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What's up with this?


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The other day I had my avatar dancing on the island where I live while I was working on my Winamp playlists. I wasn't paying much attention to SL until I saw my avvie moving sideways. She was still dancing, not walking. She moved up to this guy without me touching the keyboard. He IMed me & we began chatting. He was friendly & nothing suspicious or malicious happened, except that when he moved I followed him like a magnet. I could move away from him with the arrow keys but when I stopped pressing them I moved back towards him. Whenever he moved I followed him, still dancing.

Has anyone ever seen this before? How did this guy make my avatar move? I told the person who takes care of the land on behalf of the owner about this, and she said that she'd never hearduv such a thing happening before. What's up with this, please?


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My friend once had an AO hud where there was a function which allowed him to animate other avatars without asking the object avatar any permission to animate. The HUD just animated the object avatar, but the object avatar still could move away from the hug, kiss or whatever the animation was. However, even if one could move, the animation continued so long until the HUD owner stopped the animation.

Maybe what you experienced was something similar to this.

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Coby Foden wrote:

My friend once had an AO hud where there was a function which allowed him to animate other avatars without asking the object avatar any permission to animate. The HUD just animated the object avatar, but the object avatar still could move away from the hug, kiss or whatever the animation was. However, even if one could move, the animation continued so long until the HUD owner stopped the animation.

Maybe what you experienced was something similar to this.

Yeah, Coby, sounds like what happened to me was something like you describe. I certainly didn't give any permission. There was no hug or kiss, & I kept dancing, but wherever he went I just followed helplessly. I could move away but went back towards him when I stopped moving. It really caused me no trouble but seems like it has potential for abuse, which is why I'm curious about it.


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Since he was actually moving your avatar to make her follow him, that couldn't be anything to do with animations.  That's physical movement.

Assuming for the moment you weren't wearing any sort of scripted collar, the only way (off the top of my head) I can think he did that was if the land is push-enabled, at least for him.   If it is, then it's an old trick involving llPushObject (which can be used to push people and objects towards you as well as away from you).

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

Since he was actually moving your avatar to make her follow him, that couldn't be anything to do with animations.  That's physical movement.

Assuming for the moment you weren't wearing any sort of scripted collar, the only way (off the top of my head) I can think he did that was if the land is push-enabled, at least for him.   If it is, then it's an old trick involving
 (which can be used to push people and objects towards you as well as away from you).

To Venus: Yeah, good idea, and I thot about asking him what was going on but was afraid to for some reason. I don't remember now what the reason was. Maybe I was afraid he'd do somthing worse to me if I did. Not sure now why I didn't aska bout it...

No Innula, I wasn't wearing a collar, altho I have some in my inv. I learned my lesson about that rlv and have it turned OFF! Not sure if push is enabled on the land. I'll look when I get home & log in. The person who takes care of the land for the owner (who is seldom inworld anymore) said that she has seen this guy hanging around before but doesn't know him. There are often guys hanging around there who speak Portuguese and who ask to add you as friends. When you do, they send you random tp requests later. If you accept the tp request you end up at a club somewhere & the person who sent the request may not even be there. My sister says that they do this to increase traffic at the club. So I've quit adding guys who do this, & deleted them from my list. Maybe this guy was up to something similar altho he spoke English & didn't ask me to add him or send me any tp requests.


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Two separate issues, Peggy.

Your avatar isn't actually phantom while you're being animated, but if the animation moves you around (as does a dance), the movement is all client-side.   As far as the sim's concerned, you're just standing or sitting there, motionless.  That's why, if you and I are dancing and our paths cross, we'll pass through each other like ghosts, but if we walk into each other using the movement keys, we bump off each other.

If you're sitting on something, like a poseball, whether it's playing the default sit animation or a dance animation or anything else, then llPushObject won't work on you, I agree.   But from what JeanneAnne said, she was dancing with the aid of a hud or chimera rather than sitting on anything that animated her, and in that case she's able to move with the arrow keys and to be pushed if the sim allows it.

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

But from what
JeanneAnne said, she was dancing with the aid of a hud or chimera rather than sitting on anything that animated her...

Yes, that's right. I was dancing either with my own chim or one of the dance balls on the island - don't remember which - but in either case it didn't involve sitting on a pose ball or anything like that ..



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Basically,  JeanneAnne, the only ways to move an avatar in the way you describe are either to call a physics function like llMoveToTarget in an item they're wearing or (if the land allows it) to use llPushObject on them or (I guess, but it's not the way I would try do it if I had any alternative) to make an invisible physical object shove them around.    Of the three, I think the second is the most likely way to do it.   There's an old free script (I picked up a copy when first I started getting interested in scripts) that could easily be altered to do what you describe.

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

Basically,  JeanneAnne, the only ways to move an avatar in the way you describe are either to call a physics function like llMoveToTarget in an item they're wearing or (if the land allows it) to use llPushObject on them or (I guess, but it's not the way I would try do it if I had any alternative) to make an invisible physical object shove them around.    Of the three, I think the second is the most likely way to do it.   There's an old free script (I picked up a copy when first I started getting interested in scripts) that could easily be altered to do what you describe.

That must be it then Innula. Thanks!

I wouldn't think that push would be enabled on the island but I don't really know. I do know that sometimes I can rezz objects there & sometimes I can't. When I asked about this I was told that sometimes they disable it cuz they're too near the prim limit. Then they get rid of some things & enable it again. So settings do change. I'll ask my sister to read this thread. She knows way more about stuff like this than I do..

Thanks again!


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Nima Benoir wrote:

You're absolutely right Innula, there is an avatar magnet script that you can tweak to animate without the avatar's permission, found it here: 
don't know if it works or not though! Looks like it's mostly used for sneaky combat situations? Or now creepy attraction type situtations!

I am not the scripting expert, would realy need to have one of them comment on that code, but I do see these lines in it:


askPermission(key avatar) {
69 // build the message based on the settings
70 string message = "May this magnet attract ";
In other words, it appears to me that you as an Avatar would have to grant permission in order for the script to act upon you.
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Nima Benoir wrote:

You're absolutely right Innula, there is an avatar magnet script that you can tweak to animate without the avatar's permission, found it here: 
don't know if it works or not though! Looks like it's mostly used for sneaky combat situations? Or now creepy attraction type situtations!

WOW! An avatar magnet !!

Looks like this was what was used on me. In my case, there was no harm done. The guy who used the magnet script actually seemed nice & was pleasant to chat with. But I still don't like it that he used this magnet on me without my permission. LL should ban things like this, along with robots that take your clothes off & devices that rip IP addies from music streams. SL is supposed to be about having fun, not about creepy crap like these things. Or if not ban them entirely, at least make it so that ppl have to give permission to have them used on them. Sick creepy stuff like this is prolly enuf to make some ppl leave SL.


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Perrie Juran wrote:

In other words, it appears to me that you as an Avatar would have to grant permission in order for the script to act upon you.

Well, I didn't grant any permission. I didn't even know the guy was there. I just noticed my avatar moving without me touching the keyboard. I saw the guy when I got close enuf to him. Then I was dancing right in front of him. When he moved I followed him. When I used the arrow keys to move away from him, I could, but when I quit pressing the keys I moved right back to him. I didn't think to try flying away so I don't know if that woulduv worked. I never granted any permission for him to move my avatar like that.


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JeanneAnne wrote:

 But I still don't like it that he used this magnet on me without my permission. LL should ban things like this, along with robots that take your clothes off & devices that rip IP addies from music streams. SL is supposed to be about having fun, not about creepy crap like these things. Or if not ban them entirely, at least make it so that ppl have to give permission to have them used on them. Sick creepy stuff like this is prolly enuf to make some ppl leave SL.

I don't like people playing tricks on people with scripted objects any more than do you.   But I think that, rather than saying that perfectly legitimate functionality should be banned or subject to permissions, both of which would break any amount of legitimate content, it's better to concentrate on trying to get LL to take sanctions against people who use them to harass people or otherwise make a nuisance of themselves.

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JeanneAnne wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

In other words, it appears to me that you as an Avatar would have to grant permission in order for the script to act upon you.

Well, I didn't grant any permission. I didn't even know the guy was there. I just noticed my avatar moving without me touching the keyboard. I saw the guy when I got close enuf to him. Then I was dancing right in front of him. When he moved I followed him. When I used the arrow keys to move away from him, I could, but when I quit pressing the keys I moved right back to him. I didn't think to try flying away so I don't know if that woulduv worked. I never granted any permission for him to move my avatar like that.


Reading through this it sounds like the tranparent cage may have be the most likely culprit. 

As far as I understand (and again, I am not the expert), a script can not act directly upon you unless you grant it permission.

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

That's the one I was thinking of, in fact, Nima.   I know it asks your permission before attracting you, but that's just the scripter being nice; it's easy enough to take that bit out.

I just want to be sure that I am understanding clearly here, the script still requires use of an object to "push" the Avatar? 

In other words, the script is acting upon the object and the object is being used to do the pushing.

Different from perhaps a hugger where you grant permission forthe hug and the Avatrs move toward each other.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Innula Zenovka wrote:

That's the one I was thinking of, in fact, Nima.   I know it asks your permission before attracting you, but that's just the scripter being nice; it's easy enough to take that bit out.

I just want to be sure that I am understanding clearly here, the script still requires use of an object to "push" the Avatar? 

In other words, the script is acting upon the object and the object is being used to do the pushing.

Different from perhaps a hugger where you grant permission forthe hug and the Avatrs move toward each other.

 Nope.   The "avatar magnet" script uses llPushObject, which acts directly on the physical object or avatar whose key is specified, provided that it's on land where push is enabled (or the object belongs to the owner of the land).   And it doesn't require the avatar's permission -- think of  the freebie trampolines you may have seen.   They don't ask for permission to bounce you up and down.

That "avatar magnet" script does ask for your permission, to be sure.   But that's the scripter being considerate and polite.   It will work just as well if you take that bit of the script out.   It's not like a hugger, which has to obtain PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION before it can do anything.

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20 // whether the object asks permission to attract or not
21 // be nice and ask ;)
I'm not a scripter at all, I saw the above in the script (be nice and ask, lol!) and thought, humm, so I can set it to false and than magnetically attract whomever I want..nice! :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: I think I have to try this now!
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