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HELP! stalked by cell phone!

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can somebody please give me some advise? there's a guy on SL who knows everytime i go online and offline. he gets a text message on his cell phone from something called texty so even when he's not on, he knows whether i'm on or off and he signs himself or one of his alts in. he's not even on my friends list anymore and i have him blocked, but he brings one of his alts to the clubs where i hang out and harrasses me. or he says bad things about me to the people around me.

is there any way i can hide from this? i don't think linden lab should allow this kind of product. i think it should be illegal.

please help!

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i have ar'ed him but it doesn't help because he makes new alts. but no he doesn't actually know my phone number. i didn't explain it right. i don't know how it works but he gets a text message on his cell phone whenever i log in or out. it makes it easier for him to stalk me because he knows when i'm on even when he's offline. when i was friends with him, we kept very different hours so we didn't overlap too much (he's in a different time zone). but now he knows as soon as i sign in, so he signs in too, probably even when he should be sleeping.

i have thought about changing my avatar, but then i'd lose 2 years worth of no transfer clothes. as it is, i have had to hide my groups and picks.

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no i know it's not a script i'm wearing. he told me it was something he bought called texty. he bought it right around the time that we were starting to have problems, so he told me how he knew just to freak me out. he says he just has to put it on his land and he gets a text whenever i come online. he told me there's nothing i can do about it.

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not sure how texty actual works. not sure he being truthful about that tho

but a hunter is pretty straightforward to make

first is a script that tells him when you are online

second goes 2 ways:

way 1 is he then going to places where he knows u usually hang out and keeps hunting till he finds where u are

way 2 is he using a bot that does the hunting. when it finds u inworld starting with all ur known hangouts, then he just come to where u are. bot can hunt u down like this really really fast. at ur home sim and ur most frequent clubs and shops and places like that

these things suck bigtime

u def able to AR him for harrasment. just keep blocking and hammering the AR button every single time. alts and all

edit: to make more clear bc not want to mislabel texty as anything bad

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Apparently 'Texty' is an automated online status tracker available on the marketplace.  It's a scripted prim that probably uses llRequestAgentData and a timer to check the status of an avatar continuously then sends an email/text to the owner if that status changes.

Unfortunately other than continuing to AR him whenever he shows up and abuses you (and having any witnesses do the same if possible) there isn't much you can do.  I guess you could try leaving your avatar logged in 24/7 so he won't know if you're actually online or just afk, after all even stalkers have to sleep some time.

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Okay, since you know it's not a scripted object you are wearing and, apparently, this "texty" doesn't have to be on a sim that you are on (anywhere on the grid?) treat this just like one would treat any other stalker.  AR every time this person does anything to harrass you (showing up where you are can't be called harassment unless he actually harrasses when he shows up).   If he shows up as an alt and harrasses you AR the alt.  Mute and derender him when he does show up......treat him as if he does not exist.  Never respond to him no matter what he does (just quietly AR him without telling him you are doing so).  If it gets too bad TP away (or log off).  It can get tedious and even maddening (I've been stalked in SL before).  But keep it up.....you can outlast him.  He'll get tired of being ignored and jumping around the grid just to piss you off......he'll also get tired of getting emails when you log on.


Meanwhile you can create your own alt (that's actually why I have one of my alts..........a stalker prompted me to get another).  You can "start over" and have all the fun you had when you were brand new.   And, unless you blab your alt any friends you might have in common with this jerk, you can have fun without him joining you.  But, just for the heck of it log yourself on as often as you can stand the "game".....make him know he's a nobody.  He'll quit surprisingly quickly.

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This is exactly why a land owner should have the right to not only ban an avatar but all of its alts as well. Maybe some day this will be a feature that LL will figure out how to implement since they seem to love making it not only convenient but easy for ppl to create an alt in 5 minutes flat.

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kinda Fallen wrote:

This is exactly why a land owner should have the right to not only ban an avatar but all of its alts as well. Maybe some day this will be a feature that LL will figure out how to implement since they seem to love making it not only convenient but easy for ppl to create an alt in 5 minutes flat.

And how would you do that?  IP ban?  Then you would ban everyone at a hospital, or univrsity, or college, or condo because of the actions of one person that they could not identify.  And it would not be effective.  A careful griefer could logon from a different IP address.

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Jennifer Boyle wrote:

kinda Fallen wrote:

This is exactly why a land owner should have the right to not only ban an avatar but all of its alts as well. Maybe some day this will be a feature that LL will figure out how to implement since they seem to love making it not only convenient but easy for ppl to create an alt in 5 minutes flat.

And how would you do that?  IP ban?  Then you would ban everyone at a hospital, or univrsity, or college, or condo because of the actions of one person that they could not identify.  And it would not be effective.  A careful griefer could logon from a different IP address.

Make each avatar be tied to real life information. This is a virtual world, not a youtube comments section.

(General statement, not directed at you personally, dear Jennifer)

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Don't let a jerk run you out of your avatar that's probably what he's trying to accomplish.  He's a bully and if you and your friends stop giving him any attention he'll stop evenutally. So tell the people you hang with to ignore him completely.  Don't talk to him, look at him or acknowledge him in any way.  If he wants to stand in a public place trying to get your attention while yuo all ignore him, he's the one that will look like he idiot.

In the meantime, in addition to the other suggestions, have the owner of any clubs or other places where you hang out and any friends that own land ban him as well as his alts. And keep reporting him every time. 

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Don't let a jerk run you out of your avatar that's probably what he's trying to accomplish.  He's a bully and if you and your friends stop giving him any attention he'll stop evenutally. So tell the people you hang with to ignore him completely.  Don't talk to him, look at him or acknowledge him in any way.  If he wants to stand in a public place trying to get your attention while yuo all ignore him, he's the one that will look
and feel
 like the idiot.


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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Make each avatar be tied to real life information. This is a virtual world, not a youtube comments section.

That would be a really painful transition to make at this point.  On the other hand, had LL stuck with the original business model in which they retained RL billing information for every resident, the company would be worth many times what it is today.  That would be true even if they had many fewer residents -- but in fact they'd have more residents, if the place weren't so overrun by abusers on free accounts.

But it would be massively disruptive to the SL economy -- and LL's business -- to switch back now.  I think it's too late for SL. Maybe they'll be smarter with the new business lines, having mostly rid themselves of the ones responsible for the first screw-up.  (I wouldn't count on it, though.)

Oh, right: the subject of the thread.  It's not "texty" that's doing the harrassing, but some jerk using that program.  Without it, he'd be doing something else to demonstrate that he's an obsessed sociopath.  It's true that an Abuse Report is all that can be done, but that's mostly a placebo, giving the victim the illusion of control over their environment.  It hardly ever works, but sometimes, coincidentally, the abuser loses interest or dies or is incarcerated, making those ARs seem effective.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Make each avatar be tied to real life information. This is a virtual world, not a youtube comments section.

That would be a really painful transition to make at this point.  On the other hand, had LL stuck with the original business model in which they retained RL billing information for every resident, the company would be worth many times what it is today.  That would be true even if they had many fewer residents -- but in fact they'd have more residents, if the place weren't so overrun by abusers on free accounts.

But it would be massively disruptive to the SL economy -- and LL's business -- to switch back now.  I think it's too late for SL. Maybe they'll be smarter with the new business lines, having mostly rid themselves of the ones responsible for the first screw-up.  (I wouldn't count on it, though.)

Oh, right: the subject of the thread.  It's not "texty" that's doing the harrassing, but some jerk using that program.  Without it, he'd be doing something else to demonstrate that he's an obsessed sociopath.  It's true that an Abuse Report is all that can be done, but that's mostly a placebo, giving the victim the illusion of control over their environment.  It hardly ever works, but sometimes, coincidentally, the abuser loses interest or dies or is incarcerated, making those ARs seem effective.

Oh, I see. I guess we will just ride it till the wheels fall off then.

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Well, they could gradually add Premium perks and diminish the abilities of folks without payment info on file, but the hue and cry from the latter would be deafening.  I mean, if one had to have payment info on file in order to rez anything -- even an attachment -- a lot of folks would leave.  If the 6/6/6 free-account floodgate had never opened, almost all of those same people would have happily joined anyway, but now they're so steeped in entitlement that they'd sooner pay through the nose to play WoW than fork over a dime to Linden Lab.

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Yeah, look at all the things that could have been avoided (or at the very least, a much less problem).  Gaming the traffic system with bots,  Inflating concurrancy.  Difficulty in banning the unsavory among us.  To name a few.  If someone had to put in some form of real information it would make most of those script kiddies think once or twice before proceeding with their games......using false or stolen indentification is a crime (something that could put them in jail).  It wouldn't stop it all but it sure would make it more risky for the Joe Jerks in SL.

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Absolutely.  Another good example is the current mess with subscriber lists.  While listening to the "server Lindens" describe the problem, I was struck by the fact that they'd had to spend a fair amount of time developing this completely unsatisfactory solution to a griefing problem, a solution that will hurt the most popular and successful businesses in Second Life, because there simply is no better way to address the problem, given the current infrastructure.  Now somebody faces the choice whether to radically change that infrastructure -- requiring much greater effort.  All to get around a problem that can only exist because a few people can always make an infinite supply of anonymous accounts.

This constant, expensive game of whack-a-mole pulls Linden developers away from work on valuable features. That opportunity cost is very directly "why we can't have nice things."

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I would not be surprised if LL turns secondlife into a pay to play thing because of creepy griefers, hackers and stalkers. But to my knowledge didn't they restrict the amount of accounts on one e-mail?  Even so that won't help because they can easily make another email account and sign on secondlife.

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online status tracking scripts been availabe for quite a long time. here is one from 2005: http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/54/bd/72840/1.html

its what happens after this thats the main worry. what that creepy guy is actual doing


has always seemed a bit silly to me that when we turn on Dont Show Me in Preferences that we are not hidden from scripts or groups or IM prompts or quite a few other things. is kinda a bit dumb that it only like half works


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Qie Niangao wrote:

 .. had LL stuck with the original business model in which they retained RL billing information for every resident, the company would be worth many times what it is today.  That would be true even if they had many fewer residents -- but in fact they'd have more residents, ...

^^ that. linden really missed the boat on the importance of real life information on the interwebz, from a financial pov. i think if linden ever did made one big mistake that doomed them to being a company that will only ever be a small player on the interwebz then this was it

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Qie Niangao wrote:

Well, they could gradually add Premium perks and diminish the abilities of folks without payment info on file, but the hue and cry from the latter would be deafening.  I mean, if one had to have payment info on file in order to rez anything -- even an attachment -- a lot of folks would leave.  If the 6/6/6 free-account floodgate had never opened, almost all of those same people would have happily joined anyway, but now they're so steeped in entitlement that they'd sooner pay through the nose to play WoW than fork over a dime to Linden Lab.

Why is it called 6/6/6?

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