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MarketPlace Nov30 Update - The Verdict is?

Toysoldier Thor

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Love the separate box for unassociated.

Perms column is handy for a quick check.

I like the date field if it shows accurately when something was last edited - s that what it's meant to be? If so my dates don't all match up - some things I haven't touched for ages show today's date, and some groups of things that i last edited on the same day all have different dates.

Selecting multiple listings and clicking 'edit' just opens a blank edit page - is this intentional? I would have expected an edit page for each item selected, which would be handy.

I like that you can view a listing by clicking on it now.

What's the point of the "on hand" column? Surely 99.9% of merchant's items are going to be 'unlimited'? How do people ever have more than one of a limited item up anyway? You'd need a separate magic box for each one considering any duplicates added to a box get renamed. So wouldn't 'available/unavailable' cover it? Looks like a waste of space to me.

Would have been nice if "create new listings" actually opened an edit page asd well, rather than just adding the unassociated items to the active inv list. And it kinda defeats the purpose - the nice thing about having the unassoc things at the top is so you can find them quickly to edit.

While you're at it, please please please can you enlarge the "extended description" box on the edit page - a 5000 char field the size of a cigarette paper? There's a ton of unused space width-wise, and lengthwise we have to scroll anyway.

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So if Commerce Team is actually going to start fixing the smaller items of SLM, maybe they can add these fixes, functions, features into their secret list of priorities...


  1. "Top Selling Products" "Top Searched Products" at least have a count reset.  Even this request is far from great but being the LL wants to totally ignore any Merchant Reporting functions, something as simply as Zeroing out the count is a baby step.  My top Searched Product is a whopping 384206 since SLM started counted back in summer of 2010 - WOW what an utterly useless stat. 
  2. Optionally for request #1, to convert these two simple reports to at least a last 3 month daily count histograph of these counts - like Xstreet had.
  3. Optionally on Reporting (yeah I know I am wishing for a lottery win here but...) if LL could integrate Google Analytics to listing pages.  LL... if you give us merchants this.... we will never bug you ever ever ever again on SLM reporting.  why?  You will not be able to compete with Google Analytics for website traffic reporting - so outsource the function by letting us Merchants link our GA code to our product pages.  PLEASEEEE!
  4. This is a REALLLL simple one but one that still has never been fixed by LL....  Fix the SLM website header so that if a merchant or customer wants to leave marketplace and go to the main www.secondlife.com website, they could do it by simply clicking the HOME icon.  Wow how radical is that... a HOME button that takes you to SL's main home page.  Right now there is no click from the maretplace to the main page.
  5. On the MANAGE INVENTORY, add some basic sorts for each column.  i.e. sort by the name column, date (whatever date is for), price.  
  6. On Transaction History, the Filtering Search is not reliable.  I can type one full name in and it will find it and then type in another full name and it can find any transactions.  MORE IMPORTANTLY... the customer filter search should allow wildcards.  Filtered search should also allow filtering of Date Range.
  7. Clicking on a customer name on the orders/transaction history should also provide profile information.  It would also be nice to be able to send an IM to this user without having to be logged into SL inworld.
  8. The ne USER LICENSE permission would be of some value if the customer actually had a EULA or Usage Agreement note to read prior to agreeing to a User License.  Wouldnt that make sense?
  9. How bout a listing fields HELP system that explained all the fields like this new User License.
  10. When a sold item was actually delivered to the customer, the email notification that comes to the Merchant should include critical information that the Sales Confirmation reports in the email.... missing information that should be included are: Date/Time product was actually delivered, the name of the customer it was delivered to, the Order # and Item # being delivered.  Not sure why LL did not thing this information was important for the delivery email.  without this information, its hard to match the Sales and delivery email notifications together.
  11. Would be nice if when a customer that is on one of my listings wants to contact me while being on my page.  i.e. SEND MERCHANT AN EMAIL.

just some ideas

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Arwen, your questions on the Manage Inventory date is completely legit.

I have not added an item into my SLM magicbox in months.... yet I have dates all over the place including dates of TODAY and a few days ago.  The dates are not based on last edited, not by last sold, not by when created as a listing, not as when made active, not anything relevent.

I have no clue what the date is for.  Either the date is completely broken or means something obscure that even LL doesnt know what its for.

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Just spent about an hour with Javon in live chat about my inventory on the MP. I had over 1100 items listed before the update and now I have 631. Reset magic boxes and synced. Took magic boxes into inventory and set them back out and synced. Checked boxes to make sure inventory was there and it was. Placed a full perm cube in a box and synced. It showed up on the MP. According to Javon no one else has had an inventory problem with the change. Also had perms changed on about 50 items from full perm to mod, copy or no perms at all.

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Mickey Vandeverre wrote:

got 30 DELIVERY PARTIALLY FAILED notations for the week.


Check whether they're actually your things that failed (order details) - if anything else in the order fails you'll get that too.

Check for dead boxes on old xstreet (if the item's listed in a dead box the SLM will still try to deliver. Yes, I know.)

Check if the time from 12mn to 5am is disproportionately represented. If so vote on https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4260

There are jiras for the others too but I can't remember them offhand.

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Although I like seeing the unassociated items in one place, it's a royal PITA to have to close the list EVERY TIME I CHANGE PAGES!  Can you make it remember its state and stay there like a good list?

Seeing the permissions is useful - some of my listings were incorrect.

I would love to be able to sort based on where in the product tree things are - all textures, all shoes, etc. to make it easier to check permissions and fix them.

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I did a count of the inventory in each Magic Box and the MP count was off by a lot. I'm still missing some of my inventory but not nearly as much as I thought.The inventory that is missing I can deal with inworld and have it back today. So far I had 3 failed deliveries but they were part of a cart so I don't know why they failed.

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Madeliefste Oh wrote:

I asked in
for an "I agree" button on the marketplace for full perms items that come with a user license.

I hope this new box is just step 1 in the process of realizing such button (or something else) where the customer must confirm he does agree with the terms of use in the user license.

Thanx Madeliefste :-) So they are displaying something that is not finished yet? O_o I thought that should be something like that, but don't know how to use it yet ^^'

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On the whole it seems to work aside from the things already mentioned of course - did strike me as a little short sighted not having the titles sortable by click A-Z or something similar.

On a side note, just had a delivery failed - is it me or does there appear to be some correlation between failed delivery and 'Revenue Distributions' 



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