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MarketPlace Nov30 Update - The Verdict is?

Toysoldier Thor

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In anticipation that there will be disucssions on the results of SLM's functionality and stability after LL Commerce bring SLM back into production after these changes, here is the thread to dump it.

As fellow Merchants blow the dust off their SLM store and start testing if LL actually properly tested their changes this time and that SLM survived a LL Change with no major glitches, bugs, etc....  or if the JIRAs will start sprouting like mushrooms, you can throw them up in this thread.


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OK.... seems we have come out of the update...


November 30, 2011

Latest Release Date: 11/30/2011

This release fixes some outstanding issues from the September release of Marketplace, as well as adding some new functionality. The merchant admin inventory management counts, filters, and search functionality have all been fixed. In addition, inventory items not associated with a listing have been separated out into an inventory only section--and we have added User Licensed as a permissions option.

The final feature that has been added is a minimum account age for becoming a merchant. An account must be at least 5 days old to create a store (become a Merchant) on the Marketplace.

For more details, see the Marketplace Release Notes are now posted on the wiki.


SO Merchants... do your testing....

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Initial feedback on the Manage Inventory page: WOOT!! I like it! I like how they've separated out the unassociated listings into their own section. I also dig the new controls and icons and widgets on the main Inventory section too.

Now gonna go investigate that User Licensing thing, cuz I sell some full perm things that do have a particular requirement for customer uses allowed.

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First explain to us what the USER LICENSE is and exactly what active function it plays?  I looked around the Merchant inventory management page for a HELP button and nothing on it.  I clicked on it and enabled it for one of my items... nothing seemed change. 

So... since the site has no help to describe what the button is for and what it actively does, please enlighten us.

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Without being able to test a purchase, the Merchant screen for inventory management looks good and so far stable.  I tried the functions they mentioned and it worked.  My magicbox status is totally reporting far outdated information (saying that the new inventory I added since MP started are still unassociated when I know they are not.

But so far so good... I just cant test actual transactions.

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Well we can start with a few products of mine that were previously available now showing as

(Item unavailable.)

Not surprising as these items were listed right in the middle of the last time they were breaking the system. *sigh* so back to the drawing board. I also advise folks not to list any new items for a least a week after this release.

There's still no button to remove dormant ghosts from the inventory and I'm wondering why they have put such emphasis on date. Which would be all well nad good if we could click the colums to sort by a different order.

Nearly 2 years on I'm still gob smacked at how bad the merchants tools we were given are when compared to what we were spoiled with on xstreet.


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That is why a lot of Merchants need to test LL's code.  I didnt have any orphaned listings in SLM so my store seems to not be affected by this bug that LL still has not fixed.

I am worried that all the content I added into Magic box this year show up on the magicbox Status as "Items that appear to not be associated with any Marketplace listing" when in fact they are.

As such, I dare not press the SYNCH WITH MAGICBOX button for fear of what that will do with a dozen of my listings.

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I like what they have done and it's a vast improvement.  The queries did run a bit slower and I am sure due to the additional information being retrieved but still worth it as I have more information to work with.

I also love that I can now delete unlisted items. 

I would someday like to see this completely integrated into the other databases in that if I click on a customer, it would be nice to pull up their profile page or at least, their purchase history.

But, this is a nice improvement.

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Not good! Having discovered previously listed items were  stated as unavailable now. I Did the following.

Step 1

I deleted the item from the inventory - that worked

Step 2

I did a sync as the items were still in the magic box. Refreshed and no new item appears as ready for listing

step 3

Took the old items out of magic box. Did another sync and refresh. Waited till the colours were gone

step 4

Renamed the items (slight change). put them back in the box - wait for colours to change as usual. **bleep** head back to web, sync again and refresh. (bleep not mine)

Items still not there!

Will try listing a completely new boxed item next and  do the dance all over - but not tonight - my will to live has been sapped enough already.


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Hello Lasher

The issue you are reporting is not because of the deploy today. It is an issue with your region not permitting specific types of communications out to the web site.

Dakota has restarted the region for you and this should correct the issue.

If it does not, please submit a support case so that you can be helped further.

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Yo! CTL! Are there any defining characteristics or symptoms that we "mere mortals" can identify that absolutely clearly indicate that the region needs to be restarted due to the "region not permitting specific types of communications out to the web site"?

If we have some solid way of identifying this exact cause then we can be more proactive in helping others when they report the identifying symptoms.

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Anyone figure out what the "Date" refers to on the Manage Inventory page? In mine, they are random dates (untied to listing date, latest edit, or latest sale)...not sure what they are intended to communicate or where to find the info.

hmm, also just noticed the last two entries on my unassociated list won't allow me to show the "actions" - the button is there and the drop down menu appears, but it hidden underneath the section border...

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Arwen Serpente wrote:

Anyone figure out what the "Date" refers to on the Manage Inventory page? In mine, they are random dates (untied to listing date, latest edit, or latest sale)...not sure what they are intended to communicate or where to find the info.

hmm, also just noticed the last two entries on my unassociated list won't allow me to show the "actions" - the button is there and the drop down menu appears, but it hidden underneath the section border...

Yes, what is the date and what determined that? I have one yellow stuck item that I can't edit also, is this ticket time? ;-)

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

Yo! CTL! Are there any defining characteristics or symptoms that we "mere mortals" can identify that absolutely clearly indicate that the region needs to be restarted due to the "region not permitting specific types of communications out to the web site"?

If we have some solid way of identifying this exact cause then we can be more proactive in helping others when they report the identifying symptoms.

Hello Darrius

A very easy test can be done. Add a blank, full permission, builders cube to the Magic Box.

If it does not show up on the Marketplace, then 99.999% of the time it is because the region is not allowing communications out to the web site.


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CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

Darrius Gothly wrote:

Yo! CTL! Are there any defining characteristics or symptoms that we "mere mortals" can identify that absolutely clearly indicate that the region needs to be restarted due to the "region not permitting specific types of communications out to the web site"?

If we have some solid way of identifying this exact cause then we can be more proactive in helping others when they report the identifying symptoms.

Hello Darrius

A very easy test can be done. Add a blank, full permission, builders cube to the Magic Box.

If it does not show up on the Marketplace, then 99.999% of the time it is because the region is not allowing communications out to the web site.


SHWEET! Thank you. So adding a generic cube is the first test to perform when new items won't list. Should the cube be name uniquely, so as to avoid the "already had something with that name" bug that sometimes prevents items from showing up?

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Just created a JIRA for the Date issue: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4290

Here's the explanation from Dakota regarding what the "Date" column should be recording: "The date on the Manage Inventory Page is the date that the item was submitted to the Marketplace.This is the date when you added the product to your Magic Box and then sync'd the Marketplace to your Magic Box.You can see this when you add a new product to your Magic Box and then sync the Marketplace.The item will appear under the Unassociated Inventory section with the date.This may, or may not, correspond to a date when you actually create a listing for the product, depending upon whether you create the listing on the same date that you sent the item to the Marketplace."

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The issue for me after reading this description is that my SLM Magicbox status shows pretty much all my items I loaded into the magicbox in 2011 are considered unassociated.  What is confusing is that even though the SLM magicbox status says all these items are unassociated to a listing, they are in fact associated to a listing and active listings.  And I am 99% sure they have successfully sold.  I will have to test a purchase tonight to be 100%.

So why is the magicbox status saying all these items are NOT associated?   I am too afraid to synch my magicbox because it might actually break what I believe is working.

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Mine pretty much all show 2011 dates even though I've been in business for 2 years and actively adding to my magic boxes since 2009 pre-MP and obviously post-MP creation (which is why I created the JIRA for the incorrect Date). Not sure what's happening with your unassociated listings. In my case, I have unassociated items, but they are the "correct" ones.

Maybe Dakota/Support can explain via a support ticket. Or, you might want to add the info to the JIRA I just created, or, if it seems a different issue, create a new JIRA (sorry to say).

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Hello Darrius

If you wish, you may name the cube Test Object to easliy locate the item on the list, otherwise the item will show up just as Object since that is the default name on the cube.


Hello Toysolider

Please remember that the Magic Box Status Page applies to the Xstreet SL web site.  All items that have been added to your Magic Box since the 6 October 2010 when the Xstreet SL web site was shut off will be shown under the Unassociated Inventory Column on that page.

Now that the Marketplace has deployed code to host its own Unassociated Inventory section on your Manage Inventory Page, it is no longer necessary to rely on that column on the Xstreet SL web site.

The only information that is still needed on the Magic Box Status Page is the location of the Magic Boxes under the Registered Servers section at the bottom left.


Hello Arwen,

Please remember that the migration of product listings from the Xstreet SL web site to the Second Life Marketplace did not complete until Q1 2011.

Even though your product may have been listed on the Xstreet SL web site in 2009, or for some, 2005, the Second Life Marketplace web site did not exist back then.

The date on your Manage Inventory Page will correspond to the date that the item was submitted to the Second Life Marketplace web site, not the old, closed, defunct, Xstreet SL web site.

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Thank you CTL. The Dates are incorrect even given the information you are providing. I added a screenshot to my JIRA.

I added a screenshot that shows a line of products named "Giulia" that was added to the MP in July 2011. They have been selling ever since. The Date column displays various dates in November 2011 as their "submission" dates (incorrect).

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Thanks for the thought Darrius, but the properties/date of the items in my magic boxes would pre-date the date I put them in the box (if I'm understanding your suggestion). I haven't removed any of the items, haven't done any updates to them since they were originally placed in the box. Every date is wrong, not just a few. 431 wrong dates.


Are yours correct?

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