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Live Help? What is it FOR?

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Just to push that issue aside, I realize it was a bug.. the person/bot being able to post still. When I originally went to live chat I was hoping that since I had proof it was a bot and not a person...they might be able to just ..bump it offline or something. Ok.. if theyd taken the time to listen to me, and discuss with me and then said.. sorry.. we arent allowed to do that, I may have been less frustrated. I really.. from prior experience with them.. didn't expect a resolution. However, being 'hung up on' without them even paying any attention to my what I was asking.. that was the final straw on my frustration threshold and I had to share. The original issue I went to them about is long resolved, the bot went offline eventually and stopped posting. It now costs 1L to join my group to prevent further bots.   My issue with live help remains. The only help they have provided to me since LL let all those lindens who used to provide great support, is a sim reboot. And even then, I have to beg. I own mainland, I've actually been told to go do it myself with my estate tools, and then been hung up on. I had to go back and make them understand it was mainland. That something that should have been listened to in the first place. When there was a linden behind the controls at live help, if you had an issue with say.. something vanishing in your inventory..they could reboot your inventory.. Not anymore. So, I honestly truely just want to know WHAT they are allowed to do and what they are not allowed to do, so I don't waste my time and theirs, and I save a lot of frustration all around by not going to that live help button when its an issue that they aren't allowed to handle. .. JUST want may not be right.. what I REALLY want, is the level of service that I got before. I got better service before I was concierge level and there were Lindens at the controls than i do now. But since LL seems content to waste thier money on a service that doesnt do much instead.. I would like a guide to what they are and are not allowed or able to help me with.   

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no arguments here.... used to be it was quite easy to get quick simple fix, from someone that knew what you were referring to. now it's all automated cut and paste with no understanding of what you are saying, and seeming little effort to try. I'm actually old enough here to remember when you could just click a button inworld, and get a linden that was actually online.

hope you didn't think that my FFS was directed towards you... it's aimed squarely at some of the misguided (and absurd) replies you received though

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Pannie, since I know it will likely happen to you again (it happens all the time, on a daily basis, at least) these are the steps you should take to stop it.

With the group chat open, click the lil arrows so it shows who is in room, find the offender, unclick their ability to chat. Then and only then, eject them. If it's truly a bot(and it almost always is, lol) they will still have the chat window open(hence why they can chat), but they won't be able to input text. They will have to close the box, rejoin the group; and start all over. Most bots, well bot runners, won't go through the trouble. The few that do, or the few who aren't actually bots but rather just annoying people, will most likely only rejoin the group once *possibly twice(way less likely). If they do, follow the same steps.

This is how I get rid of bots in ad groups. Works like a charm, only takes a few seconds of my time, and annoys the begeebus out of the true actual live spammers behind the screens...so it serves a few purposes ;)

As for Live Chat, yeah they're good at getting sims restarted if needed. Sometimes they're good at following scripts. A majority of what they tell you is scripted for them, always has been, always will be, I don't think most of them have ever been in SL to begin with so they NEED the scripts to follow. Sometimes they're good at telling you where to find your actual answer, like point you tot he wiki, or something. But for a lot of the issues people have, and turn to live chat on, they arne't all that great. Technical issues and such I would always try forums first and foremost because at least the people here have actually been IN sl and even if they've never had the issue they can likely help you find the answer...or culprit, far better.

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Tari Landar wrote:

Pannie, since I know it will likely happen to you again (it happens all the time, on a daily basis, at least) these are the steps you should take to stop it.

With the group chat open, click the lil arrows so it shows who is in room, find the offender, unclick their ability to chat. Then and only then, eject them. If it's truly a bot(and it almost always is, lol) they will still have the chat window open(hence why they can chat), but they won't be able to input text. They will have to close the box, rejoin the group; and start all over. Most bots, well bot runners, won't go through the trouble. The few that do, or the few who aren't actually bots but rather just annoying people, will most likely only rejoin the group once *possibly twice(way less likely). If they do, follow the same steps.

This is how I get rid of bots in ad groups. Works like a charm, only takes a few seconds of my time, and annoys the begeebus out of the true actual live spammers behind the screens...so it serves a few purposes

As for Live Chat, yeah they're good at getting sims restarted if needed. Sometimes they're good at following scripts. A majority of what they tell you is scripted for them, always has been, always will be, I don't think most of them have ever been in SL to begin with so they NEED the scripts to follow. Sometimes they're good at telling you where to find your actual answer, like point you tot he wiki, or something. But for a lot of the issues people have, and turn to live chat on, they arne't all that great. Technical issues and such I would always try forums first and foremost because at least the people here have actually been IN sl and even if they've never had the issue they can likely help you find the answer...or culprit, far better.

Excellent advice Tari!  


Also, it does make one wonder why LL pays for "chat support" that is less than helpful.  

Seems like budget resources could be better allocated to a well trained support team, that not only has some power to assist, but also are required to spend time inworld each week to better understand the issues.    Just think what a support team could do, that actually understands the issues, and has the power to rectify them.  


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and THAT Is the single most useful piece of advise I've gotten out of this! Thank you, I never thought of restricting ability to chat before booting. I think that might be a useful tool for people who've just forgotten the rules and need an unforgettable reminder sometimes too.    As for the live help.. it's an incredible waste of money for LL as far as I can see. Not only are they paying people who don't seem to know anything, and can't seem to do anything.. but everytime someone has a bad experience with live chat, LL gets bad publicity cause that person at LEAST complains to friends. So .. why pay for good publicity and ads on facebook etc..and then pay someone to undo what you just paid for?   Heck, I'm bad at math and even I can see thats a stupid business decision. 

Tari Landar wrote:

Pannie, since I know it will likely happen to you again (it happens all the time, on a daily basis, at least) these are the steps you should take to stop it.

With the group chat open, click the lil arrows so it shows who is in room, find the offender, unclick their ability to chat. Then and only then, eject them. If it's truly a bot(and it almost always is, lol) they will still have the chat window open(hence why they can chat), but they won't be able to input text. They will have to close the box, rejoin the group; and start all over. Most bots, well bot runners, won't go through the trouble. The few that do, or the few who aren't actually bots but rather just annoying people, will most likely only rejoin the group once *possibly twice(way less likely). If they do, follow the same steps.

This is how I get rid of bots in ad groups. Works like a charm, only takes a few seconds of my time, and annoys the begeebus out of the true actual live spammers behind the screens...so it serves a few purposes


and THAT Is the single most useful piece of advise I've gotten out of this! Thank you, I never thought of restricting ability to chat before booting. I think that might be a useful tool for people who've just forgotten the rules and need an unforgettable reminder sometimes too. 



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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

Also, it does make one wonder why LL pays for "chat support" that is less than helpful.  

Seems like budget resources could be better allocated to a well trained support team, that not only has some power to assist, but also are required to spend time inworld each week to better understand the issues.    Just think what a support team could do, that actually understands the issues, and has the power to rectify them.  

Just for fun, I read this


post replacing


"support" with


"marketing" and it made even more






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You're welcome. It's what works best for me. But don't be surprised if, every once in a blue moon, you run across someone who actually isn't a bot and comes back to you with some choice words. Or, as in the case today for me, one choice word ;)

But, it's par for the course, if someone can't be bothered to be adult enough to follow the rules, they likely can't be adult enough to converse on that level either, lol. Tell them to have a nice day, they hate it ;)

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Randall Ahren wrote:

I like this part of the chat here: 
Please bear with me, I may be handling several chats. 

There are some people in SL that should put this sentence at the start when beginning an IM. When they take a long time to respond, it's not usually because they're crashing or are AFK, it's because they're chatting with several other people. You're simply not that important to them.

Ding ding ding! Lol. I hate that also. I don't mind in the least if someone takes even a week to get back to me - just TELL me so. 

I especially hate when I am helping someone new who's asked for help, saving them possibly weeks of fumbling around or leaving SL, and then they just go AFK for 10-20 minutes without a single word. "Oh I was AFK." No, really?

That's why I put in my profile that I will help anyone with manners. Not that anyone reads profiles either...sigh.

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Ann Otoole wrote:

I respectfully disagree. I have never had group issues because I use them solely for land management as intended.

If you want social networking groups then request them via jira.

 I do as well, but if someone makes a group so they can conference call their buddies it's no sweat off my nose. 

I'd like to know (anyone?) if it's possible to include someone in a group but not give them permanent rez rights there while wearing the group tag. I don't see a way to exclude that. Groups seem to be about building.

I could use the extra prims I'd get from joining some parcels, but as I may use one of those parcels for another purpose one day, I don't want to set it to my other group. That group would be compromised should someone install spy devices or other things without my knowledge, which they could well do with a group tag.

Also, it should be much easier to change group on land once it's deeded. That is another thing that's kept me from deeding all of my land. Frankly it's a pain in my pixel keister.


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Melita Magic wrote:

I'd like to know (anyone?) if it's possible to include someone in a group but not give them permanent rez rights there while wearing the group tag. I don't see a way to exclude that. Groups seem to be about building.

 yes it is possible, hopefully someone will be able to tell you how, it does affect the entire group, and requires setting from multiple places... unfortunately at this time I am still on protest mode, so I'll recommend contacting support

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