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Traveling vs. Teleporting


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I know it's easier to teleport to to your destinations, or fly your avatar. But there's just something about climbing into your airship and making the journey on your own! Or how about flying through the sky and discovering some sky city you knew nothing about? I mean I'll teleport to a location that I don't know how to get to, but remember, part of the fun is just getting there!!! Anybody else agree with me?
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I enjoy walking (or running) around large complexes or malls (or flying if it's so large I get impatient with walking). I don't have any vehicles I drive around regularly - most places, I imagine, frown upon motorcycles driving through the shopping complex, and many are no-rez - but I have a found a few nice stores/areas simply by walking around a shopping area instead of teleporting around.

It can also be interesting to teleport somewhere, find out that the place has moved and something new has taken its place, and walk around anyway. Found some great places that way, too!

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I'm a huge fan of travelling, in RL and SL as well.  Of course I use the tp to get to some shops, particularly when they are on another mainland continent or so unconnected sims. Of course since theer is no other way to get to them. But I love to just walk (yes, walk, not drive since it always crashes me) along Linden roads. I go on those walkabouts when I'm bored, which rarely every happens. But my favourite way of travelling is by boat. I have lots of sailing yachts which I use to explore all the SL waterways. For me the travel is more important than the destination.

And even when I'm just TPing around I always (yes, always) open the worldmap for a quick peek, in order to find out where I am.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For specific destinations I just teleport, but occasionally I get an urge to just pick a direction and travel.  Sometimes I'll walk and follow the roads, haven't tried driving or flying a vehicle for while because no matter how careful I am I eventually crash at a sim crossing ending up in someone's living room and my vehicle added to the litter who knows where several sims away.  Lately I've just been picking a straight line and flying, high enough to clear the hills and ban lines then back down low enough to see everything.  The biggest annoyance I had was some Nazi security system not giving me enough time to fly over the parcel and instead of just bumping me away from the parcel it teleported me home!  Other then that I've found a lot of neat places to check out.

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  • 5 weeks later...

it's funny to see this topic as i can recall the days when the teleport system would occasionally go down for hours at a time and the only option was to fly or find some other way to get to where you  wanted to go.  it was actually kind of fun as everybody would dig deep in their inventories and pull out that plane or spaceship or supercar and find their way across sims to get together.  even when the tp system was working it would be fun to just pick a direction and go and end up wherever.

having been back in sl for a couple of months after taking some years off, i've noticed lots of changes that make it better and worse for those of us with a vagabond spirit.

i LOVE the road system, waterways and the airports that have sprung up, those communities that support them have obviously spent lots of time energy and money to make SL a great place to travel and sightsee. i also love the fact that there are people who, though not wanderers themselves, set up shops and other roadside attractions that give the trip some character and make it more than just riding around a sim (although some go overboard and just create lag magnets).

on the other hand...i've noticed that a lot of the RL attitudes have crept into SL as ban lines and orbs are everywhere.  i took a road trip today and got bounced several times by orbs that didn't even give me a chance to leave the property before i ended up at home.  there was a strip mall that had it's ban lines all the way up to the side of the road so that any errant driving would cause a vehicle to get caught up in the fence, so to speak (as i found out from personal experience).

overall though, with some extra free time on my hands for a couple of weeks, i'm looking  forward to picking a direction and seeing where i end up.  i'm actually thinking about blogging about my adventures...

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I love to travel and see the world unfold before me, either by walking, riding my motorcycle or flying in my airship.  The only issue I have with travel is you can't travel all over SL.  So traveling from my home on one sim to the a club or what have you is sometimes impossible,  of course if anyone out there knows how to get around this I would love to know the secret.


"A stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet."  Can't remember the author but Think these are cool words to live by.

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