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Lets discuss - SL last names post from Rodvik Linden in the feeds.

DQ Darwin

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In my order of things lindens need to deal with - names comes just below the lack of prim toilet roll avaialbilty in sl - this is clearly another smokescreen to divert from the issues which do count....i.e. excessive tiers , lag, boundary crosses probs etc etc.. the same old stuff lindens have been ignoring for years.....and always manage to produce a non issue like this or a few meaningless freebies to brush the 'important' stuff under the carpet.


This is typical blah about something for ages...get a mass of opinion and then ...


...do nothing....


Im sorry but in my opinion this ceo is a joke ...

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They have shut down every site I knew to get a last name- I'd love to know where this person signed up.

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Oh look, a resident was born just yesterday with a last name. So last names are possible, just not for those thousands that have asked for them.


Not only that, it's a way cool name


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Rodvick would do well to look and see what happpened to the last CEO the residents hated- the one who brought us this disaster of no last names and Linden homes and the terrible interface of V2/V3.

Rodvick- we all had high hopes when you came here. REAL experience with a REAL game company- Then you went and told us that you were going to work out a solution... a "dash" is not a solution.

A second data entry field to take last names *IS* a solution. You know, the one that's still there and was used just the other day by Mr. Hurricane?  

Get a better IT staff that's not afraid to work for a living.


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They claimed it was an educational portal but were advised not to reveal which otherwise the site would shut down almost immediately because of the barrage of persons signing up for last names.


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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

They claimed it was an educational portal but were advised not to reveal which otherwise the site would shut down almost immediately because of the barrage of persons signing up for last names.

I give the same advice if someone finds one- I just wish I knew it ! I'd make a few alts to hold me over....

<snark>I wonder, should I start "selling" my alts with last names? there a market for that?</snark>

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JustOneMore Loon wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

They claimed it was an educational portal but were advised not to reveal which otherwise the site would shut down almost immediately because of the barrage of persons signing up for last names.

I give the same advice if someone finds one- I just wish I knew it ! I'd make a few alts to hold me over....

<snark>I wonder, should I start "selling" my alts with last names? there a market for that?</snark>

There is a huge market for it, and the persons doing the buying are spending real life big money, think rich bored kids that don't want to be newbs.

But I don't know nothing about none of that.

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Reading the last few pages and reading Rod's feed, it is no wonder he shut it down.  To read words like sickening and other emotional responses from residents makes me scratch my head in disbelief.   Some of the emotional attacks at a poster on this thread are way over the top, Rodvik probably 'felt' the same.  Last names are a no go; if I were the CEO I would apply the logic presented when making my decision -- Rod did his job.   Peoples emotions have nothing to add to the decision.  


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PudgyPaddy wrote:

Reading the last few pages and reading Rod's feed, it is no wonder he shut it down.  To read words like sickening and other emotional responses from residents makes me scratch my head in disbelief.   Some of the emotional attacks at a poster on this thread are way over the top, Rodvik probably 'felt' the same.  Last names are a no go; if I were the CEO I would apply the logic presented when making my decision -- Rod did his job.   Peoples emotions have nothing to add to the decision.  


I know, it's a shame people feel so passionately about this 'game' and let emotions get in the way of cold hard logic.

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

PudgyPaddy wrote:

Reading the last few pages and reading Rod's feed, it is no wonder he shut it down.  To read words like sickening and other emotional responses from residents makes me scratch my head in disbelief.   Some of the emotional attacks at a poster on this thread are way over the top, Rodvik probably 'felt' the same.  Last names are a no go; if I were the CEO I would apply the logic presented when making my decision -- Rod did his job.   Peoples emotions have nothing to add to the decision.  


I know, it's a shame people feel so passionately about this 'game' and let emotions get in the way of cold hard logic.

I may have misread, but I thought Rodvik mentioned that they looked at sign-up metrics and determined that the current naming system was working better for the business than the "pick a last name from the list" system. I have always wondered if we in the forums and feeds are at all representative of the SL population at large. I took Rodvik's statement as a hint that we are not. This would not be the first time that hard data did not comport with my perception ;-)

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

PudgyPaddy wrote:

Reading the last few pages and reading Rod's feed, it is no wonder he shut it down.  To read words like sickening and other emotional responses from residents makes me scratch my head in disbelief.   Some of the emotional attacks at a poster on this thread are way over the top, Rodvik probably 'felt' the same.  Last names are a no go; if I were the CEO I would apply the logic presented when making my decision -- Rod did his job.   Peoples emotions have nothing to add to the decision.  


I know, it's a shame people feel so passionately about this 'game' and let emotions get in the way of cold hard logic.

I may have misread, but I thought Rodvik mentioned that they looked at sign-up metrics and determined that the current naming system was working better for the business than the "pick a last name from the list" system. I have always wondered if we in the forums and feeds are at all representative of the SL population at large. I took Rodvik's statement as a hint that we are not. This would not be the first time that hard data did not comport with my perception ;-)

I believe you read right. The counter arguments that I have read to that are along the lines of, yes, now it is much easier and quicker for a person to sign up. You pick a name, click agree and you are a new account. The old way, you tried to pick a name, had to choose from a list, didn't like the last names offered, hit refresh. Up to 400 times some people confess to over the course of months, such as in the case of making alternate accounts. So that is hundreds of accounts not created by one person.

So the numbers are: Old system, hundreds of uncompleted registrations. New system, thousands of new signups daily.

So number wise, yes, the new way is much better as long as you can ignore the fact that that the old numbers were skewed by the amounts of retries to get a cool name and that all the new registrations that happen now may or may not be the same person and they might not even stay past the first 5 minutes of confusion. 

That is all just speculation on my part though based on what I have read and or imagined.

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To add, if it is true that the new way is better, then why even mention bringing back last names to begin with? Why not just say no, or even nothing at all? 

This current gripe I believe is caused by the fact that last names were said to be coming back and everyone got really excited. Then it was announced that no they would not come back. When people cried why, they were given a reason that seems unbelievable and has been proven to be false.

I don't really care for dessert until I see it on the dessert menu, and when I order it and then am told sorry, we are out, but I clearly see it under the glass, it makes me sad, hurt, and somewhat offended.  

I can live without cake, that's not the problem, it becomes a problem, emotionally, when you ask me do I want it, I say yes, then you tell me no can do but I see what appears to be evidence to the contrary.

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leyna wrote:

If someone tells me they're terribly distraught over something I have to believe that is how they feel about it.


If someone says they are terribly distraught over something, I don't have to believe it.  Especially, if the over-dramatic "feeling" is way out of proportion to the event.    Some people like to make hyperbolic-dramatic statements, and blow things way out of proportion.  Also, known as, "Making a mountain, out of a mole hill".  


leyna wrote:

If they tell me they're going to kill themselves over something that happened - that is not a valid action to take regardless of how bad they might be feeling.  

If you've just "validated" an over-dramatic "feeling", you're going to have a much harder time, "invalidating" an over-dramatic, action.  Hyperbolic feelings and statements lead to actions of the same.  

The best course of action is to make the person aware that they are being overly-dramatic.   Learning self-control of emotions and not using dramatic language, is part of the emotional learning process.   We expect children to do able to learn this skill, and for adults who have not learned this, there is no time like the present.

It's like the "Boy who cried wolf!"  When someone is "distraught" over minor things, what happens when something really bad does take place?


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if being forced to choose a last name stopped new users to sign up, then the solution should have been not to force them, but to offer it as optional. that should not stop people from signing up because they dont want a last name or because they didnt like the last names on the list, if they can have a custom one.

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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:


If someone says they are terribly distraught over something, I don't have to believe it.  Especially, if the over-dramatic "feeling" is way out of proportion to the event.    Some people like to make hyperbolic-dramatic statements, and blow things way out of proportion.  Also, known as, "
Making a mountain, out of a mole hill


 I understand your point, I really do.  If I've been around someone long enough to know that being Chicken LIttle is a way of life for them (and it doesn't take long for that to become apparent) chances are I'll be long gone by the time something truly serious does occur and I won't hear what they have to say.  

There are times when the thing that appears to be blown out of proportion is just the straw that's broken the camel's back for that person or people. 
For many folks who are really upset about how the name decision played out, I'm seeing a history of thier frustrations with LL, I don't believe the intense feelings are purely about the last names. That's just my take on it. 

I did say "I have to believe" when saying "I choose to believe" would be more accurate.  I tend to take people at face value until I have reason to believe otherwise.  Because I take my time in getting to know people, this works out fine for me. 








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PudgyPaddy wrote:

 Peoples emotions have nothing to add to the decision.  


Of course peoples' emotions are completely irrelevant to any business.  Especially customer's emotions, and most especially the emotional response customers have to a provider or its products. 

I mean if customer emotions mattered, big companies would use and substantially rely on well recognized brands, which they would spend squillions of dollars advertising and marketing in an attempt to get potential customers to form an emotionally charged identification with their product or product range, through their brand. 

Whole multi million dollar campaigns might be made or dropped on the basis of peoples' emotional responses to say Micheal Jackson or some Madonna music video, even if the product is a soft drink which has squat all to do with either of these people.

World famous, international fast food chains could be built on slick marketing consisting of little more than some slightly creepy cartoon characters,  playgrounds in every restaurant, golden arches, and a craptastic plastic toy in every smiley happy funtime meal,with the toy itself also being heavily branded, often even movie merchandizing. 

And of course such movie merchandizing, based on the premise that peoples' emotional connection to some media would spur them to buy inane and pointless crap would actually exist, to the point where the most crappy thing no one in the world wants would become an instant hot seller simply by sticking the face of a fictional boy-wizard on it.

It's not as though the emotions of customers are like a mega super squillion dollar world wide industry or anything....

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I never thought about that, Seven! I think you are probably right!

And I wonder also how many of the new accounts created in the new Resident era are new users that registered as HKkeg8547593 and then found out that that was going to be their avatar name, for ever, so they had to go back and create a new account with a passable name like HoracioKiroga or whatever. I'm pretty sure that happened to at least 50% of new users. The registration page is so absurdly misleading!

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If they talked Rodvik out of bringing last names back showing him statistics of abandonment at the registration stage... shouldn't we start going to the current hideous and misleading registration page (I hate that silly rabbit!) and reload it a hundred times, every day? If enough of us did that, their statistics would give them a different picture.

Maybe that would work better than trying to communicate with LL?

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Adur Gaelyth wrote:

If they talked Rodvik out of bringing last names back showing him statistics of abandonment at the registration stage... 

... If they did that and believe it- then they are idiots. That was me refreshing the page till I was happy with the last name for my latest alt.



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