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Marketplace shouldn´t allow freebies or dollarbies anymore

Marina Ramer

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Setekh Ichtama wrote:

There aren't any good stats now however, if you're making $1000-$2000 USD a month, you're probably in the top 300-400 somewhere.

Almost.  The stats used to show that out of the 60,000 or so that had a
positive L$ flow per month
the following applied:-

< $10 by 50%

< $100 by 89%

Top 1% occupied by around 600 people earning over $2000

Top 0.3% occupied by around 300 people earning over $5000

It was flawed data provided by Linden Lab, hence why it was scrapped.The nearest measure of a Business's net profit, are the amounts you cash out of SL.

PLFM was misleading data as it did not account for any USD transactions (i.e LL Tiers).....invariably most of the 0.3%  number above were owners of medium to large Estates who recieve tiers/ rent in Linden dollars....whilst ignoring the fact that they paid LL for monthly Sim tiers in USD dollars.

You could have an non-profitable Estate with low occupancy rates listed in the top 0.3% e.g recieving 10k USD paid in Linden dollars from their Tenants....whilst owing the Lab $11K USD in Sim tiers paid in USD. So in actual fact that particular example shows an Estate losing money and not being profitable.

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Mickey Vandeverre wrote:. 

It takes too much time?  an Hour a day.  If you're not willing to put an hour a day into your investment, then you've got no reason to get into a tizzy.

Same goes for you Rene.

Well that depends Mickey....I've never really placed that much importance on SLEX or XStreet or Marketplace for generating income.....it's always been about my in-world stores & SIM holdings. I guess I could upload more items onto Marketplace ...to date we have none of our Furniture listed there for example. We could add to 1.7 million products already listed!! Lmao

I've managed to retain all my in-world shops, all my land holdings and Sims.....that's an achievement in itself! :) I haven't even parted with 16 sqm of land!!.......meanwhile I've noticed from the World map you have downsized your land. So it appears for all your above marketing strategies and presumably increased Marketplace sales.....it was not enough to subsidize your former land holdings!!

My main ALT Avatar has Twitter, Flickr and Facebook accounts.....i've not used them for SL marketing purposes as I don't consider I'm selling any unique items at the moment to warrant the additional effort. That could all change once my partner launches that new breedable product....it will require heavy promotion, so that's when I'll create a new series of Facebook/Twitter accounts for this Avatar to use. For sure we'll also have some of the accessory items or the product itself listed on Marketplace as it will be unique with no direct competing products ...and should do rather well once the word has gotten out.


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Nefertiti Nefarious wrote:

...This is a GAME. Don't get mad at people who treat it like one.

And what I shake my head at is people that call the SL Virtual World simulations a GAME.

Please explain clearly what makes you think SL is a game?  Are there points to be won to participate in SL?  Are there time limits to a session of SL?  Is there a clear level of accomplishment to attain in SL?


Funny... you and others call SL a game.  I would think a lot of serious businesses that have put a ton of corporate investment in SL would not agree that they invested development in a GAME.  That they hold RL business meetings and training in a GAME.  I think there would be dozens of Universities that would disagree with you that they invested in a GAME which they use for serious education and skills development.  I would think the US Government would disagree with you that their investment in US War Veteran Affairs having sims to assist injured war vets to recovery would not consider this a GAME...

How many more examples do you want from me to prove how shallow your comments and beliefs are on SL being a GAME.

Your opinions are as shallow and narrow minded as your misunderstanding on how the Alicia's of the world are seriously impacting SL's economy... simply for the fun of it.  Not because she wants to be helpful.  Just because she can screw someone.  And you think that all fine.

Its people like you and Alicia and others of similar mindsets that are doing the most to make this SL "GAME" not be around for much longer.

Enjoy your GAME as long as it lasts.

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wow - can't believe you're not using marketplace!  interesting

that's a shame, not to use that.

Yes, I downsized big time.  Not really going into strategy on that, because I've not unveiled the plan yet :)

So far, testing, seems like great decision.

Those marketing tools that I suggested are not add-ons - they are the end-all-be-all for the moment,  sorry you're so late getting started on that, might change this year - looks like a really cool new game in town will take the place of some

Anyway - I see you're back - spreading good cheer :)

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There are Games within Second Life, put the platform itself is not a game.....a lot of its activities like living together as a SL family, participating on roleplay sims, creating content, running a dance club, running a shopping Mall ....none of these activities are games!

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We're pretty small in the breedables market, not a big player and not after competing with the largest. The core concept of breedables is good, but suspecting like LL it's a bubble that will scale, but like I say its market isn't sustainable without chasing down add-ons and nickle and diming our customers for extra fees.

So we're undergoing an overhaul to get out of the strictly "breed and feed" mold and that's months behind, including our website.

Wholeheartedly agree with you that solid marketing is key, but we simply haven't needed it. We worked by word of mouth in-world, and focused on building as stable and bug free product that we could manage. Working on getting the next-gen out to public beta and then maybe we'll get a plan of attack for proper marketing.

Interviews? Eh, will leave that to the big boys. Willing to share information, but an interview would feel more like an ego trip to me than a marketing tool.

I'm not associated with Wyrmwood here or in my profile front and center because of a few reasons. I don't put it in my signature here because I'm talking, not advertising and I don't want anything I say to come across as an advertisement.

I don't really deal with the public at all, our staff does that, although I do listen to everything, read every support ticket, etc.. Breedables generally take a team effort. I'm just the /owner/mechanic and I'd never get anything done if not for being able to focus on only code, the server, strategy, etc.

Thankfully we've found some awesome people for staff and recently took on a couple of them as partners.

Items I have on the Marketplace directly as Dart are for testing. I keep up on Marketplace issues via our customers who sell on it. I hear of most problems that they have with sales, business and other conditions. Most of my views and opinions are based on the needs of our customers and general populace rather than myself.

One thing I've never done though is hide. This is my main avatar and Wyrmwood is for business, ownership of prims, etc. and does also does not go out in public.

Assure you the only agenda is that when everyone else is successful, we are too. The more people in SL that can be successful, the more we can be. Perhaps that doesn't make me a prince, but it does put me in your corner, rather than advocating for the company that keeps letting me down.

Some of my staff right now as we speak have not been able to get into our support group chat for an hour and a half. These things are everyones problem.

Recurring billing yesterday for an annual premium account. Haven't checked to see that it's under the correct payment info that it was last year. If not, perhaps I can chalk it up to a bug and they'll understand and not destroy my account because of a late payment. Suspecting the LL payment system is far more stable than the handling of Marketplace funds though. You don't need accountability when they're tokens.

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Luna Bliss wrote:

Having some freebies seems ok  - I'm bothered by a freebie mentality when people expect everything for free however.

The world you choose to be a merchant in exists for more then 50% out of residents who don't participate in the economy. People who don't want to spend money in SL (or maybe even more general on the internet) are not going to spend money. Maybe a little percentage will surrender after a period, temped by all attractive merchandise they meet on their road, but the majority of them is simply not going to spend money. They are not your potential customers.


As long as you can join for free, this group will exist. Of course as merchants we like to see more people buying our stuff. But you won't get them from this group,anyway. They are having fun in this world without money involved. More or less at the costs of people who do participate in the economy and finance the world for others to enjoy.

But as long as they are not around to harras or copybot or such, I don't think they do any harm to the SL economy. They might even help, they might be someones best friend, someone who does spend money in SL and has as main reason to stay in SL her best friend. They might be a valued member of a community, a community that garantees some merchants shop traffic. They might the programmers that help a friend to script his merchandise for free. And they might be the hunters that come to your shop grab all that is for free, without never ever buying anything. But anyhow their presence in SL contributes to the culture of free choice and diversity.  I don't want to loose them, despite they will never be my customer. They simply contribute to the world by being there, it would be half as empty without them. 

Luna Bliss wrote:

In a speech not that long ago Philip said eventually all content will be free, and that only those providing a service will make money in virtual worlds.  Are the game gods working to bring this about, or is he psychic?


Do you mean that Time roundtable conferance? Yes, he said something like: in the end all that is copyable will become free. But as far as I understood this was not specific related to virtual worlds, but in general on the internet. Experience is what will makes people pull the wallet in the future, and not stuff.

But that is not so new. That is what is happening in the music industry right now. Most artists don't live from their records anymore, but from their concerts. Spreading free music on the internet generates audience for the experience, the concert.

But besides by that time Philip had left the lab already for Coffee and Power. What he sells nowadays: services. He doesn't want to build this future on a world that exists of virtual goods that people make for each other. Maybe copybot made him aware of the weak link in his SL system where virtual content drives the economy. A job that someone is doing for another cannot be stolen. Maybe this is what makes it more attractive for him, to design a profit model based on peoples labour, then on the copyable results of peoples labour.

Anyway, this great visionair has told us more things: we stood at the beginning of a phenomene that was going to be the next revolution after internet. As much as internet changed the world Second Life was about to become.... *sigh*, at least the man made us dream for a while. He must be a wizzard.

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Well, i do list on Marketplace as well as it's predeccesors.....but the type of products i sell in-world, even the ones not listed on MP..... are not going to generate huge sales for me. It's like I'm one of 300 skin sellers in Marketplace or the 250th Shapes seller, the 401st Furniture seller or 103rd Poses seller.... yadda yadda yadda......just too much noise all in 1 very big shop!

The only plus side i'd likely look into....is to use it as an additional advertising tool to drive more traffic to my in-world stores......but then i'd have to figure out what makes the MP Lucene Search Engine tick.

If i sold niche products or something unique....for sure i'd promote it effectively on Marketplace with feature listings and use social media networks. I do use Facebook & Twitter a lot.....but it's been mainly for tittle tattle or following some important world events (e.g Arab Spring uprisings) and getting important links to world media....that sort of thing. I'm an advanced user on that score.

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Dartagan Shepherd wrote:

Assure you the only agenda is that when
everyone else is successful, we are too. The more people in SL that can be successful, the more we can be
. Perhaps that doesn't make me a prince, but it does put me in your corner, rather than advocating for the company that keeps letting me down.

The bolded text is very true for most SL businesses...especially breedables and gaming.

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Mickey Vandeverre wrote:

I guess I don't understand at all, then.  You sound really cranky lately, as though you've hit a roadblock, yet don't consider marketing necessary.  I just don't get that at all.

This is indeed one of the strangest things I experienced in SL, and I would not have believed it when I did not have experienced it myself, but some products or brands just start selling, without any help from marketing. It happened to my first brand in SL, and it was more luck them wisdom that it happened. But as soon as I had build a shop and put out the merchandise the stuff started selling. Things like appearing at 2 on keyword search helped a lot, but I had done no effort at all to finetune my parcel for search, because I simply had no clue about that in those days.

Right from the beginning we were there we started to sell around 300 items per month. And this stayed so for two years. Later I did start to promote this brand, but despite all attempts and advertising, the sales did simply not grow above this 300. And then again when we stopped all promotion campagns and advertisements again, the sales were neither going under this 300 a month.

So for this particulair brand my conclusion was plain and simple: marketingsmethodes seems to have the same influence as just letting it be and attrack it's own 'natural' shoppingaudience.

The brand is still exists nowadays. I didn't do any marketing for it for four years now. I just let it be. And the most strange thing is: it is still profitable. I sell a lot less ofcourse. It is around 50 per month now, and much less stable sales. Might happen that one month I sell 100 items from the shop and next month just 20.

But I'm aware that it is not so easy for each and everyone. I had a ladies fashion brand as well... so believe me, I did my duties on marketing an promotion. It takes so much time away from the actual love that drives you: creating. That's one of the reasons I gave up on fashion. Doing all this promotional work to gain visibility simply became to hard for me. I spent more time on marketing and networking then on creating itself. If marketing is your love, SL is your paradise. But for me my love was putting my ideas in pixels in Photoshop. And the needed marketing for my brand kept me just too much away from what really drives me: the act of creating.

I couldn't find a good marketing manager for my brand, and I got more and more in conflict with myself about spending so much time on marketing. One day I simply decided to stop the promotional work and with that the whole fashion as well. That was it, inner problem solved. This was a desaster for my sales figures, of course, but still one of my best decisions in SL.

Now I have a sort of 'easy going' brand that is not too hard to find for my target group. I do some marketing for this brand, but not too much. In this case it is less 'exist thus sell' as in my first brand, (different times now as well), but there is a pretty good click between the willingness of my target group to seek and the visibility I can generate by doing an easy going marketing, devoting my time mainly on creating and customer service.

Maybe I can sell more when I devote more time to marktening. Maybe not, I don't know, I didn't try out. The time I can spend on creating versus the time that is needed for marketing is in good balance now,  for me to feel happy with what I'm doing in SL. When I need to pay a price for that in the form of not being seen by potential customers, than I can live with it. I'm doing fine. Ofcourse, the economical tide could be better, and LL, ofcourse LL could help a lot better as well, but all with all I'm still not unhappy to be a merchant in SL.

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I'm sorry Madeliefste - it's just painful to watch.

There are Creatives - Techs - Marketers - never shall they combine or mesh.

I appreciate your example, but if you had a product that sells without marketing, add marketing (the right marketing) then you multiply that times 10 at least.

Marketing is not a luxury, not a bonus.  It's part of the toolbox like electricity for the computer and internet connection.

It's like watching someone try to cut down a 3 ton pine tree with a handsaw.  Considering this is all tied to web, and worldwide, it's more like watching someone try to cut that tree down with a pocket knife.

But it's ok, I watch it every day face-to-face small town merchants say they can't do marketing in this economy while they go bankrupt, with good stuff on their hands, that doesn't reach the world. 

You have worldwide customer base.  They are on the Internet, not necessarily in SL right this minute.  Even someone who has no intention of visiting virtual world, will advance those clicks to your web site, advance that web site to page one of google, just because they are intrigued and like your stuff.

Not reaching to them, is like trying to sell from a downtown store in a small town, that has half the windows on the street boarded up, and no traffic rolling by anymore, without a phone, computer, or internet connection.



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Maybe you can make 10x more money with my brands then I can, Mickey. And probably you would enjoy it 10x more as well.

We all make our own choices. Of course like everybody I like it when my products sell well, but the money that is involved just doesn't make my heart beat loud enough to take the dull work of marketing on my shoulders as well.I'm not starving, I can choose to put my artistic needs above my financial needs. When I would experience a kick or a lot of joy in promoting my products I would  probably make different choices. But since that is not the case, I choose to be the artist kind of merchant, in stead of the marketing type.


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Madeliefste Oh wrote:

Maybe you can make 10x more money with my brands then I can, Mickey. And probably you would enjoy it 10x more as well.

We all make our own choices. Of course like everybody I like it when my products sell well, but the money that is involved just doesn't make my heart beat loud enough to take the dull work of marketing on my shoulders as well.I'm not starving, I can choose to put my artistic needs above my financial needs. When I would experience a kick or a lot of joy in promoting my products I would  probably make different choices. But since that is not the case, I choose to be the artist kind of merchant, in stead of the marketing type.


I do some marketing and promotion, but I have found that if I concentrate on making things that are among the best in SL, and work to improve my skills so that the quality continues to grow, sales are good. Word of mouth is still the best sort of marketing, evidently, since I don't see how anyone finds my stuff any other way.


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I understand that we all get joy from something different here, but I was just inserting the marketing thing related to the problems that were presented in original OP and Dartagan's current crankiness.  :)    I don't see you complaining.

OP says "Right now due to many people who “for fun” creates freebies or very low price products, I mean ridiculous low prices, it is hurting our business more and more everyday, as you well said we spend time training for years to know about scripting, sculpting, texturing, animating, we spend hours learning, hours working, of our rl lives a lot of investment on costs too,"....

Very important part left out of that equation,  (the most important part) ....spelling out what a serious business person's qualifications and toolbox consists of.

If someone is going to create "for fun" awesome.  But if they are presenting as a business person who needs to bust it out,  and railing on some who advanced ahead, or a system that left them in the dust....

....and they left out the most important part of the toolbox....

They need to wake up.  Or quit railing against others who used the tools.

I don't watch the marketplace pages like I used to, but I did enough searches yesterday to see that (at the moment - huge clarification there, since they tweak the algorithms sometimes)....at the moment, looks like level playing field if you use all your tools, particularly the most important one.

I keep coming across this message in forum (never get it inworld) that my products are inferior, as are others.  Some keep asserting their "quality" over others, and say that speaks above everything else.  Firstly, there are factors on quality, that they are not considering here, and never will....(story for another day)....

No,  a customer will not see what that person has to offer, if that person did not have enough confidence or gumption to present it to as many people as possible.  That's part of the "quality" toolbox.  If they're not presenting at top level, top position, maximum number of eyeballs, then they are failing on part of the "quality" aspect.  Huge part. 

A person with a product that is "different", no judgments on quality, and using all the tools, is going to squash that person and their product.  Someone can boast to me all day about how their product is better "quality" but I don't see it on the pages.  Neither will customer.  It's nowhere to be found.  That ain't "quality."

I don't see any indication on marketplace that the freebies are killing anyone's business.  I see people killing their own business.

eta: teeny weeny little tid-bit.....

There isn't but a handful of people using maximum marketing efforts here.  Ya'll are damn lucky on that.  That may not last forever. 

Currently, the LL mode is lacking in maximum tools (ok, some basic tools as well)... for that, so someone who has a passion and skill set for marketing, will probably walk, or they will manage their time efforts on that. You can use those skills on real product for a market that is a zillion times larger than SL in another venue that is equipped with the full tool box.  So ya'll are damn lucky that you're not competing against people busting out some marketing.  By "ya'll" I mean the ones who are complaining about freebies.

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Toysoldier Thor wrote: And what I shake my head at is people that call the SL Virtual World simulations a GAME.

Please explain clearly what makes you think SL is a game?

This: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/game    (1) : activity engaged in for diversion or amusement Your definition is #3 on their list.


I would think a lot of serious businesses that have put a ton of corporate investment in SL would not agree that they invested development in a GAME.  That they hold RL business meetings and training in a GAME.  I think there would be dozens of Universities that would disagree with you that they invested in a GAME But he's not your potential which they use for serious education and skills development.  I would think the US Government would disagree with you that their investment in US War Veteran Affairs having sims to assist injured war vets to recovery would not consider this a GAME...

Making things and selling them on the SL marketplace is NOT part of the educational and corporate uses for an real-time, interactive 3-D space. Neither is breeding pixel pets, boinking pixel **bleep**, or playing dressup in pixel clothing.

Part of my nephew's med school training is on SL (private sim). They use voice chat and practice taking patient interviews with actors who are working for the school. There is also an ER sim where their lab results and other things happen in real-time, so if they don't get it, the patient dies.

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The metaverse is what we will make of it Nef. You can use virtual realities to learn about art and graphic design (not a game) and increase your skills - and demand compensation for your time - or you can let the game gods use us as pawns in their game to make money for only them.

By the way, I have often used Toy's sculpts in my creations for colleges and businesses in SL when I design their sims.

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"I would think you'd be used to it by now"

I cannot get used to it Rene! lol  And Madeliefste I do agree with you - I wouldn't want to get rid of the 50% that use freebies and don't participate in the economy (like you said, many of them contribute in other ways).

By a freebie mentality I mean something like this:
Occasionally I drop a free skybox on someone (yes despite my reluctance to embrace freebies I do give them out, and even have a free campground in my 4-sim wilderness area below my store). These are elaborate skyboxes, some with homes and furniture, and each one can take from a month to several months of full-time work to create - and they are holodecks where you fly to the sky on a flower and rez multiple scenes (quite a bit of scripting work to get that going).
Anyway, I dropped a scene on someone as a freebie, and she complained because I didn't include all the scenes (like 30 or so scenes, all of this taking well over a year of full-time work to create).

I like how the thread has turned - discussions on marketing. It seems different types of content needs marketing more than others - more defined items need less marketing. For example, each lovely home of Pamela's is its own little ad sitting on someone's land, whereas Mickey's great designing talent lies in the overall design of a furniture set (matching the colors and arranging the setting) and cannot be as easily seen (since people often tear designs apart I so painfully know). So Mickey really needs to advertise more.
Madeliefste it seems your best marketing might be right here in a forum that builders read - at least that's where I learned about you and purchased your sculpts.

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Nefertiti Nefarious wrote:


Making things and selling them on the SL marketplace is NOT part of the educational and corporate uses for an real-time, interactive 3-D space. Neither is breeding pixel pets, boinking pixel **bleep**, or playing dressup in pixel clothing.

Part of my nephew's med school training is on SL (private sim). They use voice chat and practice taking patient interviews with actors who are working for the school. There is also an ER sim where their lab results and other things happen in real-time, so if they don't get it, the patient dies.

You are turning this around... I will ask you again... HOW IS SL DEFINED AS A GAME?

Nothing you have stated in the last posting defines SL as a game.  All you have proven to everyone is my point even further.  SL is a multi-use Virtual world - i.e. its a virtual world platform of which several activities can be performed on it.


  1. So if you think that Creators / Merchants in SL are just playing a game when they spend hours, days, weeks, years of their time and effort to develop skills and develop PRODUCTS with the intent to SELL them for what 100% can be turned into RL US $.    As such, if you define this as a game then I guess anyone in the RL world must only be playing a game... RIGHT?  Or do you think because the product that are created and sold you cant physically touch with your fingers - its not real?  You do have a very shallow perspective of what makes up an economy.
  2. You use the examples of people breeding pets in SL or making out in SL... or let me even expand on what I think you wanted to use as an example... people in SL gambling, or going to virtual clubs and listening to music, or role playing as a vampire...or or or.    OK so if you think that SL is a "GAME" because SL is a virtual world that hosts these non-serious entertaining activities - including playing games within SL, then based on your definition, RL must be broad-stroked as a GAME since it contains all these activities as well.

Again, you have not made one close to valid point to explain why you and several others considers SL to be a game.  You havent because you cant.

SL is a virtual world that hosts countless activities in many facets of RL... Education, Commercial, Enterainment, Support, Employment.

Maybe you want to treat SL as a game because all you do in SL is likely play games.  Thats fine.  But dont define SL as a game because of your limited use and understanding of what SL is.  If you broaden your view and perspective you might see why several other resident in SL like Merchants trying to make a RL income from it get ticked off when residents like you sabotage the SL economy just because you can and its fun and it doesnt hurt you in any way.

There... I passed the guilt trip onto your shoulders... because it belongs there.





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Mickey Vandeverre wrote:

I don't see any indication on marketplace that the freebies are killing anyone's business.  I see people killing their own business.

3+ years of quality freebies hitting the grid..be it from Marketplace or in-world Stores, has had an impact on the SL economy. You're kidding yourself if you don't think so...not only does it "eventually" effect pricing (i.e downwards), but changing the perception of SL consumers (especially new ones) that SL products should be cheap or even free!

Can you imagine that sort of scenario playing out in Real life (hypothetically as there are always real costs attached)...even the likes of Walmart or Tesco would have a hard time staying in business if farmers started giving away their products freely!

To a lesser extent due to economies of scale, large stores like Walmart, Tesco and other Superstores have driven small local or family owned businesses out of lot of towns ....as these Superstores are able to offer quality products and quality food at much cheaper prices. (not to mention wider variety too)........so why shouldn't quality freebies & dollarbies eventually have an impact on the virtual marketplace too?

3+ years of flooding the grid with quality Freebies is bound to take it's toll eventually.

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Rene Erlanger wrote:

That is true...but  there are tons of plots on Mainland that are owned yet have no activity.....where the owner hasn't logged into SL for long periods of time. They just keep paying the tiers via their credit card or alternative funding source.

Let's see ... people pay hard currency but use no resources. For LL that is not a problem!

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