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Wanted - Someone who can script huds

Klayra Ahren

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Hi there,

Me and my friend Rania own a roleplay sim called Realm of Valahari - A new beginning, we would like to create a simple, yet complex hud (i think its complex XD) , so we are looking for someone willing to work together (with me) in creating this hud, unfortunatly i cant pay anyone to do this so it will all be in good will. And will be greatly thankfull if someone does decide to help me.

The basic idea for the hud is to have a weather, inventory, monetary and health system. This is only for roleplay purpose and no combat at all. I'm not sure if this would entail us needing php to communicate to all huds of users, regarding the weather and such, i am at complete loss =P An inworld server (if possible) would be better as we also cant afford a full domain area. Perhaps in the future. Also it would be nice for it to communicate with a titler, again if possible.

This is still a developing idea to enrich the experience of our roleplayers at our sim. Thank you all for looking at this, have a nice day! =)

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I would gladly help you. Even support a offsite database for the currency to track spending and soforth. Though. If im putting my sim and effort into the project and its free. I would like to ask for 10,000L for Expenses on Soda. LOL long nights programming need to have something to drink you know.

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