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Can This Resident Really Do This?


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Deltango Vale wrote:

Many people encounter a new and disorienting social reality when entering SL. They adjust the sliders, get some animations and, boom, sex goddess, rock star, fashion queen,
they have no RL experience of how to deal with people socially in their new, avatar body. That's why many girls take fright and many guys choke. It's one thing to cast a strong image; it's another thing to live up to it.

that is true..it is much easier being hot in both worlds :P



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OiiiO wrote:

I was checking out the female avatars at the beach the other day. I saw this one female avatar that was smokin hot!  lol So I get an IM from her telling me to stop looking at her. I asked her how she knew I was looking at her and then she went on to tell me about the Show Look At.   I didn't stop looking at her even after she told me to stop. That really got her angry. I was 75 meters away from her to. So she said I was harassing her and that she would file an abuse report on me.  Can she really do that?

If you ever get this attitude again, tell the person that you're doing a Social Research Project to see if beautiful avatars, have beautiful personalities. 

Then thank the person, for providing valuable data, that supports the concept that, "beauty is only skin deep". 

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It's funny how we become our avatars isn't it?

In truth, nobody is looking at anybody. You're checking our the scenery just as you would with anything online.

I fluff up like a peacock when I get cammed, though I don't use showlookat. It makes me feel like I am interesting enough to be cammed and that all that hard work has paid off, even if they are thinking OMG WHAT was she thinking??1!

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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

OiiiO wrote:

I was checking out the female avatars at the beach the other day. I saw this one female avatar that was smokin hot!  lol So I get an IM from her telling me to stop looking at her. I asked her how she knew I was looking at her and then she went on to tell me about the Show Look At.   I didn't stop looking at her even after she told me to stop. That really got her angry. I was 75 meters away from her to. So she said I was harassing her and that she would file an abuse report on me.  Can she really do that?

If you ever get this attitude again, tell the person that you're doing a Social Research Project to see if beautiful avatars, have beautiful personalities. 

Then thank the person, for providing valuable data, that supports the concept that, "beauty is only skin deep". 


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Yes...I've done this...it's polite camming. Or now I just have my crosshairs turned off, and my selection beams too. I could be watching and clicking on anything. I'm an insatiable clicker-and-inspecter-of-everything I can get my mouse on :)



But really, some people just have to get over themselves. We can all be as gorgeous or cute or ugly as we like on the outside. It's really no biggie. You are not special in SL just for looking hot. (Or in RL, come to that, even though you have to actually work at it.)

And peoplewatching is a respectable pastime in a public social world, as long as you aren't watching people who are in an obvious private place.






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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

If you ever get this attitude again, tell the person that you're doing a Social Research Project to see if beautiful avatars, have beautiful personalities. 

Then thank the person, for providing valuable data, that supports the concept that, "beauty is only skin deep". 

HAHAHA!!  I have never been caught camming - not that I would feel bad about it - but I am using this^^^ if I ever do.  Next time I am in, I will have to see if I have turned off broadcasting my crosshairs to others.  I know I don't see anyone else's.  It was annoying seeing all the X's hovering when in a crowded sim and the crosshairs show up in photos.


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The reality is, most people are checking out the look or something the person is wearing. Essentially, the person camming is saying, "I admire your taste in avatar accessories". Although, most of the time, I don't really pay too much attention to the avatar details, there are times that an avatar is so unique or interesting I can't help but cam them.

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Eloise Baily wrote:

I fluff up like a peacock when I get cammed, though I don't use showlookat. It makes me feel like I am interesting enough to be cammed and that all that hard work has paid off, even if they are thinking OMG WHAT was she thinking??1!

Yeah. I thought the whole point was to -GET- cammed.

Then again when I used to hit dance clubs back in the day, I'd go to the center of the floor and try to make a scene. I figured, why was there, if not to get attention? Used to drive my friends nuts. ;)

If you're going to show up to a 'beach' in SL on a 'hot avatar' - you are basically putting on a sign that says 'pay attention to me' - so don't object when they do.

Its not like you're walking down the street 'minding your own business'. You're in a meat shop, and people are there to buy, and you've just put on a for sale sign.



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yes me as well. i cam everything, except like as u say if they a couple, and even if they just sitting away by themselfs and not doing anything obvious. i read ppls profiles as well all the time when am sit and ppl watch at busy places. i click sit click on just about everything also. am really nosey me. i just like to learn about stuff really

sometimes ppl get upset when i do like that and i just say sorry i upset u and i not mean to. most ppl ok with that. even if they start out a bit grumpy sometimes. is some not ok and want give me the verbals. but is hardly not many of them. i not get into it with them when they go like that. just say bye and see u later

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lol I ran into this just today.

Someone was looking at a lot on the sim I am on(I only know because this person told me so) and decided to wander, saw me on my plot and apparently decided to cam over. Doesn't bother me in the least. I wouldn't live and work somewhere with public access if I minded being seen, lol.

Person came over to chat too, and I was busy working on something, but engaged in the chat anyway. She liked my skin, and wanted help with her shape, lol. Nice enough gal. I actually run into more men exploring that sim than I do women, when I'm actually on the ground that is, not too many come up to the sky where I usually am. Doesn't bother me in the least to see the crosshairs or even...gasp...them actually coming over to engage me in a conversation. The men are usually far more inquisitive than women are though. Men don't seem nearly as private, if you want to call it that, or shy, about being looked at, in sl.

I will never understand the super private type people who get all up in arms about being inspected, looked at, or even IM'd....who choose to go to places where this can and likely will happen. Stop going there, lol.

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Some people are just looking for an excuse to take umbrage.  Doesn't really have anything to do with you or what you were doing.  It's all about them.  Don't believe me?  Spend a little more time in virtual worlds and virtual world forums.  


(Btw, there is a really cute, classic lolcat pic that I will not post here because I find wrangling the SLF software to be annoying and I take offense at the inconvenience, but you'll know it if you see it.  It's the kitten looking at the monitor and the caption says, "OMG.  I have been offended and on the internets of all places.")



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I used to set my cam towards the entrance of the club where I DJ.  It made it easy for me to comment on patrons coming in.  One day, a female avatar IM'ed me upset that my cam was 'on' her.  It was not on her, rather, she had walked into it's spot.  I told her this but she would not accept it.  I no longer cam the entrance but not because of her sensitivities, but because I do not want to crash while I work.

Once someone yelled at me for looking at someone else.  I thought 'WTF, get a life!'

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OiiiO wrote:

I was checking out the female avatars at the beach the other day. I saw this one female avatar that was smokin hot!  lol So I get an IM from her telling me to stop looking at her. I asked her how she knew I was looking at her and then she went on to tell me about the Show Look At.   I didn't stop looking at her even after she told me to stop. That really got her angry. I was 75 meters away from her to. So she said I was harassing her and that she would file an abuse report on me.  Can she really do that?

here is what you do the next time someone IM's you and says to stop looking at them..

Them: Hey you stop looking at me!!

You: wha?

Them: i see you looking at me from you camera cross hairs!! \o/

You: My camera cross....Ohhhh!! oh there is a big misunderstanding...I am not looking at you..

I am looking at myself..

See i have to back way up..Because i'm so sexy it takes up room!!

it's well known...I'm sexy and i know it!!

(then link this video)

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Yes, you can see who's looking at you (although they may be looking at the display behind you).

Yes, you can Abuse Report anyone for anything.

No, you will not get in trouble for looking at someone, even if they file an Abuse Report.

I can see the scene at the Abuse Report Desk now...

Monitor Linden:  Oh, here's another one.  "He wouldn't stop looking at me".  Yawn.

Curious Linden:  Let's check her Profile...oh, wow!  She's got a hot avatar.  I don't blame the guy for looking.

Snoopy Linden:  Cool, let's pull up her IM logs...hmm.  Oh my.  Wow.  She's pretty good at cybering, too.  You guys gotta read this!

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OiiiO wrote:

I was checking out the female avatars at the beach the other day. I saw this one female avatar that was smokin hot!  lol So I get an IM from her telling me to stop looking at her. I asked her how she knew I was looking at her and then she went on to tell me about the Show Look At.   I didn't stop looking at her even after she told me to stop. That really got her angry. I was 75 meters away from her to. So she said I was harassing her and that she would file an abuse report on me.  Can she really do that?

Was it a nude beach?

It sounds a little odd. Did you IM her to hit on her or she just IMed you out of the blue?

Being upset about someone's look at crosshairs on your avatar is a little bit silly, unless it goes along with unwanted IM.

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  • 4 months later...

Hello all , first time ive posted on this and not sure im in the right category lol, my problem is a RL EX who now plays SL is banning me from Clubs and places on SL , these are places i havent caused trouble at and some places i havent been to before and i go there and find im banned. Can i do anything about this ? Is there anyway to stop him banning me from places when ive caused no trouble? Many thanks in advance for any help

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get intouch with the owner of the clubs or where ever and ask why? then plead your case..

if they are using a global banning system that bans you from a bunch of places because you were banned from one place.. you are probably better off not going  there anyways..they are doing you a favor  if thats the case hehehe


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