and got the L$'s.

Just so that you all know.


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Thanks but its not the new sales deliveries we are concerned with. Its the ones that are currently in que as not being delivered but yet we all are receiving messages that the item has been delivered. I am glad that MP is back up, its one less thing to worry about. Just hope the sales that have been recieved with no payment come through. If not then its a wash I suppose unless we can put in a ticket regarding this matter. Not that they aren't aware, I am sure.

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One of the sale items that has a waiting for delivery messages has just went through and I have received the lindens. I do notice the order number is different from the original purchase number, which might mean they are working to re-route each delivery. I might not have said that right but I hope you get the jest lol. So slow and steady its being processed. I can say I feel a bit better now. Then again maybe the customer reordered everything? :shrugs:

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I have just had another talk on live chat support and guess what? I would have  to submit a ticket in rder to let them know, i didn't yet get the lindens, a ticket wich will be resolved within 24-48 hours and won't help me at all, after all the transactions i had during the big crash will be failed delivery status after 8 hours. Then I guess it is all lost, no point in still waiting. And btw, i don't get, why do we have the live chat option? just for them to tell us fill tickets? and that is a benefit for paying a premium account. Frustrating.....

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Yep. thinking that the lindens from my previous sales might be a loss (my perspective) or free profit (Linden's). I just had a new purchase go through and i received those lindens.

if there was a backlog of transactions, and we were just waiting for them to go through the queue, i would think that i would see the lindens from the previous sales before the new one that just went through.

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Lol .. sorry .. but near 12 hours was the MP full of Problems and LL works at it over more hours. And now they think really that we should file Tickets and they have the Time for really good answer and Time to help for the Tons of Tickets from all Merchants and Seller? *lol .. sorry .. but this is a really good Valentine Joke from them.


Ok .. and at last my Info: Its the same like by many other here. The old deliverys are now by the Customer - says my Orderhistory - but no Linden comes for it back to me. Nothing

And the new Orders are delivered in short time, the transfer was ok and the Money comes near the same time to my Account.

So I think, the old Orders are .. finished and I hope they are really by the Customers. I know nothing about it, no Info and my Linden-History is empty - no Payment. So, I finish now this bad day and send big Thank you to LL. Was a  "great" Day.

Good luck to all here and I hope your Customer understand it and be not angry. Good Night ♥

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