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Should Adult land be separated from SL altogether

Yohan Roux

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If the adult mainland of sl was removed from sl and opened as another world would that make it better or worst for sl?

Seems other world with less adult content seem to do ok.

Does having the extremes of the adult world here reduce SL appeal world wide?

Some countries target sl just because of the adult world here.

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Yohan Roux wrote:

True, but if you look at what sl are doing they are promoting more games now than adult, I think the income from the adult world may be falling, don't know.

they never really promoted the adult stuff before..if anything they have hidden it..

the game i think was just something more that new people could do plus any residents that wanted..

i think really the adult things are tied to a lot of things in sl ..especially to those that live just regular sl lives..

like seeking romance or whatever..those things are mostly sold in adult areas..but they are bought by regular home owners living on moderate lands..

new people that came that never had it may not miss it being gone..but i think the people here now would..

there is a lot of content being sold that would not be around anymore if they did this i think..

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Better for Adults, worse for "general use".

There are no other worlds like SL. A merger of SL technology and WoW would be something. (not sure what that something is, but it would be it)

Any extreme activity reduces appeal for companies with Image concerns. The Adult aspect in SL are not the only extreme in SL.


The people in "some countries" should take a lesson in Liberty from SL and what it means to have liberty.

Life, Liberty, and one my favorite parts, The Pursuit of Happiness.

It's all really simple.




I don't take advice from people who are afraid to go into the basement in their own house.




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We had that once. It was called the "Main Grid" (Adult) and "Teen grid" (G-rated).

LL deemed the G-rated teen grid a failure, and closed it, forcing the 16 and 17 year olds into G-Region-Only main grid access. Then they caused massive disruption my forcing the Adult businesses to moce to an "Adult" rated mainland continent.

Residents argued at the time that if LL wanted to run a virtual world with no Adult content, they should have started a "family Friendly" grid at that time, and left the main grid as it was - for 18+ adult use, and perhaps made it possible to migrate avatars from the Main Grid to the Family grid, for those who preferred a sanitized, PG-13 environment. They could easily have done that. Adult instructor accounts on the Teen grid were created on the Adult grid and migrated to the Teen grid by LL, with their inventories, as a one-way move between grids. Teens who tuened 18 got a one-way move to the Adult grid, with their inventories intact. . LL ignored that advice.

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Yohan Roux wrote:

Yes, but what did the CEO say, doing other things, there is a lot of talk of face book games, if the CEO meant move away from old SL were is it heading?

I can see the change, but not fully yet.

well i do think they are going in the direction of game creations..i mean they have said that people will be able to create them pretty much..those that qualify..

that doesn't really mean they will be getting rid of the things already here..it just means what they are going to be focused on or adding..

a lot of things run pretty much on their own..content creation is one of them..they have the ratings in place and haven't really messed with it since..

adult content is not just sex related..so there is a wide range of things that would be impacted..lots of different types of role play sims battle sims and sex sims ect and the content used in those..

LL can pretty much do what they want..but if they end up screwing over too many at one time..they may not be able to keep their dream paid for..

it's not a good thing to bite the hands that feed you..over and over again..


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I saw a speech by a software developer to all the heads of companies in the US, he was talking about the turnover of face book games and that they all missed the impact of these simple games, his speech was well received and was quoted in many papers, SL seems to have changed after it, don't know.

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Interesting question and one that you may have to expand on. If you are talking just about adult land and not content, then I think a separate adult grid would be much more active than the PG land it leaves behind. I say this partially in line with a previous commentator who pointed out that SL started off with separate adult and teen grids with the latter closing because of non-use. I also did a recent survey of land sales and guess what? Only Zindra (adult) land was selling at any price above L$1 per meter (about L$7.2 per meter on average in fact). Anyone who wants to confirm this needs only to watch the Linden Auctions and notice how many bids and at what price Adult land sells compared to all others.

If you expand your question to adult content however, I think it would be the end of Second Life. Not everyone comes in for adult content all the time but most will admit that they have engaged in adult play at some point and that it was fulfilling (no pun intended). Don't forget that Linden Lab does not limit adult content to just sex but also to violence such as extreme shooting games, etc. If they removed that kind of content then SL would also be targeting a whole different audience who normally does not pay to play games. In other words, adult content attracts adult users.

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it's changed a lot..and it's direction might be great for new people or people into that stuff..

what a lot of older people see is them just adding more stuff to the one gallon bucket that was overfilled awhile ago..

they remind me of an uncle of mine..they have all these projects going on but none of them up and running at full steam..

all duct tape and chewing gum just to say they have it lol

meanwhile the smoke is pouring out from under the hood and the gauge is in the red on resources lol

it's their world ..i guess they can spread it as thin as they like..

i would think that the drop in numbers would give some sort of wake up call to them..but really i don't think they give a hoot myself..i think they are just gonna ride this train until it runs out of gas and coasts to a stop..spreading it thinner and thinner just seeing how far people will stick it out with them before they just end up one day closing the door and leaving a sign on the door saying..sorry we are closed..

i don't see any long goodbye's coming from them.heheheh


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From its inception in 2002 until the Teen merger of 2010, Second Life has been 'adult' (18+). There were PG-rated sims for those who preferred a more residential environment, but SL was designed, built and operated as an adult world from day one.


In 2009, Mark Kingdon, the previous CEO of Linden Lab, made a series of errors resulting in 30% staff cuts, the closing of foreign branch offices and the loss of his own job. Chief among those errors was the Disneyfication and Facebookization of Second Life.

While there was a rising demand for a PG continent, Linden Lab - ignoring all advice - made the critical mistake of creating instead an XXX continent (Zindra), generating massive disruption across the mainland. This was soon followed by merging the Teen Grid and lowing the age level to 13.

The current situation is a mess. The demand for a PG continent remains unsatisfied. Meanwhile, the rest of the mainland remains a patchwork of adult (18+) and PG (13-17) sims. Zindra (XXX) is a ghetto. No one is happy.

The solution is, was and will always be the creation of a PG continent and the return of the existing mainland to an adult (18+) rating.

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It is confusing, I make an adult role play body for my combat system, it requires the to have sex and fertility depends on diet, the body spawns a baby that must be cared for, the baby create meter stats that the mother then passes on to an av of her choice, this can create super men or freaks, but I am stuck, if there is further separation then I must drop the sex part, and find another way to cross breed meter stats, so I am in the dark like you, I have almost halted the work.

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they could get rid of adult real easy really..

find a nice off in the distance place for general and make moderate mature again..

go back to a two rating system and keep Disney off where it wants to be..far away from mature..

they cut the heart out of sl when they did that zindra move..


i'm really wondering what is taking LL so long at getting in the breedables market...just about every good market but that one they are competing with their customers..whats taking so long with the Ll breeedables?

maybe they will be free prizes when you finish a quest or win at a certain game  :P


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Yohan Roux wrote:

I think they are looking at facebook with envy.

i think they are kicking themselves in the butt for sitting on their butts when that train was running at full steam..they could have really done something around then..now they are trying to jump on an old bandwagon instead of getting their own going that really nobody else is taking an interest in..

they have something here..but they just don't know what it is..

the funny thing is a lot of us do and they just won't listen lol

so they go chasing after other dreams now that philip is not around anymore..they strayed so far off the path that it's not even sl anymore really..

it's just some watered down byproduct feeling type thing with a crapload more rules  lol

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Yes I was hoping on making the plants and animals people breed part of my game system, they can use them as food, done all the code already, lol, the MSDCS harvester and MSDCS chopper, both with note cards in to define the names, so they can breed their horses and have a meal to.

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if they can get their games even as good as this video down there i would consider playing them..heheheh

this is CTF instagib on UT99

i used to play in a clan with my old boyfriend back then..i can't believe we can't do this in sl yet..

i remember game servers being cheap to have..even nowdays game servers are cheap..so having a game server here is going to cost just for one map around how much a month again?

like 295 per sim i mean map?not even a server? but sharing a server with others? wow what a gold mine lol

and still can't do this? lol


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Removing all adult content may result in increased populations in both separated areas or it may result in a decline for one or both areas. Looking at other virtual worlds that have been run in pg shows significant failures. Adult activity is not the main reason for SL surviving but having it available adds to the sense of freedom one has in SL which doesn't exist anywhere else.

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"Face books turnover for simple games is huge, all games people just look at it with envy, they never predicted it."


@ Linden Lab

I will give you the key to life, the universe and everything:

Second Life is NOT a game. It never was a a game, it will never be a game, it has nothing to do with games. Is the United States a game? Hey, it has the Superbowl, so the US must be a game, right? The Olympics will be held in the UK this year. Does that mean the UK has become a game? Canada loves hockey and India loves cricket. Are Canada and India games? Of course not. One can play games in India or Canada or Australia, but India, Canada and Australia are not games. The day Linden Lab understands this basic, simple, obvious concept is the day Linden Lab begins to save Second Life from its death spiral.

So, what is Second Life? It is a virtual world, a virtual country, a parallel reality separate from ordinary reality, an alternative reality, a new social and economic geography, a 'New World' that floats above the 'Old World'.

In order to succeed as an alternative reality, Second Life must become graphically superb (more real than real) and culturally neutral (international). Linden Lab understood this in 2006 before the great managerial shakeup that led to Second Life's five-year decline.

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