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Which Yacht and other info please?

Sy Beck

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Being a lazy sod I've just got round to picking up my free Linden boat and have just taken it out onto the Blake.  Unbeliveably after nearly 5 yrs in SL it was my first time sailing and in short I'm hooked now.

So could any of you dedicated sailors out there recommend a great sailing yacht to buy?  Price is no object, it would need to seat min 4 passengers including me, gimmicks and gadgets a plus and be copy/mod.  

Also can anybody advise me of any popular yachting/sailing groups, good voyages to do, good rez points etc...?

/me rushes off to buy an admiral's uniform.

P.S. Seems the Linden freebie is going to profit at least one merchant for the time being, spotted a few other Linden boats while out too.

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Isn't it a BLAST!?  I had a couple of DCs, which is really unusual for me so I don't know if that's down to the Blake environment, seemed to happen everytime I picked up a music stream, but meh, we'll see in the future.  Best fun I've had in a while.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

May I suggest if money is no object, RMS Titanic:

However I would be very cautious going out to sea in her.  It seems that ice bergs like to float along SIM crossings.


Oooh I dunno Perrie, I've heard some really bad feedback on this model; single use and has never done a return trip yet.  Plus there are two damned annoying NPCs stuck on the bow.

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Sy Beck wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

May I suggest if money is no object, RMS Titanic:

However I would be very cautious going out to sea in her.  It seems that ice bergs like to float along SIM crossings.


Oooh I dunno Perrie, I've heard some really bad feedback on this model; single use and has never done a return trip yet.  Plus there are two damned annoying NPCs stuck on the bow.

but just think how awesome it would be to watch them fly off as the bow hit a SIM crosssing.

and how much shorter that damned movie would have been!

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Sy Beck wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

May I suggest if money is no object, RMS Titanic:

However I would be very cautious going out to sea in her.  It seems that ice bergs like to float along SIM crossings.


Oooh I dunno Perrie, I've heard some really bad feedback on this model; single use and has never done a return trip yet.  Plus there are two damned annoying NPCs stuck on the bow.

but just think how awesome it would be to watch them fly off as the bow hit a SIM crosssing.

and how much shorter that damned movie would have been!

Well, if I could have Celine Dion strapped to the anchor it might be a clincher, but I got my heart set on a sailing yacht at the moment.

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I'm a big fan of sailing myself and have sailed for personal pleasure (as opposed to racing) for over five years now in SL.

I highly recommend the boats built by Qyv Inshan.  His store is Quest Marine (You can tp from his profile). He doesn't sell on marketplace. 

My partner and i own several of his sail boats and they are the only boats out of the 30+ we own between us that we can consistently and safely sail across a sim line. We live in a private sailing estate of over 100 sims that are mostly water and can most days sail from one end to the other and back in these boats without crashing or flying off into the wild blue.   They sail realistically on the SL wind, or you can make your own.  They also can kick some serious butt. 

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

I mention a number of resources in my blog on SL sailing:

- Some of which will drive you insane in shops with way too many choices.


Thank you Pussycat that was a good read and packed with info.  I've bookmarked it for future reference. :smileyhappy:

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Many thanks too Amethyst, I will TP over and check his shop out as soon as I'm inworld.  The 100 sim sailing estate that you mention, is that private as in you have to rent or buy land to use the sims or can you become a group member to use them?


[ETA]  TP'd there and they are great looking yachts, but they seemed to be all for primarily racing and not for some cosy sailing as well.  Still, I will buy one of them soon, but will look for the a more passenger accommodating sailing yacht first.  Thanks though for the tip Amethyst, will definitely be returning there.


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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

I can't speak to their sailing qualities but Trudeau yachts are absolutely gorgeous if you like an older "classic" feel, which I wouldn't be surprised by what with the top hat and all.

Just had a look at their selection.  My finger is hovering over the Larinda model am waiting to see if any more suggestions come along, but I do like that one.

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Sy, check also the 'Balduin Shipyard' here, the Cotton Blossom II is my favorite yacht, you can sail it by using the SL winds system or by using the on-board motor. At the shipyard you will find a demo rezzer for all yachts.

A good place to learn to sail can be found at the island of Ahab's Haunt, which is a Linden Sim surrounded by many Linden oceans. The rezz Zone can be found here. If you need more information please don't hesitate to IM me in-world :matte-motes-smile: *meows*




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Wildcat Furse wrote:

Sy, check also the 'Balduin Shipyard'
, the Cotton Blossom II is my favorite yacht, you can sail it by using the SL winds system or by using the on-board motor. At the shipyard you will find a demo rezzer for all yachts.

A good place to learn to sail can be found at the island of Ahab's Haunt, which is a Linden Sim surrounded by many Linden oceans. The rezz Zone can be found
. If you need more information please don't hesitate to IM me in-world :matte-motes-smile: *meows*





Oh that is a gorgeous one......I, too, am a bit hooked on sailing since the premium gift...although I am still trying out and enjoying the free boat a lot, I will for sure eventually end up buying  a 'real' one..and these pics....just wow!


Am following this thread closely :)



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That is just the kind of style yacht I'm leaning towards Wildcat.  I'll certainly go check that the LM out and test some when I'm next inworld.  Is it the kind of yacht though that if I'm sailing I'm unable to stand up and move around because the yacht is attaching a stackload of prims to me when I'm sailing?  I'm guessing from the bench seating that it sits passengers too without them being forced into crew working postions like the racing yachts?

Thanks also for the rez point.


and err...meow.  :smileywink:

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So could any of you dedicated sailors out there recommend a great sailing yacht to buy?  Price is no object, it would need to seat min 4 passengers including me, gimmicks and gadgets a plus and be copy/mod.  

Actually, Sy, there are a handful of very good boatwrights in SL. But to recommend one great yachts is kinda impossible since it all depends on your taste, your planned usage etc.

Trudeau Classic Yachts are wonderfully built and the new scripts are fantastic. Also Jacqueline manages to give each of her boats a bit of its own character so not all are feeling the same.

WildWind Yachts makes very fast modern boats, often modelled after RL race boats. No wooden oldtimers to be found at this japanese boatyard. And they are easy to sail and good sim xers.

Balduin Aabye Yacht Design has 2 nicely done sailing yachts out, the Bolero and the Cotton Blossom. They both are upgraded to a newer Bwind version now. Still easy to sail if you got the basic knowledge.

Same goes for Quest boats by Qyv Inshan. She (not a he, Amethyst) modded the Bwind script and made it fully WWC compatible incl windshadow, current and wave effects. My favourite boats for racing now.


Also can anybody advise me of any popular yachting/sailing groups, good voyages to do, good rez points etc...?

Blake Sea (all BS sims are starting with Blake Sea in the name) All sims in Blake have a rezzable NE corner.

Dire Strait (sims around Ahab's Haunt)

Bingo Strait (sims west of Nautilus Island) All Bingo sims have a rezzable NE corner as well.

Sea Of Fables, Mare Secundus, L-shaped Sea, Bay City (all in Sansara)

The continent of Gaeta V is, apart from some bottlenecks, easily circumnavigable and has a corridor to Corsica, which in turn has 2 corridors to Nautilus.


As for groups there are several yacht clubs in SL, but for the beginning I'd suggest becoming member of the SL Sailing Association (SLSA) as the roof organisation for all the territorial clubs. SLSA mostly serves as a spam group to announce all the races and other events.

But what I really recommend strongly, if you're not intending to start racing, is joining the Leeward Cruising Club (LCC) a growing band of intrepid explorers and party people. We have 2 weekly cruises starting from diferent locations and going to different destinations, where we have nice aftercruise parties. The cruises are carefully scouted and mapped out and make it possible for us to sail the coolest places all over the grid ... without too much of danger and stress.

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Oh I forgot to mention SL is not the most reliable and stable environment for the use of vehicles of any kind. Sticky, gluey water, disappearing roads, bad bad lag, borked sim crossings ... every SL pilot, car driver bike rider and sailor can tell you about the horrors that usually occur when trying to move a vehicle over a longer distance. Needless to say that carrying 4 passengers and having a cabin with lots of gimmicks is a bit counterproductive in that regard.

When you earnestly try to sail and reach your destination, the best solution is to do it alone. Also prim and script down. Get rid of all AOs, dancemachines, hug thingies, also of all unnecessary prims. Wear clothes and hair without those pesky resizer prims. If needed derender some stuff, dial your graphics down ... generally be as light as even possible. This not just gives you an advantage in races but also a better chance of survival when cruising/exploring.

And get a banline hud, it is worth its price in gold!



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Orca thanks for a really extensive answer and all the useful tips and info.  Surprisingly I was surprised by the smoothness of the sim crossings, didn't have one bad crossing all night and only got into problems once when I sailed too close to a private island.

I've visited all but one of those shipyards listed and I've been assuming that if a boat's description says it doesn't attach parts to your body then it doesn't and you are free to move around the boat.  Would that be correct as a general rule?

Once again thanks for your input Orca.

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Sy Beck wrote:

That is just the kind of style yacht I'm leaning towards Wildcat.  I'll certainly go check that the LM out and test some when I'm next inworld.  Is it the kind of yacht though that if I'm sailing I'm unable to stand up and move around because the yacht is attaching a stackload of prims to me when I'm sailing?  I'm guessing from the bench seating that it sits passengers too without them being forced into crew working postions like the racing yachts?

Thanks also for the rez point.


and err...meow.  :smileywink:

heya Sy, no need to attach the yacht, just right click it and you will get seated, it is only 32 prims (mod, copy). It sits also a few passengers or more precisely lays them on or in the yacht (lazy crew positions), only the captain has to work hehe :matte-motes-big-grin: *meows*

PS. below a picture of my cotton blossom aside my little holiday yacht .... (just to compare sizes)

PPS. I live on the southeast corner of the Neobelow sim close to Ahab's haunt (just wave when you sail along)


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