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Ok I GENUINELY do not understand this section. What is the intended purpose? Most obvious answer to me is to try and reconnect with someone you used to know... But why wouldn't someone just IM them? If it's someone you can't remember their name... Really what are the odds they happen to read the forum... Or happen to look at this section of the forum when you happen to post... Or that they remember you for that matter. Are the posts done here sincere or done in jest?


I really really don't get it.

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I gather the intent was for avatars to come here and say that hey I saw you at the grocery store but was too shy to say hello, you: description, me : description. It's more a RL thing and all the ones done so far have been in jest. I agree, I don't think many will come here looking for missed connections and even if, we are all so similar, kinda, that it would be hard to give accurate description.

Me: blonde, female, was at a shopping sim

You: tall, dark, shirtless

I saw you while I was trying on a pair of earrings but you tped away before I could say hello

I suppose in theory given enough time this section could work, but for now it's just another section to mock.

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Entertainment value?

A build up to some sort of Valentines Day feature?

Because someone had extra time on their hands?

It is someone's personal pet project?

The all-seeing eye predicted this would be the next big thing?

The Lab gave some employee's 16 year old daughter a project for school?


When someone can read the mind of The Lab, we will have our answer.  Your guess is as good as mine...





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If a person does not have a Viewer installed, they could communicate here.

If a contact email was changed or forgotten.

To provide an atmosphere and Second opportunity for people to freely express feelings which they may have withheld in the past, because of  fear of ridicule and criticism.

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Kobuk Farshore wrote:

I always felt Missed Connections had two purposes: a) One person genuinely trying to find another, or b) Singing unrequited love to the Universe; knowing it will never be a duet but sort of enjoying the song being heard nonetheless.

I like that. Option b is very pretty. Nice.

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I suspect that a large percentage of the individuals who exercise option (b) may tend to be... Non-male.

I wrote a poem several years ago titled "She's Running". The poem is similar to option (b).

I believe that I have a copy of it under my desk Inworld. If it looks like I'm hiding under my desk; it's not because of comments here, I'm looking for that poem. :matte-motes-big-grin:

I can send you a copy Inworld, if you would like to read it.

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I'd love to read it, Knowl. I won't drag you out to an open-mic or anything; you can drop it a NC to me quietly from beneath your desk if you'd like to stay hidde-- I mean, if you're still tidying under there. :}

Hrm, I don't think I've ever written a poem for anyone in SL. Sometimes they're gone too suddenly for me to realize what sort of words I wanted to say, and ghosts don't really photograph well. :\

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  • 4 weeks later...

Luschious Nightfire wrote:

what perplexes me is that we are not allowed to name names in this forum, so what is the point?  I mean really?  they should rename this from missed connections to cryptic clues or soemthing similar... its just dumb, dumber than the vampire forum, and I thought that was a new low

Well, that is an easy one.

You could be all like "There was this one person, they used to work at the club with all the vampires. Yeah, the one called like Fangtacular Blood Bath Heaven and....well, they where at the valentines bash and had this HUGE hippo with them. Yeah, whatever thier name is...contact me! I lost your card when I was all depresed, we will surely have those pineapple upsidedown blackcakes with FRESH pigs blood girlfriend!!! Hahahahaahh *instert vampiric smily here*"

Stuff like that....wow, that wasn't as funny as I thought it would be...sad stuff.

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