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why are there lines in my hi res images?

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For some reason, when i snap a high-res image in the SL viewer, it puts a grid of thin lines throug the image. The sample below was taken at 1929 X 1080, the resolution of my screen. You haveto look close, but you can see the lines at shoulder level. Low rez shots do not have the problem. This is getting VERY frustrating because removing the lines is adding to my workload. Maybe this isa viewer issue and should be posted elsewhere, but I would love to know if their isa fix for this?


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I had that line once before and it went with installing the new version of the viewer. I think...

Does it happen on all viewers or just SL? Did you do something with antialiasing? Try to play with it and try to un/check run viewer in a window. For some reason, that thing was fixing two bugs I had.

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I had (and still sometimes have depending on the sky or water in the view) this problem myself and couldnt find answers anywhere! Its gotten better recently and Im not exactly sure if it was because I updated my viewer or because of my graphics software updating but one thing I found to "fix" it is you must have your computers resolution higher then the size of your pictures. For instance, if I have my computers resolution set at 1024 x 768 (poor eyesight), I need to take pics at a size of 800x 600 to have no lines like this. I was setting my screen resolution high then going into sl to take decent sized photos till the problem mysteriously got better ...its a temp fix, I know,  but I hope it helps you till we really figure this out! 


AH! I THINK I know the issue! *crosses fingers* I recently re-ticked it and think thats why the lines came back ...try going into your graphics settings on your computer and make sure that *OpenGL Settings* is UNchecked! Might have to tweak the settings in your veiwer as well that pretain to this OpenGL (Im still learning but hope this helps!)

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Tamara Artis wrote:

I had that line once before and it went with installing the new version of the viewer. I think...

Does it happen on all viewers or just SL? Did you do something with antialiasing? Try to play with it and try to un/check run viewer in a window. For some reason, that thing was fixing two bugs I had.

Where is run viewer in a window?

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here's why: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SH-2378

the Lab is unto this bug, however the solution seems to be pushed from Sprint to Sprint since they have higher priorities.

If it's of any consolation, Exodus Viewer devs may have a look at this too in the future. Somehow, I expect Exodus' future to be sooner that LL's future, but I may be proven wrong. ^^

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i think you have to watch issues too, not just vote them. can't remember since when, but LL has perverted the Jira system, maybe just to make things more difficult for its customers, and started to take into account only watches, not votes.

so my advice is to vote AND watch if a particular Jira issue is dear to you.

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Save images to your hard disc will give you a full screen capture for free. (you will have to edit the image of course - and reupload = 10L).

Run the maximum rate of anti-aliasing and screen resolution if you can.

I work in firestorm, (phoenix, emerald) and have never had these issues.

Save as "file type" affects quality as well. If you have image editing software then save your captures as a .png (portable network graphic), and edit it in your software.

I hope this helps?



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Well, my remedy so far has been to switch to the Exodus Viewer for all photography projects. I will not go into what a great viewer this is here, I  will just say that it is great for photography and they have apparently fixed the issue LL is still working on, or looking at...or maybe thinking about possibly looking into.

I CAN get rid of the lines by lowering my resolution, but this reduced the quality of the picture as well. I like to save my photos at or above my screen resolution, which is pretty high.

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Yes, Exodus devs are working on a fix which they hope to implement in the next release. Yesterday Geenz posted this update in the Exodus forum:


Hey everyone, just a bit of a update on this.
A fix is currently in the process of being made for this, and some progress has been made.  Right now, there's just one more bug that needs to be fixed with the new fix, and snapshots should look just fine.
We're working hard to get the fix into the next version of Exodus, which should be released fairly soon to fix this issue completely.  Do note however, the memory requirements for snapshots in deferred will increase with this new method (there isn't much we can do about this, sorry!).
You can see the current results of the fix in the above screenshot.  As you can see, I'm also adding better color grading to the viewer as well, and the current problems with the fix have to do with how we're resizing the frame buffer texture, and will be fixed before we release the next version.
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  • 1 month later...

Heya everyone,

The issue at hand is how the viewer's Snapshot function processes anti-ailasing sampling and image rendering. Essentially there appears to be a delay between the time sampling updates are sent to the video card's frame buffer and when the picture image is finally rendered and 'packaged' into an image file. This causes the image frame to be drawn in offset quarter sections. 

By disabling the anti-aliasing feature, this process is effectively eliminated.

As there is often a need for images that have a greater resolution than the user's current viewer screen, then by enabling High-res Snapshots both the desired larger resolution images are achieved AND the benefits of 2X sampling is obtained. This all occurs outside of the normal anti-aliasing data processing, and thereby no "black lines" should be found.

In this way there is no need for post-processing techniques to edit out the lines.

I hope that helps.

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