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Unwanted Followers

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

Is Joanna a good person?  If so, how could you mistake me for someone like that?  And if not, isn't it a good idea to follow a beast like me......that way I can't sneak up on you.  :matte-motes-big-grin:

Joanna only barks at me, but that is her job.  Genn gives me a kiss before she whacks me.  I guess it's all about preference: options/control, ya know?   

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Storm Clarence wrote:

Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

Is Joanna a good person?  If so, how could you mistake me for someone like that?  And if not, isn't it a good idea to follow a beast like me......that way I can't sneak up on you.  :matte-motes-big-grin:

Joanna only barks at me, but that is her job.  Genn gives me a kiss before she whacks me.  I guess it's all about preference: options/control, ya know?   

@Storm...starting to sound a little kinky :matte-motes-evil-invert:

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

You are right, Celeste, their is no reason to look at my followers, unless I want to see who is following me. Their is no reason at all to look at who is following me, other than I would like to. The followers tab is a part of my profile. I am flattered that some would choose to follow me. The problem though, is that I cannot remove a name that is no longer an active account that has a gray silhouette for a profile picture and is not able to remove themselves nor can support do it for me.

No, I don't have to look at my followers list, but I would like to. 

Those dreaded gray silhouettes!   

I understand that you're upset over this.  But, for me, it's a non-issue. 

Carry on. 

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I agree 100% that a person should be able to control who follows them.  In fact, I would prefer it to be handled like a friendship offer.  They have to ask and you have to accept.  However, i have no objection to giving the abiility to make a choice between allowing anyone to follow you, allowing only friends, or having to accept a follower.

If you don't personally care about who follows you or want people to follow you, that is your choice.  If someone decides they don't want followers at all, or doesn't want specific followers, it doesn't hurt you in any way.   Before LL unilaterally decided that our second lives should be spread all over the web, you didn't have this ability and the last time I checked being able to follow people in SL, Facebook or whereever, wasn't  an inalienable right.

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OK, I hope Charro excuses the short derail, but since some have mentioned FB, I need to ask a quick question. Just a yes or no answer, please, and then we can get back to the topic on hand :)

I'm on FB in RL.  For those of you that also use it, you know they have come out with the new Timeline feature.  I'm getting ready to enable it...my question:  am I right in assuming that if I mention anything of SL in conjunction with my avatars name, it will link the two?  People on SL will be then be able to access who I am?  I don't want this to happen, so I want to be sure before I add such a thing.  Thanks for any help.


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Since you replied to my post (which probably just convenience but just in case).  I don't know.  I don't have FB or ever had FB.  But I do know a little bit about Internet security.  Everything you post (yeah, even here) is available in some form to others to see and read.  Even the hidden stuff.......someone can find a way to see it.  The Internet is just that way and, at the present time, there is no way to fix it so that you can have any privacy.  You can only take measures to make any access to your information as hard as posible for people to get such information........well you can disconnect your computer, smartphone, tablet, OnStar, GPS and any other device from the world but that is not really practical in today's world.  That's one of the reasons I don't have any interest in FB........too many opportunities for people gathering information about the real me.  I'm not some secretive freak.  I just want to have control over who sees what about me.  I would personally be very suspicious of any platform that requires it's users to use real life information to be deplayed publically........even if they give you the control to "limit" access to friends or a chosen few.  The fact that it's required to be made available to anyone other than Facebook internal personel makes it dangerous to your privacy.


That's the problem FB keeps having to deal with on privacy.  Is that Time Line safe?  Maybe.........but with FB's track record I wouldn't chance it myself.

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Kylie Jaxxon wrote:

OK, I hope Charro excuses the short derail, but since some have mentioned FB, I need to ask a quick question. Just a yes or no answer, please, and then we can get back to the topic on hand

I'm on FB in RL.  For those of you that also use it, you know they have come out with the new Timeline feature.  I'm getting ready to enable it...my question:  am I right in assuming that if I mention anything of SL in conjunction with my avatars name, it will link the two?  People on SL will be then be able to access who I am?  I don't want this to happen, so I want to be sure before I add such a thing.  Thanks for any help.


It really depends on how public you've made your FB. If only friends can see your FB posts then you're pretty safe (except from friends who are also in SL). If it's public enough that the search engines (Google/Bing/Yahoo/etc.) can index it, then anyone will be able to find it. Linden Lab doesn't troll FB looking to connect RL names to SL.

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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

You are right, Celeste, their is no reason to look at my followers, unless I want to see who is following me. Their is no reason at all to look at who is following me, other than I would like to. The followers tab is a part of my profile. I am flattered that some would choose to follow me. The problem though, is that I cannot remove a name that is no longer an active account that has a gray silhouette for a profile picture and is not able to remove themselves nor can support do it for me.

No, I don't have to look at my followers list, but I would like to. 

Those dreaded gray silhouettes!   

I understand that you're upset over this.  But, for me, it's a non-issue. 

Carry on. 

Thanks. I am not upset over this at all. I am merely requesting an option be made available. 

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I voted :matte-motes-sunglasses-3: Thank you for taking the initiative, kudos.

I don't even like the meaning of the word Follower, for one, it is creepy, stalkers and fanatics are "followers".

I support the development of social networks, but we can't even complete the work and transactions we have for today. Recreational uses should be secondary. The ability to relax and enjoy recreation is derived from our work.

I acknowledge that a group of Residents who are already organized could use Follow to their benefit. The remaining 99.9% of the feed follow activity could be replaced by searching for justin bieber in google news and then copying and pasting that info into the SL Feed.





Upset sounds manageable :smileyhappy: :smileyvery-happy:

Linden's! I'm upset about this!

Enable Management!, .... hmm .... Construct Management!, hmm .... ok ... which Command assembles the Linden Voltron team?





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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

What I do see is the name of a follower who is no longer an active account. I would like to be able to remove that name. This would also be a useful feature for those persons who would like to remove a person from their followers list whom they do not want to see there.

I see that this debate is still continuing. You don't seem to understand yourself, or be clear what you are asking for. Is it the ability to remove someone from displaying on your Followers list, or actually preventing them from being able to Follow you?

They are completely different things, like the difference between being obsessive compulsive towards the neatness of that part of your profile which is a service provided to you by LL, or impotently paranoid in relation to the private announcement - no-one else knows who is following you - of a fact, over which you have, quite rightly, no control if you have chosen to display your feed for public consumption.

Currently, you are coming across like the girl who wears a revealing bikini at the beach and then complains that men are looking at her.

(I should also thank all those who have had kind words about me and my offers to others to find personal salvation in a communal environment, but would point out that our organisation is called THE Cult, not any variation of it. The specific meaning of THE Cult is disclosed once you have made a suitable commitment to it, of course. We welcome everyone, but do not want any old riff-raff in our version of paradise.)

Father "THE Cult Father, actually" Jim



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What I am asking for, is to be able to remove a person from my followers list.

Please read the JIRA, it explains it succinctly.

There is no debate, either someone chooses to vote on the JIRA, or they do not.

I am very clear in what I am asking for, I have spent the better part of ten pages being very clear in what I am asking for.

My feed is not open to the public, I am not concerned for privacy, I don't care if everyone in Second Life follows me and if I didn't want guys to look at me at the beach, I wouldn't go to the beach.


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