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A dream about the beast himself


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Hey guys last night I had a dream that scared the **bleep** out of me. I was laying down in my bed and next to me appear a lesbo basketball player. At first she said something to me that was seducing and then all of assudden she appeared to be satan . He was red and had a red long tail with a triangle pointy tail. Also he was trying to grab me. It was weird the time fram was about 3-4am.... Someone translate :)

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zenux wrote:

Hey guys last night I had a dream that scared the **bleep** out of me. I was laying down in my bed and next to me appear a lesbo basketball player. At first she said something to me that was seducing and then all of assudden she appeared to be satan . He was red and had a red long tail with a triangle pointy tail. Also he was trying to grab me. It was weird the time fram was about 3-4am.... Someone translate

This is clearly a representation of an inner turmoil regarding your id's sexual identity.  Add to this some very suggestive, to the academic mind, Freudian sexual imagery and I think we can cleary surmise what is happening and understand what your id and super ego are trying to resolve and rationalise for your ego.  The questions your sub-conscious selfs are asking you are simple and two-fold.  

Firstly, do you feel that you are intrisically a man or woman in your gender identity regardless of your biological gender? This is exemplified in the representation of woman who has the stature of a male basketball player

Secondly, you are trying to resolve your sexual identity vis a vis, regardless of the first question posed, do you feel intrisically attracted to males or females?  This conflict is played out by the lesbian's seductive words, which are then contrasted by the Devil (a male) who is forceful in his sexual advances.

But hang on you say?  Why basketball?  A good question!  One that leads me to my conclusion and hopefully a resolution.  

You are having doubts about whether you are in fact male or female in spirit and you are clearly confused about your sexual orientation now and probably into the future and most clinchingly of all you wrap this all up in basketball.  It is therefore my conclusion that you are indeed Dennis Rodman!

Thank you, I'm here all week, cheap rates and try the veal!


[ETA] Damn you to Hades BothamFidor for giving quack conclusions without analysis or charging an appropriate fee!


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