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False Start! How do I transfer things from old account to new one?

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I am new here, so please forgive any faux pas. I have been an active Sims player for over 7 years, but now I intend on being here from now on. Having that experience, I am adapting quickly to this venue. I feel like I found a new home here, and really like it. I joined SL last Christmas Eve with a basic account. I was in a rush, due to my excitement, and did not have a well thought out plan. Like a kid with a new toy, I bought some nice things, and accumulated several thousand Lindens. I also came to realize that I could not change my username. I decided since I only had a week invested in my basic account, that I would begin again with a new account. One that I am now quite satisfied with, and intend to use for the rest of my time here. I bought a full year's subscription, and purchased my maximum of $30.00 USD. I would like to find out how I can transfer what is possible from my first basic account. I already have learned about purchased items that are not transferable, and accept it as collatoral damage, it's the price of learning something new. I would like to transfer all of the money from my basic account to my premium account. I would also like to transfer any objects that I can. I have tried to friend myself, and have not received any notifications to accept them. I have also tried to pay my premium avatar from my basic one, in small amounts. This also has had no effect. I intend to close down my false start basic account as soon as I have gleaned what I can from it. So my question, is there any kind soul out there that can show me how to do this? Thanks!

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Hi there and welcome to SL.....all you need to do is search your "false starts" name and open its profile, you can then drag and dropitems into chat or the box maark drop items in here (depending on what viewer you are using. you can also use the profile to transfer Lindens by clicking the "pay" button in the profile, and just enter the amount of what you have in the bank. only items that are FULLY transferable will go over, everything elseyou will lose when you close down the account.

hope this helps and good luck with SL...:)

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You may be caught up in a current bug, in which offline IM's, notifications, deliveries, etc. are not recieved. On your premium account, mute someone that you don't particularly care about - some random person you don't feel you'll need to talk to, or someone you dislike, etc. That should trigger those notifications. (You can do the same for your basic account, if you want, though it might not be important.) To mute, go to the person's profile and choose "mute" (or "block," depending on the viewer).

To transfer your items and $L, log in as your basic account and open your Premium account's profile. For the $L, choose "Pay" and enter the amount. For the objects, select them in your inventory and drag them over to the profile of your Premium account. (To select multiple items at one time, press and hold the shift button while click the items. Or possibly the control button; I can't remember...) 

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You can log into both accounts at the same time if you go into "Preferences" - "Advanced" and put a check mark in "Allow Multiple Viewers." Log into one account (doesn't matter which one), and then launch SL again and log into the other account. Then you can transfer money and objects in real time rather than logging in and out - just change the active window from one to the other. If you don't get too ambitous you should be able to run like this for some time.

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Since you now have one Premium account & one Basic account, be sure to friend your 2 avatars to each other & give them the right to edit each other's items. Then if your premium account is ever suspended (such as for not having paid tier or any other glitch), you can go in as your alt & take care of rental payments & such for your main account. Having an alt account is also good if you decide to build something as your main & want to see how it will work for someone else. So you don't forget your password for an alt you may not use much, keep the same password for both accounts.

It's easy to give money to another resident (including your alts). All you have to do is call up their profile or click on them in your Contacts list & Pay them the money. If you want to give them items (including Landmarks or Notecards), just drag those items from your Inventory to their profile, a private Chat window with them, or onto their avatar in world. Many items are not transferable, but if you have land where both your avatars can rez things, you can share items like buildings, furniture, plants & some animals. If your avatars can Edit each other's items, you can move or modify those items no matter which avatar you're using at the time.

$ 30 US should last a long time in SL if you have the time & desire to shop carefully. There are many good free & inexpensive items available in world & on the Marketplace. If anything, one of the biggest problems for long-time users is that there is too much good stuff available. Learn to organize your Inventory so you can find what you want quickly. Also delete duplicate items & things you know you won't use. Explore, take some beginning building classes, & join groups for activities that sound interesting. If you get bored, try the Linden Realms or go on a Hunt. There are always several hunts going on, with merchants hiding nice freebies inside of various small items.

I'm going to assume that you're starting out with a Linden Home. That's a good starter home, but it's also fun to try living in different environments. Just don't spend more than a month in advance on rented or leased property & don't buy land until you've been in SL for a while & know what you're doing. Land is easy to buy, but generally much harder to sell.


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Thank you for the advice also Persephone! I have this thread bookmarked.




I will have one premium account, and most likely two basics when I am through, but my plan is to take it slow and easy. I know about Alts, but I have decided to have 3 accounts. One for each member of my "Timedancer" family. Your advice will be most useful when I do this in the future.




I do go to freebie places, but I was shocked at the things that go on there. There are people there trying to pick up & recruit females that are new. It's like the equivalent of seedy characters hanging around a big city bus station; waiting to take advantage of girls just arriving. I have too much milage on me to fall for it, but I feel sorry for those less aware of the world.




I am also joining 1920's Chicago, and will be renting a house there, until I can buy my own land. I am an accomplished builder in the Sims venue, I am sure that I will be able to build my own home.




I really do not like the public sandboxes, because there is always some guy blowing me up, running me over, shooting me, or disrupting my attempts to work on my wardrobe and clothing inventory. I want to have my own private place to live in this wonderful virtual world.




I do go to Linden Realms, but there are many cheaters there. They try to intimidate the other runners by using some very imposing and obnoxious methods. I am sure it is just a few guys, operating under many names. I wouldn't be doing it if I could buy enough Lindens outright to establish myself. I am an adfult, and kid's games is not why I came here. As time passes, I will get settled in, without the need to raise money in any demeaning way. And those cheaters will most likely still be in Linden Realms collecting crystals..


Anyway, thanks so much to all of you for your wonderful help. I greatly appreciate it!





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MystoryTimedancer wrote:

I am also joining 1920's Chicago, and will be renting a house there, until I can buy my own land. I am an accomplished builder in the Sims venue, I am sure that I will be able to build my own home.

It isn't the task of building but knowing the ins and outs of SL land rental and purchasing. It can be confusing and you need to be careful. Ceavat Emptor should be your motto.

MystoryTimedancer wrote:

I really do not like the public sandboxes, because there is always some guy blowing me up, running me over, shooting me, or disrupting my attempts to work on my wardrobe and clothing inventory. I want to have my own private place to live in this wonderful virtual world.

Try going to the premium sandboxes that are available (at least with your premium account).

It's worth becoming Adult verified even if you don't plan on going to Adult venues. I've found Adult sandboxes to be relatively greifer free. (One incident in close to a year using a pretty popular one.)

Sandboxes can be useful when your home sim is either down or having performance issues. They aren't all like the wild west.


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My blog article might be of some help rounding out the edges for you;

Getting Started in Second Life

Though it sounds like you're already beyond a lot of the early points folks have.

 Creepy guys are a fact of life in SL. :) Wait till you find Zindra... ;)


For sandboxes:

If you've gone premium, ski the linden home and buy some mainland in a nice location. Spend some days searching and comparing spots before buying. Location can really count.

- Look for things like lag, protected land nearby (roads and water, or linden parks), age of nearby residents (too old can mean lots own by people no longer active, which sometimes become squatter joints, too young can mean 'puts up ugly build' - but neither of those is a rule), quality of nearby resident builds, etc...

Make a prim the size of your land, fit it inside your land exactly, by the numbers (turn on view property lines, and edit the numbers so they are whole numbers divisible by 4).

- Sit on that prim, edit it again, change the 'Z' or altitude to somewhere between 1000 and 4050. That's a new sandbox in the sky. To find the ideal altitude, up your camera range settings to 250, and look for a spot where you can't see anyone else no matter which direction you look - up, down, all around.

Once you've got the right spot, landmark it so you can get back easily...


Build a house either at ground or up there in the sky somewhere... :)


With a normal premium account, you can buy up to 560m of land, if you buy it for a group owned by yourself and one basic account alt. Or 512 if you buy it for yourself but not your group. 512 translates to, normally, a 16m x 32m lot.

Many prefab houses are built to fit those dimensions. But if you get one, make sure it only uses at most 1/3 of your prims. For a 512, which gets 117 prims; that's 39 prims.


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I disagree about living in a skybox, but that's a matter of personal taste. I prefer to know a little bit about my neighbors & be able to explore my neighborhood (not going inside their houses of course). 

My RL roommate & I share a quarter region overlooking the sea. We've tried to keep our buildings more or less in keeping with homes along the Northern California coast. The shopping mall with redwood siding & wooden sidewalks, most of the other homes, & 2 museums next to us fit that environment as well. I like my SL home to remind me of this region I don't get to visit as often as I'd like in RL. There is also a large castle, an underwater mermaid area, & a haunted hotel on an isolated beach. Of course, we can also sail along the coastline. (Darn. I keep forgetting to pick up my free sailboat.)

Briar Rose coast 2.jpg


Tasha, Roula & the ducks_001.png 

I'm lucky that I have enough land that I can have a home on the ground & a private sky garden above the clouds.

The first year I was in SL, though, I rented in different areas. My favorite was a sim that looked a bit like New Orleans & had a small public bar with a brothel above it. When LL tightened up on enforcing the General, Mature & Adult region rules, the quaint little brothel was replaced with a furniture shop.


My point is that SL is so wonderful because of all the creative vision people bring to it, so you should try to experience as much of that as possible. You can live one month in 1920s Chicago, then live the next in ancient Rome or on a futuristic space station. When you rent, you're free to move whenever you feel like it. But once you buy land, you have to worry about paying tier every month & probably losing your initial sale price when you want to resell. On the other hand, if you try to live on just 512 m, you'll have to live frugally in a relatively small space. As much as the Linden Home neighborhoods are like poorly planned public housing, at least you'll have more prims to use for furnishings than you would in your own home on a 512 m lot.


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Avoid the 'freebie malls' like the plague. Instead I would look up FabulouslyFree in SL. They have a group - it's very chatty and has lots of rules, but often the other members will post tips on a good freebie. Tip: Turn off group notices in all groups, and check the group notice history instead. Then you don't get tons of clutter. You can pick what you want instead.

Some basic freebie places are: In Her Shoes at Vignette (shoes and hair), FabFree main store (a bit of everything from lots of SL shop owners - things they made, not old junk), Exile (look for the freebie wall - 6 female and 3 male hairs in all colors), Heaven's Gate Neo (lots of lucky boards, and group gifts - mostly skins, some eyes, some clothes, and an AO, last I looked), also Tuty's for a good male or female free AO. Vista also has a good basic 1 Linden male or female AO. 

There are good freebie blogs and hunt blogs. Those keep updated lists of the best freebies. Avoid those freebie malls where some hang around just to taunt newbies. Bus station is a good analogy.

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