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Is this a good product?


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I was wondering if this looks like a good product to you, because someone who's never used it basically said it was missleading because it says it works like an actual OS.

It is not misleading, it does exactly what it says, I am not exagerating, and I spent a lot of time on the main picture and I personally think it looks good.


Though I am concerned about how I priced it.




Thank you guys for all the answers. And I am aware of the Windows 7 thing and am getting on that as soon as I can, butthe laptop body was a full perm I bought in game so I do not believe the responsibility falls on me to remove the insignia, particularly because it is beyond my resonable abilities to do so. And the IP's are OK I think because I see them on adds all the time in rl... In fact that is where I got the idea for them.... Do you think perhaps ust getting rid of the 7 at the end of Windows 7 or that replacing Windows 7 with the Silveos Logo would work?

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5 answers to this question

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The ad is fantastic and it makes your product sound fabulous. It leads me to believe that your laptop will let me have a functioning computer inworld. The price seems to me to be very low for something like what is described in the ad. I have two thoughts, the product is not as fantastic as it sounds, hence the low price, or your product is so great that you are able to offer it at a wonderful price because you are so good at what you do that making something that is essentially an inworld computer was not as hard for you as I might imagine something like that to be.

So, great ad, cool looking product, priced well if it does what it says, but the only way to know for sure is to actually see it in action.

ETA: oh, I forgot to say, I don't think it is legal to use actual brand/product names without permission.

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I congratulate you on the pictures - they look remarkably professional. The price seems very fair to me and, if I were wanting an inworld laptop replacement, I would seriously consider your product. As said above, the only comment I would make for improving the item would be to replace the Dell logo with something similar, but not identical.

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As I replied to your other posts in the Wanted boards etc. You need to be careful of the IP rights and logos.

See here for listing guidelines if you are unsure:


As for the artwork and build, it looks great. You just need to explain that it's just a media viewer serving a web page and not the actual OS itself. Else you will get a lot of angry people demanding refunds.


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I found a competing product that sells for 3 times your price.  If your computer does what it says, it's a great deal.

I haven't looked at yours, but the competing one advertised itself as a "real computer" but you had to issue all your commands in chat which seemed very un-computerish to me.

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