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Real-life Witches. A Bewitching Alternative Life-style.

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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

Carole Franizzi wrote:

Oh my Gawd....the deadly duo in my thread.... I am so honoured!!!! I'm almost tempted to use the word "awesome", but unfortunately, I have made a vow never to utter that most abused word of the Englsh language.

Luckily, Literacy Lady can suggest some alternatives to the dreaded and ubiquitous "awesome".   

Try these appropriate appellations Witch Carole: astonishing, awe-inspiring, formidable, impressive, magnificent, striking, or wondrous.


I was thinking more along the lines of "big-headed". Gawd, these superheroes are so full of themselves!!

(hope she didn't read that...likely to zap me!)

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Carole Franizzi wrote:

The truth is, though the choice of a human old lady might seem very banal to you, to me it’s very exotic. And the reason for this is that I am, incredible but true, a real-life witch!!!

Now I hear some of you say “I always said she was a right witch”, but for some of you, this news might come as a bit of a surprise. Hard to believe even, as real-life witches are not something you come across every day. To you, doubting Thomases I say – do not be sceptical – open your minds – for there are more things under heaven and earth than a bird in the bush.

I've always lived / worked in or near University towns - where "you kinda folks" are a dime a dozen.

Wiccans - usually converted hippies. Tend to be very left leaning. Name their kids funny things like Moonbeam and Sunshine just like those hippies did.

/shakes claw "Darn hippies, get offa my... oh wait... I'm sorta hippie-ish too."


SL is full of people of many different types and religions.

They've even got those weird Rastafarians. Darn rastas... get offa my... oops, that's me.


Though your post looks so tongue in cheek, easpecially with the cow and cat references, that I'm suspecting you're not actually a Wiccan, just forum playing - but then the humor could be the forum play. 

Funny names??? My RL off-spring have perfectly sensible names - Ciorstaidh, Daibhidh and Dòmhnall. Though it does give you a bit of a sore throat when you have to call them in to dinner.

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JeanneAnne wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

I'm suspecting you're not actually a Wiccan, just forum playing - but then the humor could be the forum play. 

"Wicca" is more or less a 20th century Neopagan reconstruction, invented rather whole cloth by Gerald Gardner, Aleister Crowley and others after them. If, as she claims in post #17, Carole is a direct linear descendant of traditional Sean Ciall adepts who somehow managed to escape the Highlands clearings, or even of the Old Ways revivalist movement from the 1700s, then she may not care to label herself as "Wiccan." If she is what she claims, and I have no reason to doubt her, since humor in no way precludes the fact, then she is a true hereditary Witch. But she should speak to this herself.

My lips are sealed. (I like a bit of mystery, don't you?)

*looks enigmatic and dead mysterious*

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Caitlin Tobias wrote:

Ian Undercroft wrote:

/me is greatly amused imagining Carole engaged in BDSM acts. Now that would make for fantastic pics!

Oh please,
the old witch
lovely Carole!

I have seen some, and believe me... it was
not a pretty sight
very insightful!

Oy! Oy! Oy! Don't spoil the shock surprise!

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Storm Clarence wrote:

Carole Franizzi wrote:

Funny names???
My RL off-spring have perfectly sensible names - Ciorstaidh, Daibhidh and Dòmhnall
. Though it does give you a bit of a sore throat when you have to call them in to dinner.


Are you a furry too in RL?

Only when I miss an appointment to get my monthly leg waxing.

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Carole Franizzi wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

I'm suspecting you're not actually a Wiccan, just forum playing - but then the humor could be the forum play. 

"Wicca" is more or less a 20th century Neopagan reconstruction, invented rather whole cloth by Gerald Gardner, Aleister Crowley and others after them. If, as she claims in post #17, Carole is a direct linear descendant of traditional Sean Ciall adepts who somehow managed to escape the Highlands clearings, or even of the Old Ways revivalist movement from the 1700s, then she may not care to label herself as "Wiccan." If she is what she claims, and I have no reason to doubt her, since humor in no way precludes the fact, then she is a true hereditary Witch. But she should speak to this herself.

My lips are sealed. (I like a bit of mystery, don't you?)

*looks enigmatic and

;) ~hugggggz~~ ~   ~

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Orfeu Miles wrote:

The word of wisdom, weaves the web of lies.

Weds, irreducible infinities.



You cant argue with that.


Orfeu Miles wrote:

The word of wisdom, weaves the web of lies.

Weds, irreducible infinities.



You cant argue with that.


Indeed, you cannot.

Principally, because I have no idea what you're on about.


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Aleister Crowley wrote this explaining the symbol of Mercury ( Hermes/Thoth).
As all occult scholars know Hermes( Messenger of the Gods ) is the god Of communications....also Liars...translators...thieves...diplomats...envoys....traffic...etc etc.
Why would the god of communications also be the god of Lies.??

Because every time you name something   ( Love...or Wisdom for example)...You have reduced something of infinite depth to a pale imitation of the substance you are seeking to describe.
Every word is a travesty of something deep enduring and absolute.
The very act of communication with words...is the art of placing lies in a semblance of order to convey meaning.
They are a compromise...but without them...communication would be reduced.
So the wisdom of Mercury involves imaginatively using finite lying words to convey meaning about infinite unspeakable things.
Also known as talking.

He weaves the web of lies. He makes irreducible things…understandable.

I realize that occult scholarship may not be everyone's cup of tea.
Its all fun and games till someone loses an eye.

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Orfeu Miles wrote:

Aleister Crowley wrote this explaining the symbol of Mercury ( Hermes/Thoth).

As all occult scholars know Hermes( Messenger of the Gods ) is the god Of communications....also Liars...translators...thieves...diplomats...envoys....traffic...etc etc.

Why would the god of communications also be the god of Lies.??


Because every time you name something   ( Love...or Wisdom for example)...You have reduced something of infinite depth to a pale imitation of the substance you are seeking to describe.

Every word is a travesty of something deep enduring and absolute.

The very act of communication with words...is the art of placing lies in a semblance of order to convey meaning.

They are a compromise...but without them...communication would be reduced.

So the wisdom of Mercury involves imaginatively using finite lying words to convey meaning about infinite unspeakable things.

Also known as talking.


He weaves the web of lies. He makes irreducible things…understandable.


I realize that occult scholarship may not be everyone's cup of tea.

Its all fun and games till someone loses an eye.

The map is not the territory.

The menu is not the meal.

The thing is not its name.


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Void Singer wrote:

as Orfeu pointed out, conceptualizing anything in finite language reduces all infinities. Mathematically, you reduce infinities by placing them in a set, thereby reducing them to one.

Uhm. Yeah. Only when I studied it, it was more wordy (in an abstract sorta way) and much less numerical.  Just as well...

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Void Singer wrote:

as Orfeu pointed out, conceptualizing anything in finite language reduces all infinities. Mathematically, you reduce infinities by placing them in a set, thereby reducing them to one.

Ah, you are a follower of the Copenhagen School. I am an admirer of Professor Carlsberg myself, his collapse processes having made a significant impact upon me during my younger and more impressionable days.




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Orfeu Miles wrote:

Agreed...this kind of thinking is not unique to occult scholarship...I just thought Crowleys couplet was quite an elegant summing-up of a familiar philosphical point.

Also occultitst use incense.


It was actually. Very elegant indeed. Do you suppose that the predecessors to the first "officially" labelled philosophers might just have been those who dabbled in the occult...ergo the invisible...ergo the abstract?

Yeah, and incense is dead cool. Well, it was, circa 1970....



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actually, no, although I agree that the coppenhagen interpretation is valid from a localized perspective. I just can't conscious the idea of a qualified observer... I prefer an intersectional interpretation allowing for both local and non-local affinity groups as well as generalized recombination and separation.

but even at that, given a set of all possibilities only the locally possible should occur, enforcing a quasi deterministic state locally, and likely a global boundary line of expansion.

for those playing at home, that boils down to "everything that can happen, does... just not all here or now, and many things can overlap"

I did cheat a bit... not all things can be easily and accurately reduced to concept models, if I say "infinity" the only thing you really know is that it keeps going, but not what it is, so I stole from math for an easy example. and to be fair, the concept isn't the thing, any more than the idea of pink polkadotted elephants in my room makes them actually appear.

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