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Why I Not can com on my Market places and my products wanished.I gave discount for my students...

sicilijano Sosa

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Hapy new year and Crismas

Why I Not can com on my Market places and my products wanished.I gave discount for my students on my school web design all stuents were on my own computer to celebrete cristmas nighth.

Who is jelouse on my Products on Matketplace and blocked me.

On Witch ground my rights are jeperdaust,Why

Whose interest is that I am not on market places 

How is it posible that my money wanish in this world when I gave this money to my students as suport

Where is that money


                                                       thank you wey much

                                                                                          GOD blesed you

                                                                                                           Zivko Bajic +381642527777  skipy id   sicilijano             

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