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Unwanted Followers

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Have you had a chance to check out your profile on my.secondlife.com?

Are you aware that others can now choose to follow you? followers list

Did you know that if someone follows you, you are not allowed to remove them from your followers list?

I believe we have a right to not have persons follow us. At the very least, we should have the ability to remove them from our followers list. If you send me a friend request, and I accept it, you are now on my friends list. If you constantly spam and harass me, I can remove you from my friends list.

If I meet you in a dance club or an art exhibit and you grief me, I can mute you. When you are muted, I no longer have to receive spam or solicitations from you.

If you choose to follow me, everytime I open up my profile, I have to see you there, mocking me, telling me, no matter what my opinion on the matter, you are in my profile, like it or not.

Please watch and vote for a JIRA to change this. Thank you.



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I voted for and commented on Charolotte's JIRA after recieving her very polite PM to me this morning.  I'm not one to browse JIRA's to vote or comment on.  I only go there if I think something is important enough for me to do something about........in this case, it's to support Charolotte and make it known to LL that it is an important issue.  I encourage others to do what I did.....for or against, LL needs to know what we think.

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Storm Clarence wrote:

It wouldn't really matter if this function is in place.  If an unwanted individual posts on YOUR wall harassing you can whack the post. They can still comment on someone else's post or wall whether they were muted or not. 

Correct Storm, but this is about the followers list, not the feed wall. You have no ability to remove anyone from your followers list as it now is. I am proposing that we be able to remove persons from our followers list.

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Storm Clarence wrote:

It wouldn't really matter if this function is in place.  If an unwanted individual posts on YOUR wall harassing you can whack the post. They can still comment on someone else's post or wall whether they were muted or not. 

And follower or not, your feed is open to all to write to unless you restrict it to your "Friends", and similarly with the ability to read it; in fact, if only two of your friends love your post it becomes public property via the "Trending" feed.

Perhaps a major rethink of who you might call a "Friend", with more categories might seem called for, if the feeds are not to descend into stalking, advertising and worst of all, public displays of affection!

I would encourage you to join THE Cult in private displays of affection. Make your commitment now and find peace in a restful soul.

Father "Someone is ALWAYS watching you" Jim

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

That's not the point.  The point is that someone can even post on your wall in the first place.......whether or not you can "whack" it or not.  If I don't graffiti on my wall being able to paint over it is not a solution.........preventing the graffiti in the first place is the solution.

"Following" does not allow the follower to post on the person being followed wall.  Unless that feed is marked open to all of SL or World, or you are a friend.   So what are you saying Peggy?  

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Dear Storm, Jim, and Peggy,

This JIRA is not about persons being able to post to your feeds, or the ability to restricts posts, or about preventing access to your profile wall.

This JIRA is requesting that we be able to remove persons from our followers list.

If I choose to follow Storm, he should then have the option to remove me if he so wishes.

If Mad Jim follows me, as it is now, I cannot remove his name from my followers list.

I can, right now, keep him from posting to my wall or feed, I can, right now, remove his posts from my wall or feed if I have it set to allow him to post on it in the first place.

What I cannot do, and what this JIRA is requesting, is the ability to remove his name from my followers list.

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I am most amused at the paranoia being displayed here. Followers are merely a list of people who have publicly acknowledged that they find your writings entertaining, informative or amusing - perhaps for the wrong reasons, but recognition is surely what is sought by those who post the minutiae of their virtual lives which they do not think worthy of even a Tweet.

Rejoice in the knowledge that others are sufficiently interested to wish to receive your words of wisdom without having to go to the trouble of remembering and typing your silly name!

Bask in the approbation of your peers as they attempt to make sense of your Dutch angles in an unlit interior illuminated only by a blizzard of bling!

Enjoy desperate people who don't understand that the concept of worthless friendships does not necessarily carry over from Facebook to Second Life.

If you find my perspective illuminating, please feel free to follow me; THE Cult welcomes those who are prepared to make a commitment.

Father "should be committed" Jim

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Hi Charolotte. Fascinating timing.  I started getting curious about this very subject only a few hours ago. I agree that it should be our decision to accept or decline a follower. Even if the default is 'accept' (which seems to make sense; it's not like creating an inworld friend) the option to decline/cancel at any time should belong to the followee.

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And I'm not a Facebooker either.  I couldn't care less about all this Facebook crap............I don't want people following me, admiring me, or posting anything on my feed.  That's why I have mine setup to "nobody".  What Charolotte's JIRA is about is the following stuff.........as I understand it anyone can follow anyone and there's no way to remove them once they follow you other than asking them not to follow.  It's an opt in with no way to ever opt out........that is not a good thing for people like me.  Just because it's okay with you doesn't make it okay.........it only makes it okay with you and that's all.  Following can lead to a form of stalking.........and by you saying its okay for me you are saying it's okay to stalk me. 


I guess you are okay with Homeland Security eavesdropping on your emails too.  Harmless.........right?  I mean, after all, you've done nothing to warrant HLS following you.  Extreme example, I know.........but not much difference at all.

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I have the answer!!!

Remove the display of the list of Followers from the Profile.

But retain the ability to Follow.

That will allow those who wish to be promptly informed of every sanitorial visit, giggish love-in or teenage unromance to maintain a watching brief, but will not disturb the person being followed at all.

Father "what the mind does not know, the heart does not grieve over" Jim


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madjim wrote:

I am most amused at the paranoia being displayed here. Followers are merely a list of people who have publicly acknowledged that they find your writings entertaining, informative or amusing - perhaps for the wrong reasons, but recognition is surely what is sought by those who post the minutiae of their virtual lives which they do not think worthy of even a Tweet.

Rejoice in the knowledge that others are sufficiently interested to wish to receive your words of wisdom without having to go to the trouble of remembering and typing your silly name!

Bask in the approbation of your peers as they attempt to make sense of your Dutch angles in an unlit interior illuminated only by a blizzard of bling!

Enjoy desperate people who don't understand that the concept of worthless friendships does not necessarily carry over from Facebook to Second Life.

If you find my perspective illuminating, please feel free to follow me; THE Cult welcomes those who are prepared to make a commitment.

Father "should be committed" Jim

Hello. There is no level of paranoia being displayed. This is simply a request to have a feature implemented that will allow us to remove someone from our followers list if we so choose. Having a name on a followers list in no way hinders or affects the successful interaction of our avatars with out virtual environment. It is merely an annoyance of not being able to remove names from our profile.

In my case, what prompted me to request this feature, was that a cancelled account was showing up on my followers list. After speaking with support, they recommended I file a feature request. This JIRA is the result.

There is no paranoia of any sort and this should not become a subject of hysteria by any means.

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I voted & commented the following:

"I want to know what it means when a person follows you and why I never heard about this before? I don't want followers. I have my roommate's ex-partner following my SL profile. Why would I want that? Why would anyone want an ex partner or one-time friended and later de-friended person following them on SL? I want control of my privacy on SL and elsewhere. I want to be able to block anyone from following me."

I further want to know what all this wall stuff means? I don't want my Facebook account to be linked to my SL account, but that's what all of this sounds like. Are people following our posts on the forums? I've never posted anything to a wall for SL. I didn't even know there was such a thing.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

And I'm not a Facebooker either.  I couldn't care less about all this Facebook crap............I don't want people following me, admiring me, or posting anything on my feed.  That's why I have mine setup to "nobody".  What Charolotte's JIRA is about is the following stuff.........as I understand it anyone can follow anyone and there's no way to remove them once they follow you other than asking them not to follow.  It's an opt in with no way to ever opt out........that is not a good thing for people like me.  Just because it's okay with you doesn't make it okay.........it only makes it okay with you and that's all.  Following can lead to a form of stalking.........and by you saying its okay for me you are saying it's okay to stalk me. 


I guess you are okay with Homeland Security eavesdropping on your emails too.  Harmless.........right?  I mean, after all, you've done nothing to warrant HLS following you.  Extreme example, I know.........but not much difference at all.

I understand what Charlolette's JIRA is about.  And I am saying, in the scheme of things it would not matter if someone is following you or not in order to read your posts.  

I don't know if your questions or statements written like questions are directed at me.  

Your extreme example above is ridiculous: this is the Internet - nothing is safe.  I would rather HLS look at my emails, they will read that I am not harboring any illegal migrant workers on my Napa Valley vineyard,  than have Google save every search I do and sell my information to the highest bidder.   

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I've heard of such things but, too, don't have a clue what it's all about.  I don't have Facebook (to be honest, I've even gone to the website).  I do know from a very good friend who is an avid Facebooker that you can follow people and post on their "walls" as long as the privacy permissions allow you to do such things.  However, with all Facebooks recent privacy issues in the news, you are given options to remove followers and prevent postings on your wall.......I see how to prevent posting on my SL "wall" but nothing to prevent someone from following me and now I know from Charolotte's JIRA that once someone starts following you, you can do nothing except to request the person to stop.......if they say no, then they can follow you forever.


I have a Twitter account that I opened a very long time ago.  Every now and then I get some email notice that someone started following me.........I hope they have fun since I haven't logged into Twitter in over a year and a half.  But, I do remember that I could remove someone who is following me.  One day I'll dig in my notes and find the password and check how to prevent followers and remove the ones who are following my on so boring Twitter persona.  There needs to be similar options for people following your profile in SL.

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

madjim wrote:

I am most amused at the paranoia being displayed here. Followers are merely a list of people who have publicly acknowledged that they find your writings entertaining, informative or amusing - perhaps for the wrong reasons, but recognition is surely what is sought by those who post the minutiae of their virtual lives which they do not think worthy of even a Tweet.

Rejoice in the knowledge that others are sufficiently interested to wish to receive your words of wisdom without having to go to the trouble of remembering and typing your silly name!

Bask in the approbation of your peers as they attempt to make sense of your Dutch angles in an unlit interior illuminated only by a blizzard of bling!

Enjoy desperate people who don't understand that the concept of worthless friendships does not necessarily carry over from Facebook to Second Life.

If you find my perspective illuminating, please feel free to follow me; THE Cult welcomes those who are prepared to make a commitment.

Father "should be committed" Jim

Hello. There is no level of paranoia being displayed. This is simply a request to have a feature implemented that will allow us to remove someone from our followers list if we so choose. Having a name on a followers list in no way hinders or affects the successful interaction of our avatars with out virtual environment. It is merely an annoyance of not being able to remove names from our profile.

In my case, what prompted me to request this feature, was that a cancelled account was showing up on my followers list. After speaking with support, they recommended I file a feature request. This JIRA is the result.

There is no paranoia of any sort and this should not become a subject of hysteria by any means.

This question of Followers is a minimal nuisance in comparison with the lack of any apparent consideration being given by the designers to what the residents who might use it would want.

Much more important is the scope for commercial and otherwise spamming of non-events, misinformed training, unwanted products, and intrusive comments by avatars you have either muted inworld, or wish you had.

The Trending feed is a joke, especially when you can get public visibility by loving it yourself and getting just one other shill or alt to do so as well.

The feeds have only served to highlight the inability of the current platform to differentiate groups of people and types of messages, which must be very embarrassing when you are attempting to develop any sort of promotional strategy which requires that sort of personalisation, particularly since it is the basis for the success of those few web properties who have actually been able to make profits, rather than just grow costs in excess of revenues, largely by acquisition.

But this is all irrelevant to the members of THE Cult. We are not impinged upon by such venal matters. Join us, make a commitment and you will find comfort and soothing messages being directed to your communication centres.

Father "used to be in marketing" Jim

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Kylie Jaxxon wrote:

We shouldn't be put in the position to have to do that, Storm...the option to remove them should be at our control, not theirs


What I am saying Kylie is in context with the OP is claiming: harassing others.  If you feel you are being harassed by someone following you - ask them to stop.  If it is benign, then leave it be.  

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madjim wrote:

This question of Followers is a minimal nuisance in comparison with the lack of any apparent consideration being given by the designers to what the residents who might use it would want.

Much more important is the scope for commercial and otherwise spamming of non-events, misinformed training, unwanted products, and intrusive comments by avatars you have either muted inworld, or wish you had.

The Trending feed is a joke, especially when you can get public visibility by loving it yourself and getting just one other shill or alt to do so as well.

The feeds have only served to highlight the inability of the current platform to differentiate groups of people and types of messages, which must be very embarrassing when you are attempting to develop any sort of promotional strategy which requires that sort of personalisation, particularly since it is the basis for the success of those few web properties who have actually been able to make profits, rather than just grow costs in excess of revenues, largely by acquisition.

But this is all irrelevant to the members of THE Cult. We are not impinged upon by such venal matters. Join us, make a commitment and you will find comfort and soothing messages being directed to your communication centres.

Father "used to be in marketing" Jim

You bring up many good points, however, this JIRA is only about being able to remove followers from your followers list.

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

madjim wrote:

This question of Followers is a minimal nuisance in comparison with the lack of any apparent consideration being given by the designers to what the residents who might use it would want.

Much more important is the scope for commercial and otherwise spamming of non-events, misinformed training, unwanted products, and intrusive comments by avatars you have either muted inworld, or wish you had.

The Trending feed is a joke, especially when you can get public visibility by loving it yourself and getting just one other shill or alt to do so as well.

The feeds have only served to highlight the inability of the current platform to differentiate groups of people and types of messages, which must be very embarrassing when you are attempting to develop any sort of promotional strategy which requires that sort of personalisation, particularly since it is the basis for the success of those few web properties who have actually been able to make profits, rather than just grow costs in excess of revenues, largely by acquisition.

But this is all irrelevant to the members of THE Cult. We are not impinged upon by such venal matters. Join us, make a commitment and you will find comfort and soothing messages being directed to your communication centres.

Father "used to be in marketing" Jim

You bring up many good points, however, this JIRA is only about being able to remove followers from your followers list.

I suppose if you had been a passenger on the Titanic you would have been complaining about there being too much ice in your gin and tonic . . .

Father "has his priorities right" Jim

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I don't think Charolotte said anything about harassment........I'm probably the one you are referring to.  I did say that by following someone it could be a form of harassment.  And it could be percieved that way.  I'm pretty much immuned to harassment......it's easy when you really just don't care much about what anyone says to thinks about you.  But I'm not talking about myself..........some people can feel it's harassment and because they feel that way, it is harassment.  And without being to remove a follower, they can't pervent what they think is harassment.


You're attittude about someone following you is probably not much different than mine..........but you and I are not the only people in Second Life.

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