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Kobuk Farshore wrote:

Ceka, you're my hero already-- I didn't know tone tatts existed! Can I ask what viewer you're using though, since Firestorm still goes into grumpy bake-fail for me sometimes if I try to wear multiple tattoo layers?


I have to say 
really is stunning though. It's exactly the sort of cool look I absolutely hopelessly can't pull off, rofl. My avi has always been more to the short-n-dorky side, which is frustrating at times because I end up with a stockpile of glamerous or rough/edgy type clothes that made my heart flip when I saw them in the store, but when I wear them myself... just make me look as if I got dressed in my great-aunt's closet in the dark without knowing she'd once been a lady of ill repute. :}


It would be fun to get a small group together to go shopping inworld sometime. I have a feeling there're an awful lot of good stores/items I have no idea about. :smileywink:



I have to totally agree with that link you posted, I love that photo.

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Kobuk Farshore wrote:

Ceka, you're my hero already-- I didn't know tone tatts existed! Can I ask what viewer you're using though, since Firestorm still goes into grumpy bake-fail for me sometimes if I try to wear multiple tattoo layers?


I have to say 
really is stunning though. It's exactly the sort of cool look I absolutely hopelessly can't pull off, rofl. My avi has always been more to the short-n-dorky side, which is frustrating at times because I end up with a stockpile of glamerous or rough/edgy type clothes that made my heart flip when I saw them in the store, but when I wear them myself... just make me look as if I got dressed in my great-aunt's closet in the dark without knowing she'd once been a lady of ill repute. :}


It would be fun to get a small group together to go shopping inworld sometime. I have a feeling there're an awful lot of good stores/items I have no idea about. :smileywink:



well right now i am using LL's V3..but i believe you have the add option in firestorm also..

i used to have the texture rez problems especially with tattoo layers..then i learned it was http textures that i needed to shut off..since then i have had no problems with tattoo layers or any multi layers i wear now =)

also a lot of things i buy never get worn either after i buy them..i adjust what i can and take out the parts that i like from the outfits and try to mix them with other things..

a lot of times you end up with a lot of really neat things to wear hehehehe

most things i wear are never just one full outfit..that just never seems to pan out for me..i don't think i have the hips for most of the things i see..especially belts LOL

I'm hoping mesh will save me in the future with belts fitting like they should..

Also thank you for the compliment..i really do think you have a wonderful look right now as well..=)

if you look in that picture in the link..you will see some camouflage trickery going on hehehehe..i actually have two pair of pants on to make it look like i am wearing a smaller belt that sits in the middle of the loops below the jean rim..LOL i know it's trivial to a lot of people..but to me it made the jeans feel a bit more realistic...

little tricks like that i feel add up in creating outfits and looks we put together..we take the texture of the skin and then match the rest of the textures to that or things can look a bit cartoonish or out of place and painted on or too real..

also i find shopping for an item works much better than one outfit..conjure up a look that you have wanted to bring into the grid and find those things where ever they may be..

that may be buying a full outfit because there is this awsome hat or pair of pants that are perfect for the look you have in mind..

never count anything out that you have already bought..what may not fit today may be the perfect match for your idea you dream up tomorrow..so don't count those past purchases as a loss just yet..

i'm sure there is lots to salvage from them..one looks trash may be another looks treasure hehehehe


and yes a shopping spree sounds like a great idea =) i know for a fact there are lots of places that i am still not aware of that will make the back of my neck tingle..

thats my tell tale sign that something is perfect for me..we all have that little tingle somewhere that says..oh if that wasn't made for me then it was made for nobody LOL

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Kobuk Farshore wrote:

It would be fun to get a small group together to go shopping inworld sometime. I have a feeling there're an awful lot of good stores/items I have no idea about. :smileywink:



Sounds like fun to me! I always have a hard time finding good places; in fact, a lot of what I have now I stumbled across while reading the forums! (Always dangerous for me - I inevitably find an outfit/piece/dress/pair of shoes/hair/skin/......... that i just HAVE to have.) That's how I found Zaara - now a staple of my wardrobe - and Maitreya, and TRUTH, and Mynerva, and Pink Fuel, and...

Anyway, a shopping spree does sound like oodles of fun ^_^

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

thats my tell tale sign that something is perfect for me..we all have that little tingle somewhere that says..oh if that wasn't made for me then it was made for nobody LOL


Aah. I'd always assumed that feeling was a spidey-sense warning of something dangerous about to happen-- like the rapid and spectacular death of all my $L. :}

I love your trick of wearing two pairs of pants though, Ceka. If I wear my faun hooves (which doesn't happen often as it negates my ability to wear pretty boots) I always put a darker faun-tatt under my light one, purely because it gives a sort of fluffy shadow that makes the fur look more realistic. I'd never thought of doubling jeans though. 

Could you explain the "http textures needing to be shut off" for multiple tattoo layers? I suppose I'd become resigned to my Mac just struggling to render things well.

I feel like the trick to having a successful-looking avatar in SL -- just like the trick to being a successful builder -- is just to be really sneaky about how you put things together. SL's quirks and limitations can drive me nuts, but getting around them to create something unique gives me an elated sense of satisfaction. That's something no generic optimized game with all its awing-graphics-but-no-individuality could give.


ETA: @ Ariel and Heart: I think a shopping-trip-organizing thread is imminent. :smileywink:

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Kobuk Farshore wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

thats my tell tale sign that something is perfect for me..we all have that little tingle somewhere that says..oh if that wasn't made for me then it was made for nobody LOL


Aah. I'd always assumed that feeling was a spidey-sense warning of something dangerous about to happen-- like the rapid and spectacular death of all my $L. :}

I love your trick of wearing two pairs of pants though, Ceka. If I wear my faun hooves (which doesn't happen often as it negates my ability to wear pretty boots) I always put a darker faun-tatt under my light one, purely because it gives a sort of fluffy shadow that makes the fur look more realistic. I'd never thought of doubling jeans though. 

Could you explain the "http textures needing to be shut off" for multiple tattoo layers? I suppose I'd become resigned to my Mac just struggling to render things well.

I feel like the trick to having a successful-looking avatar in SL -- just like the trick to being a successful builder -- is just to be really sneaky about how you put things together. SL's quirks and limitations can drive me nuts, but getting around them to create something unique gives me an elated sense of satisfaction. That's something no generic optimized game with all its awing-graphics-but-no-individuality could give.


@ Ariel and Heart: I think a shopping-trip-organizing thread is imminent. :smileywink:

well danger for me is when i feel it...something changes in the vibe of the earth or something..i just have a good sense  for it hehehehe ..i get like a deer stuck in headlights and everything goes quiet and my hearing senses turn way up..i could hear a spider fart in the kitchen cabinet if an unfamiliar sound was to happen in the house..

this is why i can't wear head sets or headphones..any movement or slightest touch and i jump right out of my skin ready to claw the eyes out of anything in swipe range lol.. i thank my husband for setting the headphone fear in me..

nothing that a little laxative in his dinner won't  even us up on who got who :P   kidding..i would never.....on a sunday :P

when he heads for that bathroom..the  back of my neck tingles and i say to myself..perfect LOL


as far as the little tricks we get away with in SL hehehe.. that's it on the button..it's all about the ninja tactics LOL getting away with it in plain sight lol

SL has so many quirks that it can really be frustrating at times..skirts i would hardly ever wear because of that nasty prim we had to try to get lined up..thank god for mesh skirts hehehe

but ya finding a way around things that work just right..it's time to hit the club and celebrate!! \o/ lol


Ok let me log in and find where the setting is for the http textures..i believe it is in develop section of the menu up top..but let me make sure =)

ok ya in my viewer it is under the develop section..it's in the 3rd section down..if HTTP Textures has a check next to it uncheck it and see if that helps with your tattoo layer problems..

i don't know if you need to relog right after or not ..but it may be a good idea just to see how things rez..maybe throw on a tattoo before relogging as well to see if it rezzes or how fast it rezzes..


A Shopping thread has to happen now hehehehe it's in the stars *winks*



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Lianna: By the look of your avi you could drop-kick me easily without any need for guns or syringes full of the T-Virus. :} You do look incredibly hot though.


Ceka: You have an evil streak, woman-- please teach me that in addition to how to look fabulous.

Thank you for the http heads-up too as I would've had no idea; it's easy to see why SL newbies give up when there are so many little things that turn playability to cr*p.

And hey, from now on whenever I successfully complete an outfit in the most sneaky who-would've-thought-of-this way, I'll be yelling, "NINJA TACTICS!" :P


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Great idea for a thread btw. When thinking of a new look for now anyway as I am quite the chameleon in sl but then again maybe I'm just evolving as we all do. I wanted a beautiful model like face but with an edge. This girl is mean't to look street smart and dangerous but not in your face. I wanted a subtleness about her. I think she almost looks down incognito. Well thats what I was aiming at anyway. 


KY ANGEL 2.jpg

KY ANGEL 3.jpg


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Good stuff everyone! I wish people would include styling info in case anyone else wanted to grab some of the things in the pix.

I got bored and decided my old av looked too last year and too summery for winter time. This is what I did with it the other day. I will keep working on it all winter when I get bored probably.

She kind of looks like Sonja Henie. :D

Clarissa profile pic blond 10b sm.png

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i didn't really change much..just my size..i'm down to 5'1" with boots on hehehe

so i'm only a couple inches off my RL height..i think i'll stick around that..it's kind of nice..even though half my stuffs don fit anymoooore!! lol

mah butt is pretty close to my RL size too..it's much bigger now LOL

last draw2.png

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I dunno if my look is changing much, but everything I'm wearing I bought at the end of 2011 or the start of 2012, so maybe it counts.

Outfit:  Purgatoria from Avid, hair Shauna from Amacci, boots (which I love) Nemsis Black Angel from a wonderful store I've only just found , UnZipped at the Industrial Steampunk Megaplex and the Jolie skin from Dutch Touch

innula submarine_002.jpg

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