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Wasted generally responded to people in the same manner in which they would reply to him. He never seemed to mind me, even when we would have differing opinions. lol but he WAS notorious for starting dozens of threads in the same day with the exact same topic. (Which is where I was drawing my comparison..Or rather, contrast, to the current situation.) It really is unfortunate that we experienced Wasted around the same time period as the mass linden spamming. Someone as epic as Wasted really deserved the spotlight all to themselves.

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Latisha Pexie wrote:

Wasted generally responded to people in the same manner in which they would reply to him. He never seemed to mind me, even when we would have differing opinions. lol but he WAS notorious for starting dozens of threads in the same day with the exact same topic. (Which is where I was drawing my comparison..Or rather, contrast, to the current situation.) It really is unfortunate that we experienced Wasted around the same time period as the mass linden spamming. Someone as epic as Wasted really deserved the spotlight all to themselves.

His heart was in the right place......and at times he could communicate quite normal, like when discussing which Guitar he should buy. He also had some sort of RL ailment or sickness.....which isn't great when in the prime of his life age wise.

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Rene Erlanger wrote:

love the background music to Wasted's Video. :matte-motes-wink-tongue:

i still love the dragon one best lol

he really did try so hard lol..i think i  love just watchign everyone  and how they react to him lol

you have to watch his videos in full screen because the chat is so good hehehehe

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Rene Erlanger wrote:

...No,  Wasted Engineer wasn't a griefer!....


Implying that all the alts he created to continue his campaign were griefers?  He was a pest, unwilling to engage in any sort of debate or tolerate any disagreement.  Hell he even argued with people trying to help him find the right avenues of communication.

Nah, I don't miss any of the spammy trolls.

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PeterCanessa Oh wrote

He was a pest, unwilling to engage in any sort of debate or tolerate any disagreement.  Hell he even argued with people trying to help him find the right avenues of communication.

No, not at first. When Wasted first appeared I was able to have several exchanges with him when he kept his cool and reason. Our opinions differed greatly but he never lost control like he did later on. People on the forums found his ideas so preposterous that they started throwing insults and he responded in kind. After awhile people would AR a thread without even reading what it was about just because he was the author. In fact, for awhile it seemed that every thread he even posted in would disappear, regardless of content. Some of his ideas were out there, I'll never deny that.. But make no mistake.. What he became was the creation of those around him. He was attacked and ridiculed from every side. The more he was attacked the more defensive he became and the more outlandish his tactics. If people would have ignored rather than ridiculed he never would have become the forum legend he is now.

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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

Rene Erlanger wrote:

...No,  Wasted Engineer wasn't a griefer!....


Implying that all the alts he created to continue his campaign were griefers?  He was a pest, unwilling to engage in any sort of debate or tolerate any disagreement.  Hell he even argued with people trying to help him find the right avenues of communication.

Nah, I don't miss any of the spammy trolls.

...well it comes down to one's own tolerance levels.....some here are very intolerant    you only have to sneeze the wrong way and you're in the dog house....whilst for others it's water off a duck's back!

In the grand scheme of things, arguing on Internet forums over non-events....is wasted energy imo!

 I liked Wasted Engineer for all his craziness...because his threads broke up the tedium of the Forum at times ,when there were a lack of interesting topics around. He offered something different (even if it were wacky.....but he was sincere in his beliefs)


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Rene Erlanger wrote:

lol Ceka...that is a legendary Video.....it cracked me up, when i first viewed it.


omg him just never stopping his mission..even under an attack from a fire breathing dragon LOL

he was so priceless lol

he is on a mission that's for sure hehehehe

a mission from god..if he comes back ..i am buying him a blues brother outfit..the best money can buy..that is a promise =)

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Latisha Pexie wrote:

Wasted generally responded to people in the same manner in which they would reply to him. He never seemed to mind me, even when we would have differing opinions. lol but he WAS notorious for starting dozens of threads in the same day with the exact same topic. (Which is where I was drawing my comparison..Or rather, contrast, to the current situation.) It really is unfortunate that we experienced Wasted around the same time period as the mass linden spamming. Someone as epic as Wasted really deserved the spotlight all to themselves.


No, not at first. When Wasted first appeared I was able to have several exchanges with him when he kept his cool and reason. Our opinions differed greatly but he never lost control like he did later on. People on the forums found his ideas so preposterous that they started throwing insults and he responded in kind. After awhile people would AR a thread without even reading what it was about just because he was the author. In fact, for awhile it seemed that every thread he even posted in would disappear, regardless of content. Some of his ideas were out there, I'll never deny that.. But make no mistake.. What he became was the creation of those around him. He was attacked and ridiculed from every side. The more he was attacked the more defensive he became and the more outlandish his tactics. If people would have ignored rather than ridiculed he never would have become the forum legend he is now.

Rene Erlanger wrote:

lol same here....i often defended him, even though his behaviour was bizarre at times. I guess I tend to side with the underdog or someone that is rounded on by the masses.(gang-banging!)

No,  Wasted Engineer wasn't a griefer! The complaints he wrote, he believed in passionately.....it's just that he went about his protesting in the wrong way.

Some of his protests and ramblings were actually proven to be correct and ones that i supported him in..e.g the call for Jack Linden to resign.....who in the end, was booted out by LL and rightly so.


...well it comes down to one's own tolerance levels.....some here are very intolerant    you only have to sneeze the wrong way and you're in the dog house....whilst for others it's water off a duck's back!

In the grand scheme of things, arguing on Internet forums over non-events....is wasted energy imo!

 I liked Wasted Engineer for all his craziness...because his threads broke up the tedium of the Forum at times ,when there were a lack of interesting topics around. He offered something different (even if it were wacky.....but he was sincere in his beliefs)


Perrie Juran wrote:

Sometimes I really do miss Wasted. 

As crazy as he was it made for some great threads/discussions and I did admire his tenacity.  I never looked at him as just being a 'griefer.'   I think he honestly believed what he posted about.



And all THESE are why we should think twice before we decide to AR someone for their ideas or opinions.  Forums need these kinds of people to thrive.  Forums need these kind of people to show a cross section of humanity.  We are all different and human - we all communicate if different ways.  I am NOT saying we should put up with abuse, just that we should be a little more tolerant at times.  We should allow people to have ideas and views that are different and allow for the many different communication styles that are present.


What was this thread about?  Oh yeah - LL has some things to fix - they know it.  I am able to use SL on a computer that is a few years old.  I just mess around with my prefernces a bit to get an acceptable experience.  I crash about every 5 times I go in - usually my fault, but sometimes I don't know why.  Lag is bad sometimes and other times I get around just fine.  I don't use voice, so I can't speak to that issue, but you do not need any money to enjoy yourself.  Almost everyone I have met in-world has been very nice - Maybe it is the places you hang out.  There is no way The Lab is going to please EVERYBODY.  You sound very unhappy with your experience, Trasweneni.  I hope it gets better for you.

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Cinnamon Mistwood wrote:

Latisha Pexie wrote:

Wasted generally responded to people in the same manner in which they would reply to him. He never seemed to mind me, even when we would have differing opinions. lol but he WAS notorious for starting dozens of threads in the same day with the exact same topic. (Which is where I was drawing my comparison..Or rather, contrast, to the current situation.) It really is unfortunate that we experienced Wasted around the same time period as the mass linden spamming. Someone as epic as Wasted really deserved the spotlight all to themselves.


No, not at first. When Wasted first appeared I was able to have several exchanges with him when he kept his cool and reason. Our opinions differed greatly but he never lost control like he did later on. People on the forums found his ideas so preposterous that they started throwing insults and he responded in kind. After awhile people would AR a thread without even reading what it was about just because he was the author. In fact, for awhile it seemed that every thread he even posted in would disappear, regardless of content. Some of his ideas were out there, I'll never deny that.. But make no mistake.. What he became was the creation of those around him. He was attacked and ridiculed from every side. The more he was attacked the more defensive he became and the more outlandish his tactics. If people would have ignored rather than ridiculed he never would have become the forum legend he is now.

Rene Erlanger wrote:

lol same here....i often defended him, even though his behaviour was bizarre at times. I guess I tend to side with the underdog or someone that is rounded on by the masses.(gang-banging!)

No,  Wasted Engineer wasn't a griefer! The complaints he wrote, he believed in passionately.....it's just that he went about his protesting in the wrong way.

Some of his protests and ramblings were actually proven to be correct and ones that i supported him in..e.g the call for Jack Linden to resign.....who in the end, was booted out by LL and rightly so.


...well it comes down to one's own tolerance levels.....some here are very intolerant    you only have to sneeze the wrong way and you're in the dog house....whilst for others it's water off a duck's back!

In the grand scheme of things, arguing on Internet forums over non-events....is wasted energy imo!

 I liked Wasted Engineer for all his craziness...because his threads broke up the tedium of the Forum at times ,when there were a lack of interesting topics around. He offered something different (even if it were wacky.....but he was sincere in his beliefs)


Perrie Juran wrote:

Sometimes I really do miss Wasted. 

As crazy as he was it made for some great threads/discussions and I did admire his tenacity.  I never looked at him as just being a 'griefer.'   I think he honestly believed what he posted about.



And all THESE are why we should think twice before we decide to AR someone for their ideas or opinions.  Forums need these kinds of people to thrive.  Forums need these kind of people to show a cross section of humanity.  We are all different and human - we all communicate if different ways.  I am NOT saying we should put up with abuse, just that we should be a little more tolerant at times.  We should allow people to have ideas and views that are different and allow for the many different communication styles that are present.


What was this thread about?  Oh yeah - LL has some things to fix - they know it.  I am able to use SL on a computer that is a few years old.  I just mess around with my prefernces a bit to get an acceptable experience.  I crash about every 5 times I go in - usually my fault, but sometimes I don't know why.  Lag is bad sometimes and other times I get around just fine.  I don't use voice, so I can't speak to that issue, but you do not need any money to enjoy yourself.  Almost everyone I have met in-world has been very nice - Maybe it is the places you hang out.  There is no way The Lab is going to please EVERYBODY.  You sound very unhappy with your experience, Trasweneni.  I hope it gets better for you.

I don't think it's Transweneni's feelings, unless they scoured the forums for a post that said exactly what they were thinking


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And @ other Wasted fans - the trouble was his message was always the same and always spammed as widely as he could.  I supported him at first, but it became old very quickly.  Contrast to Prok, another forum legend.  I'm a great fan of hers, been a tenant of hers a few times, and respect her posts as being varied and reasoned.  :-) Quite often tl;dr but at least they have a point.

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The repeated threads issue was my reason for bringing up Wasted in the first place. However, like I said before, "Not at first." In the beginning Wasted had only a few threads about his pet issues. His views were unorthodox and he felt very passionate about them. Because of the unorthodox nature and even more because of his intense passion for the issue, he became subject to some pretty intense ridicule. People were filing ARs against him, not because he had actually violated the forum community guidelines, but because of his ideas. After awhile, people would simply AR him because he wrote something. This is not speculation. People openly admitted this. There were even entire threads devoted to discussing this.  As soon as he tried to say something, anything, he was AR'd. It was only later, when he was desperately trying to get his views heard, that he began spamming with multiple threads all on the same topic. So, again, what Wasted became was not what he started out as. He started out as an eccentric poster, yes. But what he became was a creation of the forum.

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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

And @ other Wasted fans - the trouble was his message was always the same and always spammed as widely as he could.  I supported him at first, but it became old very quickly.  Contrast to Prok, another forum legend.  I'm a great fan of hers, been a tenant of hers a few times, and respect her posts as being varied and reasoned.  :-) Quite often tl;dr but at least they have a point.

I enjoy reading many of Proks posts too...but not all!  Love her or hate her...she does have a lot to say and many times she's has had very valid views which one could identify with. Thats' the beauty of the Internet ...it allows for diversity from one scale to another (Wasted Engineer to Prokofy Neva with everyhting else in between!)  :matte-motes-wink-tongue:


PS Good post Latisha...that's the way i see it

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"Rezz time takes longer" + "The loading of ppl takes longer". 

I personally can't second this, but i always turn off HTTP textures. If i turn it on, indeed my rezz times takes about double the time. HTTP doesn't work for everybody i've learned.

"Log-in times takes longer".

Sofar i haven't noticed a difference since 5 years.

"Need a super computer..."

Oh i most certainly agree on that one. At the moment i feel like i am back in 2006. SL isn't very brilliantly programmed is the main reason from my point of view. And since V2.8 performance went down hill for too many. Specially FPS is cut by half or even worse. Of course not all experience this, but what i generally do see is that SL performs worse little by little with exactly the same settings while the graphical output remains equal. But this is a trend i have been seeing since 2006 btw. I think it also has to do with the fact that SL is too small and technically too isolated for Nvidia, AMD and Intel to actually optimize their cards and drivers for SL. Also the Nvidia updates have become quite buggy.


I don't think it is a matter of hate or like. It is a matter of being a specialist or hobbiest in 3D creation or not. For those who do not use it, mesh seems irrelevant while it has worsened performance server side in general since development of mesh.

"Prices too high"

Agreed, but there are also many freebies to be found in SL. Land in SL doesn't have to cost more than L$1 per sq.m nowadays + premium memberhip + monthly tier. For US$ 25 plus premium membership you can own 4096 + 512 sq.m. on mainland Not too bad for a 3D space and very doable to my opinion.


For me voice remains a weird experience while interacting with pixels visually. I've used it because it is easy during building with somebody, but i agree the quality of it is very very very brittle. 

"People are getting more and more un-friendly"

Oh i can promise you it is way better than 2007. But it also depends on where you go. And somebodies profile does say so much about a person. If it is unfriendly, trashy, empty, sarcastic, sexistic, etc, you know what you got about that person. But i agree that behaving trashy in SL is the trend. Personally i think it is more of an American and English trend, but that is the RL trends in those countries anyway. There have been case studies why that is happening in the Anglo-Saxon world in the last decennia. It seems it has something do to with super freedom translated by people into "i can do and say what i want, who cares", bad examples from parents, high divorce rates, bad examples from politicians, bad examples from the media. RL does find its way into SL i suppose and SL lets it be possible to strengthen super individuality because of even more personal freedom and "escaping" RL. 

Personally i can't be like that. I am who i am. A decent classic well developed person. For me SL is not an escape, but a contiueoum. But i seem to be unique in this matter since most in SL come for escaping and sex games.

It is all a matter of going to nice places like park sims, museums, galleries, building platforms, etc. Clubs, nude beaches for example are a garantee to meet the weirdos and the unfriendly.


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