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ever since the update my avatar or inventory will load im prem. help


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I have been online several times trying to get my avatar to load and nothing but smoke.  The inventory isnt loading up either now.  I was on earlier before the update and everything was fine.  I'm a premium user and this is aggravating.  Please help.  Ive already deleted cache ... still nothing.

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3 answers to this question

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Since the inventory doesn't load the avatar canot be rendered, so you stay as a cloud.

1) login at HAHNE or another low lag sim

2) open inventory, type in any letters in the filter line and wait until all your inventory is loaded (it will stop counting then). This may take some time.

3) when inventory is loaded you may become visible, if not: Press Alt-Ctrl-R (rebake)

4) Open Developer Menu (V2/3: Ctrl-Atl-Q). Goto Develop-Avatar-Cahracter Tests-Test Female or Male. THis should reset your avatar to a default one and make you visible. Then you restore yoru previous avatar and Save the outfit.

Hope this will help

Greets, Wol

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Welcome to Second Life Answers, DreamOutLoudKY

Please know that this is a very common problem, often caused by a disruption in internet connection.

You say you have cleared your cache.  Please do this again, log out again, and when you log back in again - as Wolwaner advises - log back into a quiet location. Furball, Chalvez, any empty waterland sim is good.  Once you are logged back in, open your inventory and do absolutely nothing else. Do not answer or write IMs. Just wait, and be very patient, while your inventory loads. Walk away and make a drink in fact. It will take time, but your inventory will fully load.

Good luck to you.

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