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What are some of the nicest Second Life compliments you’ve ever received?

Linden Lab

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Happened just the last month. I logged in and got a rather unusual IM from someone who had been in my store for a hunt.  I was like number 35 on the list so not the best position but not the worst either.

She had said the store impressed her so much that she actually forgot she was on a hunt and had spent nearly an hour there.

People buying what I create is always a compliment but in this case, she didn't spend a single Linden (though she did come back a week later to shop) which actually meant more to me than if she had shopped.  I want people to enjoy my stuff more than anything which is why I do it in the first place. 

To me, she recognized something in me that few really get.  I don't do this for the money, I have plenty of that and do very well in my RL profession but what she saw was the time I take and the thought I put into my hobby.  I have people always telling me they like my creations but for some reason, her getting side tracked from a Hunt told me that what I created was able to distract her from something she was very focused on.  It's not so much getting noticed, it's the getting noticed amongst the distractions of many other great and talented merchants.

I have others but this one for some reason really hit me at a time that I needed it. 

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A Resident I've never met, sent me an IM Inworld, and said that one of my comments at this Forum had "restored their faith in humanity". :smileyhappy: I was flattered by their comment, but, in wanting to remain humble, I did not inquire about which comment I had made that had motivated them to contact me. To this day, I still don't know what I said.

Another Resident I had met said that she thought I was good builder until she saw more of my work. Then she said, "you're a super duper builder".

At an Inworld meeting with a Linden, the word of the day for L$ was directed at my avatar in jest. At the time, I did not understand that Linden's sense of humor, and that the word's meaning was directed at me. That particular Linden is very intuitive. 


This thread is syncronously coincidental and who the author is, is refreshingly confounding. I am enjoying this infusion of confusion, it's a super stupor.



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The nicest compliment I've ever gotten came in the form of a few simple words regarding something in my profile. It's hard to explain exactly why it was the nicest compliment but it came at a time that a few kind words really meant more than anything else could. It was also about something that means a great deal to me.

Sometimes I think people underestimate the value and power of words. A simple phrase can turn a person's day right around(in either direction). You really never know what impact your words will have. All too often people are afraid, for whatever reason, to say what's really on their mind. I'm a profile perv by nature, I admit it, I have issues. I tend to read profiles, just because. No real reason other than simple curiosity. I figure if it's in there, it's because that person wants it read, so I do. It used to be a very rare occasion when I'd actually make a comment to someone about anything in their profile. Until someone said something to me, that is. Granted the person who said it is someone I actually know and have known for a while now, but it still felt pretty good to hear. Since then I have had a couple other similar comments, and it still makes me smile. Not just the words they choose to send my way, but the simple fact that they took time out of their day to not only notice me but also felt compelled to share their thoughts.

Like I said, hard to explain exactly why it was the nicest, and best compliment I've ever gotten, but it really is.

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"Damn, I love you!"  (I had my SL picure of me with my boobs slightly enhanced)

"You're too smart for your own good!" (When I won an argument why globalisation is a bad thing and the Talibans did the right thing pulling those historical statues down)

"Stop it! You're being silly!" (a biker wannabe tp'd me to this biker's hangout with plenty of  bikers hanging around. I had my faery outfit then and I started chatting in local to him the faery way...)

"If I'm not happily married/dating in RL/SL, I would have make my move on you long time ago" (Yes, yes... I am the forbidden fruit!)


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Imnotgoing Sideways wrote:

A certain land baron once referred to me as "Odious little volunteer". (

Reminds me of when I was once accused of 'trying to get people to like her.' To some people, niceness, volunteering, or being helpful; is a sin. Kinda backwards if you ask me. :)

But the best compliments have been people messaging me over the advice parts of my blog - had a few newbies who've made my day by letting me know that the getting started blog, the sailing one, or even the proportions one had really helped them find what they needed to 'get into' Second Life.

Nothing can make me happier than when someone else lets me know I managed to shine a bit of joy for them. I've found there's a good number of people in Second Life who have also discovered this about themselves as well.


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Hi Linden!

Usually when someone creates an OP, they provide some introduction to the topic and perhaps share something related to the topic.  Then, the OP will pop back in now and then to comment or add to the discussion.

So, what are some of the nicest SL compliments YOU have ever received OR given?  (see what I did there?)

What are you thankful for this Holiday season?

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Venus Petrov wrote:

Hi Linden!

Usually when someone creates an OP, they provide some introduction to the topic and perhaps share something related to the topic.  Then, the OP will pop back in now and then to comment or add to the discussion.

So, what are some of the nicest SL compliments YOU have ever received OR given?  (see what I did there?)

What are you thankful for this Holiday season?

Perhaps this Linden has never had any compliments?

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BothamFidor wrote:

Venus Petrov wrote:

Hi Linden!

Usually when someone creates an OP, they provide some introduction to the topic and perhaps share something related to the topic.  Then, the OP will pop back in now and then to comment or add to the discussion.

So, what are some of the nicest SL compliments YOU have ever received OR given?  (see what I did there?)

What are you thankful for this Holiday season?

Perhaps this Linden has never had any compliments?

I would like to hear from Linden him/herself.

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heheheheh this is what folks say bout meh! edited for profanities and names redacted of caws!


@JumpmanLaneYou and "them pesky
Lindens" did your job well. I quit SL I'm
bankrupt, unemployable and using. You
ARE the King of SL. Grats!"- a former sex bed maker

"Some people want to [mess] around all day and also pretend

to make a glossy magazine with interesting items and

articles. A big example of a cockroach of this kind is Jumpman Lane."-a self-styled artist and griefer


"Jumpman is among the most loathsome creatures of SL --

his vendetta against [a certain sex-bed maker] for years is of unknown origins"-noted lightingrod blogger


"In the case of Jumpman Lane, he should not have been allowed back. I'm puzzled why he was, in fact.

"He conitinues to grief, harass, bully, intimidate, inworld and out, sending obscene material, threatening, harassing, and keeping up this fake ghetto-blaster patter. I've AR'd him multiple times."-noted lightning rod blogger


"Last week, well-known virtual world entrepreneur [name redacted] threw in the towel on Second Life after a long running series of feuds with Linden Lab and the notorious Jumpman Lane."-The Alphaville Herald


"Hello Jumpman...Enjoy your Second Life!"-Linden Lab

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