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Abuse Reports, why has LL not taken care of them ??

Huntress Leigh

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I filed an abuse report on one individual who violated the TOS by putting a RL website media picture in her 1st life tab. A website I goto. I asked her to remove it she said NO. So I reported it.


NOW I see her picture and its still there, AND now I am getting threating messages from her "friends / ALTs" calling me a **bleep** and other words. Bascially, I had to file another AR. This has been going on over and over. Why has LL not taken care of ARs ? I have never seen them actually take care of any of this stuff. EVER. These people can do what they want when they want and the Abuse Reports do nothing.


So why has LL not taken care of it ?

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Huntress Leigh wrote:

I filed an abuse report on one individual who violated the TOS by putting a RL website media picture in her 1st life tab. A website I goto. I asked her to remove it she said NO. So I reported it.

Do you own the rights to the photo in question?


NOW I see her picture and its still there, AND now I am getting threating messages from her "friends / ALTs" calling me a **bleep** and other words.

So, absolutely nothing transpired between her saying "No" and your receipt of "threating messages"? No trash talk? No threats of ARs? (If you want some drama, just threaten someone with an AR.)


Why has LL not taken care of ARs ? I have never seen them actually take care of any of this stuff. EVER. These people can do what they want when they want and the Abuse Reports do nothing.

So why has LL not taken care of it ?

Just because you haven't "seen them actually take care of any of this stuff" doesn't mean that they don't. People get suspended and banned all the time. That must mean that they do "take care of this stuff." If there were fewer frivolous ARs, they might have time to "take care of" even more.



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1. The only thing you can count on when you file an AR is a form letter telling you they got the report, and another one when they close the case.  The last letter doesn't even tell you if any action was taken or not due to privacy concerns

2. LL may not act on a  AR if they don't think its founded.  They won't agree if there is not proof of  a clear violation of TOS or CS, or in your case, the communication from others doesn't rise to the level of a real 'threat'

3. Action could be doing nothing at all, a warning issued, a suspension for a length of time determined by the seriousness, or a ban.  For 'misdemeanors' if a person has a clean record they only are warned.  They may have received a days suspension, but you wouldn't know unless you were stalking them, as its not uncommon for people not to log on every day.

4. LL will not get involved in disputes between people unless the disputes involve #2 above.

5. I am not aware that it is against TOS to put anything but a RL picture of yourself in your first life tab.  If it is a major segment of the population would be in trouble. 

I may be wrong but this sounds more like more a case of drama between you and this other individual.  Why would you care what picture she has in her profile.  Would you have filed a AR because she put a picture of an elephant there?



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In all my years of playing this game, I have never seen a CLOSE letter. Not once.


No I never said anything more after she said no. No trash talk or anything. I never trashed her even before that either. I dont even know her.


So her sending her lackies to call me the C word as well as other people chiming in is totally uncalled for.


When I filed the AR I had all the info to show them too. URL to the exact picture etc etc. There is no way, according to the TOS that she would have been able to use the picture in her first life tab, because she pulled it off of a public commercial site. Its against the TOS.

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It is up to the owner of the picture in question to file the take down notice per the DMCA.

Linden Lab has no obligation under the DMCA to act upon a third party's complaint.

A.  Linden Lab has no way of knowing if the (ab)user had permission or not.

B.  Any business that would start acting on third party complaints would open themselves up to a world of legal hurt and hassles.

If you are that concerned, send the owner of the picture a screen shot and let them file the complaint.  That complaint Linden Lab would be obligated under the DMCA to act upon.

And while LL wil not get involved in inter-resident disputes, if you are being harassed and called names, do AR that.  But my suggestion is to be sure your own house is in order before you decide to start playing police person in SL.

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You won't ever get a "close" letter, whether disciplinary action is taken or not.


Huntress Leigh wrote:

There is no way, according to the TOS that she would have been able to use the picture in her first life tab, because she pulled it off of a public commercial site. Its against the TOS.

Again, do you own the rights to the photograph in question? Or should I be going around ARing anyone who has a picture of Daffy Duck in their profile?

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It is so common to use another ones picture on the first life tab. Why should you file an AR for that? I would just snicker and close the profile. The typical is a lesser known glamour-looking model, but TinEye can't be fooled. http://www.tineye.com/about

If the picture was PG, LL would probably not act upon it. And frankly, I don't think they should waste time on it.

And why file an AR because someone sends you a nasty IM? Is your mute button broken? Sorry, but this kind of schoolyard bullying is best responded to by mute and ignore. Again, it is not LL job to act on "Mummy! She called me..."

If this is the type things you file ARs on, I am not surprised that LL ignore them.

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I think your missing the point. They are harrassing me after I asked about it. HARRASSING ME. If LL chose not to bother with the picture, so be it. But now they are harrassing me, and LL wont do ANYTHING about it.


Calling me the C word and other choice names. Verbally Abusing me. This is one of the Options in the Abuse Report. I have shown proof of this to LL. And still, nothing happened. I still get the crap. I still get harrassed. So please stay on the topic of what this thread was about. Why is LL not taking care of the abuse reports ?


And point taken about letting the website handle it. But they are. As I am on that website too. So this will get taken care of even if they have to deal with LL directly. Its been out of my hands for two weeks. I brought this up to the one who had the picture ONLY once. Period. I never spoke of this again. In fact I had forgotten about it.


Until yesterday when they constantly sent me harrassing messages. Oh and for the record, I NEVER replied back to any of these messages.

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It was not PG, it was a woman in skimpy Langerie.


And you have to understand, if I had this in my profile, someone would have ARed me. And I would have been banned as it a warning about my picture and copy rights has happened to me once already. So yea, you should now understand my point of view here.

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 If someone is abusing you through voice or text chat, the best response is to block them.

How to block a person or object

When you block another Resident or an object, you cannot:

  • See text chat, hear voice chat, or receive IMs from that person or object.
  • See particles emitted by the blocked avatar or object.
  • Receive items from the blocked object.

Likewise, a Resident on your Blocked List cannot hear or see voice or text chat or receive IMs from you.

How to block someone

There are several ways to mute voice chat inworld:

  • Right-click on the avatar and choose Block
  • Select Communicate > NEARBY, right-click the person's name and choose Block/Unblock. A small red icon appears next to the name. 
  • Click the Chat button at the bottom of the Viewer window to open the NEARBY CHAT window, mouse over the Resident's name, click the small "i" icon, then click the gear icon and choose Block.
32px-KBnote.png Note: If you IM with, Pay Linden dollars to, or give inventory to someone you muted, that person is automatically unblocked. Chat history informs you of what's happened.
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I am not so familar with the PG term. But, isn't skimpy lingerie PG as long as no nipples or private parts is shown? 

You say  that LL has warned you about your picture already. Since you mention copy rights, I would assume that it wasn't because it was adult. Maybe the owner of the art you had in your profile was filing the AR? 

So, you told that other avatar that they should remove the RL picture just because you are a nice person and would help so they shouldn't  end up in trouble... And then you go and file an AR? Something here does not sound right to me.

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Email the intellectual property owner and provide the url to the profile in question. Explain what has gone on. Let the IP owner's lawyer deal with it. There is little else you can do about the harassment except ignore it and AR each incident.  Once enough ARs pile up then LL might notice it.

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Huntress Leigh wrote:

Its not harrassment if I only asked them one time to remove it. And thats all I did. Thats not harrasment. Harrasment is if you repeatedly did something. Look up the definition.

As for blocking them, I have, and they have another account do it again.

you asked them to remove it and then AR'd them.. that's more than one act..

i think that is what Dilbert was getting at..


the only thing you can do is as others have suggested..if it is not yours..just contact the creator or owner of the item in question..if they have a problem with it they will file a DMCA  =)

that would probably be the fastest way..LL won't touch it if it's not your property *winks*

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Yes I do know the IP and URL etc etc. As I previously stated I am on the site. So once I made the report I was done with it.


However you ALL are missing the point. Once I reported it I left this alone. I never brought this up ever again. I only made 1 report and thats it. They are still attacking me. And when I AR for these attacks, LL hasn't done anything about it.


Thats what this thread is about.


(( you asked them to remove it and then AR'd them.. that's more than one act. ))


I get what your ALL saying here. However you must have missed where I mentioned that I am on that site. IT IS copyright. And according to LL I can just report it and be done with it. Well I have done that. AND I have already been through what you all have suggested. So why are you all attacking what I have already learned?  What I am trying to get help here is the attacks I am STILL getting. And the way you guys type this up, its "well you made your bed now sleep in it" attitudes I am getting here. So basicaly in your eyes I screwed up and now I should pay for it from now on.


Thanks for nothing.

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Huntress Leigh wrote:

... LL hasn't done anything about it.

Impossible for you to know that.


What happens when an abuse report is filed

You receive an automated response by email. If you need to add more information after submitting a report, please submit a new report. We try to resolve abuse issues as quickly as possible, but response times vary depending on the number of backlogged abuse reports. For privacy reasons, we cannot inform you about any disciplinary actions against specific Residents.

Often all it takes to curtail an issue is an official warning. In most cases, a Resident who violates our Terms of Service and/or Community Standards is given several opportunities to rectify his or her behavior before banishment occurs. In all cases, the Resident's discplinary record is reviewed to determine an appropriate response. Serious abuse may result in account suspensions or permanent bans. The length of a suspension is determined by the nature of the abuse, previous violations, and how many people are affected.

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Huntress Leigh wrote:

Yes I do know the IP and URL etc etc. As I previously stated I am on the site. So once I made the report I was done with it.


However you ALL are missing the point. Once I reported it I left this alone. I never brought this up ever again. I only made 1 report and thats it. They are still attacking me. And when I AR for these attacks, LL hasn't done anything about it.


Thats what this thread is about.


(( you asked them to remove it and then AR'd them.. that's more than one act. ))


I get what your ALL saying here. However you must have missed where I mentioned that I am on that site. IT IS copyright. And according to LL I can just report it and be done with it. Well I have done that. AND I have already been through what you all have suggested. So why are you all attacking what I have already learned?  What I am trying to get help here is the attacks I am STILL getting. And the way you guys type this up, its "well you made your bed now sleep in it" attitudes I am getting here. So basicaly in your eyes I screwed up and now I should pay for it from now on.


Thanks for nothing.

i didn't read the whole thread..i usually don't..mostly the first and last page at most if i ever do.. hehehehe

i don't think anyone shoudl be harrassed  really..and if that is what they are doing to you..just keep ARing them..

i know i had someone harrassing me and some other people and we kept wondering how this person could still be on and able to keep it up with the same avatar..it took a couple of months if i remember right for them to finally get banned..

and that was more than just me doing the ARing ..

with all the people in sl and all the AR's going on and them shortening staff awhile back..it takes longer now days..

i don't know how long it has been for you on this..but the more you Ar the more cases that may lead up to a hardware ban on that person..

LL they have their own speed..it's somewhere between slow and slower hehehehe *winks*


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