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The "FOLLOW" button


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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Imnotgoing Sideways wrote:

Whilte not detrimental to me, my prior post includes a scenario where it can be extremely detrimental for someone dealing with genuine harassment.  So, you want pretty names only.  I understood that.  At this point, it's your wants over other peoples' needs.  Don't worry.  I've seen the lab do less for more. (



No, it would not be my wants over other peoples needs. How would having an unfollow button be bad for anyone? In your scenario, it would still be the person pressing the unfollow button who is making the choice to press it or not. Also, if a person is going to harass us more because we unfollowed them, they are a harasser to begin with. Our removing them doesn't make them a harasser. They can Google and research us whether we remove them or not.

I am not placing my wants over others needs. Why would you say that? 

Oh dear, please make up your mind!

You had almost convinced me that it was for cosmetic purposes that you were pursuing this mindless quest to improve the aesthetics of your profile display - and then you go and say this, which confirms my suspicions that in fact, you want to attempt to prevent others from following you.

The Judge

/disallows all the OP's testimony as being vicariously misleading.

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No, I realize it may take months, even years if ever to be looked at and implemented. I don't dictate how LL prioritises their tasks. My step in the process was to request a feature. In order for the feature to even be considered, it needs votes and watchers and comments. The grey blobs inworld I solved for myself a long time ago.

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jujmental wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Imnotgoing Sideways wrote:

Whilte not detrimental to me, my prior post includes a scenario where it can be extremely detrimental for someone dealing with genuine harassment.  So, you want pretty names only.  I understood that.  At this point, it's your wants over other peoples' needs.  Don't worry.  I've seen the lab do less for more. (



No, it would not be my wants over other peoples needs. How would having an unfollow button be bad for anyone? In your scenario, it would still be the person pressing the unfollow button who is making the choice to press it or not. Also, if a person is going to harass us more because we unfollowed them, they are a harasser to begin with. Our removing them doesn't make them a harasser. They can Google and research us whether we remove them or not.

I am not placing my wants over others needs. Why would you say that? 

Oh dear,
make up your mind!

You had almost convinced me that it was for cosmetic purposess that you were pursuing this mindless quest to improve the aesthetics of your profile display - and then you go and say this, which confirms my suspicions that in fact, you want to attempt to prevent others from following you.

The Judge

/disallows all the OP's testimony as being vicariously misleading.

I do not want to prevent others from following me.

I do want to be able to remove a person from following me.

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

I do not want to prevent others from following me.

I do want to be able to remove a person from following me.

Wouldn't that be preventing them from following you?

Imo, if given the ability to block someone from your feed, as you would with Twitter, without necessarily having to block them inworld, it would take care of this situation (as a block would automatically make it impossible to follow someone... otherwise, they'd be able to just follow you again).  That along with applying blocks to your feed of anyone you have blocked inworld, would go a long way to resolving any issues a user might have.  Seems like a reasonable thing to ask for... in fact, why this never occurred to LL to begin with is beyond my comprehension.


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In world if you own land, you can ban anyone from your land for whatever reason or no reason at all.  You can even prevent them from looking into your parcel at you or others if they are banned.  You can mute someone for whatever reason  or no reason at all.  It just seems a logical step that you have the same control over your feed, for whatever reason or no reason at all.  The reason should not be an issue, just the same amount of control over our second life we have come to enjoy in world.  


That being said, I am not an opponent to following at all.  I enjoy following those who I think post interesting feeds.  It all comes down to choices, we like them, and used to having them. 

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Kenbro Utu wrote:

In world if you own land, you can ban anyone from your land for whatever reason or no reason at all.  You can even prevent them from looking into your parcel at you or others if they are banned.  You can mute someone for whatever reason  or no reason at all.  It just seems a logical step that you have the same control over your feed, for whatever reason or no reason at all.  
The reason should not be an issue, just the same amount of control over our second life we have come to enjoy in world.  



^ This ^ ...most definitely!

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What I would like to have and only this: to have my block/mute list inworld be incorporated on my feed. I have had a nasty case of stalk-spamming on my feed, from someone (I never even met this person inworld, nor has there been any interaction whatsoever)  I eventually blocked /muted inworld to see if his ridiculous posts on my feed would stop.

It did not.

I had to manually remove all the silly crap that the idiot posted on my feed, which was....56 posts in 2 hours.

So yes, I am aware of the 'negative' side of the feeds and its possibilities for idiots. But to be honest,  after giving it some thoughts and once the spamming stopped (I may add I NEVER responded to the fool, but only deleted), I may feel different about this, I probably should have kept this fool on my feed so his junk was displayed for the rest of my 'readers' or 'followers'.  I will do that a next time. If lunatics need attention, why not give them a platform to display their lack of brains?




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Caitlin Tobias wrote:

What I would like to have and only this: to have my block/mute list inworld be incorporated on my feed. I have had a nasty case of stalk-spamming on my feed, from someone (I never even met this person inworld, nor has there been any interaction whatsoever)  I eventually blocked /muted inworld to see if his ridiculous posts on my feed would stop.

It did not.

I had to manually remove all the silly crap that the idiot posted on my feed, which was....56 posts in 2 hours.

So yes, I am aware of the 'negative' side of the feeds and its possibilities for idiots. But to be honest,  after giving it some thoughts and once the spamming stopped (I may add I NEVER responded to the fool, but only deleted), I may feel different about this, I probably should have kept this fool on my feed so his junk was displayed for the rest of my 'readers' or 'followers'.  I will do that a next time. If lunatics need attention, why not give them a platform to display their lack of brains?

Yeah, you shouldn't have bothered... he would have done it himself, anyway.


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I may or may not have this figured out (please correct me if I have any of it wrong)


Privacy settings for your feed (what people can see):

Nobody - your feed is turned off.  No one can see it including you.  Neither friends or followers or random weird strangers will be able to see that you even have a feed.

Friends only - only your friends can see your feed.  Friends are automatically following you and there is nothing you can do about it.  Even if you de-friend them, they are still following you and there is nothing you can do about it.

SL - everyone on SL can see your feed - all this has nothing to do with who is following you.  The feed is a part of your profile.  If your setting is 'SL' anyone who views your profile in world or in my.secondlife.com can see your feed whether they are your friend or not - just like the rest of your profile.  All they have to do is search your name and there it is.  If someone is following you (friend or not), your posts on your feed show up on their feed wall for them to see and enjoy.

Everyone - everyone with access to the internet can see your feed.


Privacy settings for your feed (what people can respond to or 'love'):

This part of the privacy settings is only about who can write something on your feed wall or respond to something that you posted there.  It has the same settings as who can view/read your feed except that this controls who gets to write something there or 'love' something that you post.

*one more note - if your settings are Everyone or SL, your posts are viewable whether someone is a friend or not, whether they are following you or not.  It is your profile and therefore searchable by anyone who types your name into search.  This means that 'following' is nothing except a shortcut to your feed.  We all still have access to it directly through your profile even if you were able to remove us as a follower.

If you post something to a friends feed and their settings are SL or Everybody, then it is visible to SL or everybody.  You just left the safety of your feed and ventured out into the unsafe world of random strangers.  :smileysurprised:


I sure hope I got all that right.  If I didn't please enlighten me.

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Cinnamon Mistwood wrote:

I may or may not have this figured out (please correct me if I have any of it wrong)


Privacy settings for your feed (what people can

Nobody - your feed is turned off.  No one can see it including you.  Neither friends or followers or random weird strangers will be able to
that you even have a feed.

Friends only - only your friends can
your feed.  Friends are automatically following you and there is nothing you can do about it.  Even if you de-friend them, they are still following you and there is nothing you can do about it.

SL - everyone on SL can
your feed - all this has nothing to do with who is following you.  The feed is a part of your profile.  If your setting is 'SL' anyone who views your profile in world or in my.secondlife.com can
your feed whether they are your friend or not - just like the rest of your profile.  All they have to do is search your name and there it is.  If someone is following you (friend or not), your posts on your feed show up on their feed wall for them to
and enjoy.

Everyone - everyone with access to the internet can
your feed.


Privacy settings for your feed (what people can respond to or 'love'):

This part of the privacy settings is only
about who can write something on your feed wall or respond to something that you posted there.  It has the same settings as who can view/read your feed except that this controls who gets to write something there or 'love' something that you post.

*one more note - if your settings are
Everyone or SL
, your posts are viewable whether someone is a friend or not, whether they are following you or not.  It is your profile and therefore searchable by anyone who types your name into search.  This means that 'following' is nothing except a shortcut to your feed.  We all still have access to it directly through your profile even if you were able to remove us as a follower.

If you post something to a friends feed and their settings are SL or Everybody, then it is visible to SL or everybody.  You just left the safety of your feed and ventured out into the unsafe world of random strangers.  :smileysurprised:


I sure hope I got all that right.  If I didn't please enlighten me.

Yes, Cinnamon, you have that completely right.

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Hey guys!

I appreciate all your thoughts and respect each one ;) It's nice to have all these ideas tackled in my thread and it gave me wider perspective (special thanks to Charolotte and Caitlin). Like I said in my very first post, I really am not sure what happens when someone starts following you that's why I called it a bit creepy and stuff :) but since I've seen answers here, I understand why some of you LIKE being followed and that's a good thing. About the feed, I've yet to explore it though I've posted something on my "wall" and I found out we can put locations in it which is cool. Now that I've read through the good stuff about this following feature, it might be good for some of us then again, I was just really surprised to find that there's no option to decline a follower. SL is different from Facebook and Twitter in this aspect since it's surprising to not have the control over who follows you so to link them a bit, it's like having a Facebook and Twitter and you can't do anything about all those people adding you in their list IF you don't have the control to choose just which ones you wanted to approve. We are all entitled to choose especially with regards to controlling our own accounts online, I believe. Yes the net is a public space but there's the "privacy settings" which makes our accounts still private in our circle. But what's the point of settings things to private if we can't control these followers who would most likely be people we haven't even talked to inworld? Just a thought really coz even in Twitter we can accept or decline who wants to follow us :)

(oh, a little off topic, I have set my PERSONAL PAGE in my profile inworld to FRIENDS only but why is it that people who aren't my friends can still see what I put in it? o.O). A serious question to which I need some answers to, and anyone is free to help me out figuring out why this is :P 

Ok to just put this simply, it is for everyone else's too that the request to have this feature has been forwarded to LL. They may act on it soon or not but it is a good thing to let them know that this might cause outcries if some people would get more than just dead accounts in their followers list. They might get harassed and would not know how to really deal with it as with most of you does fairly well, based from what I've read. Some people might react violently to this issue (yes, there are people like that :P ) So it's but natural that we bring this up the soonest possible time to prevent that from happening :)

Thanks all and have a blessed Christmas ;)

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