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Are there any way to make suggestions to LL to improve things?

kitte Arado

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I get some disturbed on how it works at Market Place (specially in my own inventory list), Forum and so on!

You can see page 1, 2, 3 ................23 500 for example!

But there should be like some "folder" system so you could choose if you like to search between 1-50, 50-100 and so on as most over internet places had latest 2 years when you like to scroll through the sites pages . And in the "manage inventory" for merchants it would be so much easier if each box ended up in a separate folder

And an old thing that I have seen been up earlier!

How the heck do I get rid of things that are not out for sale anymore at marketplace??? I have even deleted the box with all items!

I know that you before could manage your boxes if you clicked at a link on the dropwown menu, but that for some reason some week ago ends up behind the banner for your shop!

And if it worked to inactivate through that link I have no idea since I was rederected to the old Marketplace when I clicked at it in november 2011 and had no things to delete at that time.

I think there are many off us out here that got many ideas to make things work better, but were do we post them?


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This Forum is a good place to alert other Residents and share ideas or suggestions to improve SL.

There is an article in the Knowledge base that may help to answer some of your questions.

See this link:


Be sure to read the Alert notice in yellow near the top of the page.

I'm not sure if there is a Merchants User Group that host Inworld meetings with Linden Representatives. I could look.

You can always contact Support if you have an issue you cannot resolve on your own.

I suggest you browse through the Forum Categories (read the Community Guidelines) and continue to present your ideas here at the Forum in the categories which best fit your topic or subject.

Change is possible.

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Knowl Paine wrote:

I'm not sure if there is a Merchants User Group that host Inworld meetings with Linden Representatives. I could look.

Change is possible.

There are no LL user group meetings with LL.

We've spent a year (more actually) asking for something as simple as "email alert when a review is left".  That's about 2 lines of code.  More than a year and counting...

We got a Facebook button though but nobody asked for that.

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I almost laughed when I read the subject of the post.  Sure, you could file a Jira but I agree with the above, it's a complete and utter waste of time.  You might as well put your suggestions in a bottle and throw it out to sea for the good it would do.

Look how old some of these feature requests and bug reports are. 

https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-2399 (opt out of email spam - year and half)

https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-2324 (Multiple store fronts - year and half)

https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3406 (simple character count bug - one year)

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Hollee Dion wrote:

I almost laughed when I read the subject of the post.  Sure, you could file a Jira but I agree with the above, it's a complete and utter waste of time.  You might as well put your suggestions in a bottle and throw it out to sea for the good it would do.

Look how old some of these feature requests and bug reports are. 

 (opt out of email spam - year and half)

 (Multiple store fronts - year and half)

 (simple character count bug - one year)

LOL  Hollee.... I think most SL residents that actually try to work with LL and follow LL's stated formal process to get them to solve discovered bugs and work in features that LL's customers are asking for already know all too well that LL does not actully respect their own processes nor the JIRA system.

For the most part LL uses the JIRA system just so it keeps us busy for a bit and makes us believe that now that its in their system - they will actually put bug fixes and enhancements into a priority queue to get resolved.  But companies like LL can only play the trick for so long.  Most know its a joke now.

You think your JIRA's are are good examples of how badly LL neglects Jira when you listed a 2 year old unresolved JIRA?  Try this one that I have tried to get LL to resolve for a long time and that affects my Landscape sculpty customers and many on yhr grid....


(Just past 4th year without a resolution - LL recently put this Jira into the status of "UNRESOLVED" but iit still in the worst stauts of JIRA "PRODUCT BACKLOG".  I swear they do this status switching every few months just to make their customers think there is movement on the Jira.  A year from now I will show you this bug will still be open)

So YES.... Filing a JIRA is an utter waste of time.

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Things are getting done, but not so much in the marketplace. For whatever reason, DD has consumed the marketplace team for the past year. I understand how important DD is, but I do not understand how a company can implement a new website, and then do nothing to fix any of the flaws in the new website. I can only assume that the marketplace team is way understaffed. It does make me wonder what % of Lindens are actually programmers. To me, it doesn't seem to be more than 5%.

Like I said tho, I do see quite a few jiras getting attention. Usually, almost everyday now, I see some action on a jira I'm watching, and I really don't watch that many. The marketplace team definitely needs more coders tho.

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Indeed, outside of the marketplace lots of cool stuff is getting added.  The marketplace team though must have decided to focus on a new delivery system and then add new features based off that.  But like you say it's been going on a year and as an end user nothing else is getting done.  You can go back and mine earlier forum posts and it's clear they never anticipated it taking them into 2012.   Now they're just turtling along trying to finish it and it doesn't look like it's going to be ready for months yet. And think on this, until it's done & gone live there's still a chance it won't improve the percentage of failed deliveries.

It's the 'opt out' of emails that frustrates me.  It's so old, affects everyone that sells on the marketplace, doesn't seem like a big feature to ask for is it and it would improve the user experience so much. And just read the comments on it, people are screaming at them to add a damned tick box so we can opt out of these emails.  I would really appreciate being able to turn of the email spam.  

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Knowl Paine wrote:

It would be fair to also mention Jira's which have produced Results. The most recent Resident initiated change was this:

Change is possible.



Cool - I had no idea about this. And, actually, just checked that and found i was following 4 people - which is weird cos I've never used the site, apart from going there one to turn on the privacy (ha!) settings.

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Toysoldier Thor paints with a wide brush when speaking of the Lindens. The Lindens are constantly working on JIRA items. One can search the JIRA on Resolved Issues and check dates to see what they have been doing.

Some Lindens are communicative and respond to user issues and suggestions made in user groups. Some user groups are productive for SL residents. Others are highly frustrating for residents. Lindens in other user groups are simply clueless.

Unfortunately when it comes to the Web Sites and Market Place we seem to have the worst aspects of all the user groups and poor Linden behavior in one place. The user groups for the web sites and Market Place have disappeared and the individual Lindens working on those projects are keeping very low profiles. For those of us using the Market Place and trying to get it and search to work it is highly frustrating.

Phillip’s era of more open communications started in 2010 is dying out. In Feb 2011 the blog notice Improving our Lines of Communication with the Community Amanda and later Lexie Linden talked about how Linden Lab would do a better job of communicating with SL users.  My experience is that for a time in 2011 communications were pretty good. But, at some point in the year that changed. Rod Humble the current CEO seems to have no primary interest in communications with residents nor do I see any evidence he pushes staff to be better. I take it he is busy with other matters.

The problem is not all on Linden Lab’s side. SL users can be childish and some handle frustration poorly. Yelling and mounting ad hominem attacks on the Lindens has taken a toll and degraded communication. No Linden employee wants to deal with an abusive person spewing frustration and hate. Nor should they have to.

In some cases the Lindens have created problems for their selves. In other cases it is undeserved. Whether deserved or not, abusive communications with the Lab are counterproductive. I think we are seeing that degrade communications with the Lab’s staff. With no pressure from management to communicate they can withdraw as an easy resolution to complaints, abuse, and difficult questions leaving the base causes for user issues unaddressed.

Your only chance to communicate with the people working on the Market Place is to send email to CommerceTeam Linden. Whether you will get a response is unknown. Whether you will get anything changed is just unlikely. The Commerce Team seems to be doing is own thing based on some ideology I and some others have not been able to figure out. Programmers and web designers are not well known for understanding business and the needs of business managers.

I wish I had better advice for you. But, there really isn’t anything more than sending an email to the Commerce Team or posting in the Commerce Forum. Filing feature requests and bug reports in the JIRA does create some pressure on the Lindens. But, do not expect much movement from the Commerce Team.

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Thank you for! Shall try to check the links out, but make a report in JIRA? I think that is not the topic for JIRA, since it is not any bug, more that they need to make changes so  you can search for example between page 1-10, 10-20 and so on, not so you just can click 4 pages ahead at the time. And many forums/shops got this option since years back.

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