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Will "Coffee and Power" replace Second Life?

Bobo Bolero

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I didn't ridicule you, I disagreed with your post... last I checked we're all allowed to have opinions.

I disagree with lots of things, and agree with still more. it doesn't matter to me who posts it, ideas matter to me, not who generates them. however even when I do agree I try to offer a different perspective to add something to the conversation... you seem to have missed the implicit agreement with Coffee and Power being an idea that isn't likely to go anywhere.

and I'd like to point out that each time I've replied to you, I've managed to do so without the use of name dropping or petty insults, if you're going to report someones posts, you might want to pick a more relevant target.

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Void Singer wrote:

all you have to do get those other pretty colors and letters is answer questions in the answers section.... yes really, that's it.

but I find it funny that you surmise SL as his only shot at success... you don't seem to get the method to his madness... and there is a method.

it's do what he enjoys doing, and let the occasional successes fund all the "failures", which are never really failure to him, but time spent doing what he loves and getting paid for it. each new project adds a new aspect towards better understanding of various problems, and all that education gets carried forward to the next project giving it that much more chance of success... he's not measuring success in merely dollar signs, but rather in his freedom to do as he pleases (which is really all those dollar signs are good for). whether he makes another gold mine or not, he's still beat most people at the game of success on that point alone.

I've seen this at work watching other serial entrepreneurs at VC dog and pony shows. They are not always successful in their endeavors (NeXT anyone?), and we can often see their failures coming a mile away. But they sometimes see successes coming a light year away. Fortunately, they don't take "no" for an answer. We get to gloat over their inevitable crash and burns, but we also sometimes gasp when they slip the surly bonds of Earth.

Watch any public presentation by Philip. You can see him staring off into his vision. Right or wrong, he's got one and that makes him interesting.

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Bobo Bolero wrote:

The NY TImes reported on November 6 - in an article by Quentin Harvey - that Second Life founder Philip Rosedale has put his efforts and enthusiasm into a work exchange service called "Coffee and Power." Does this new interest signal the demise of Second Life? In the article Rosedale refers to Second Life in the past tense.

The problem with creating an immersive 3-D experience is that it is just too involved, and so it’s hard to get people to engage,” he said. “Smart people in rural areas, the handicapped, people looking for companionship, they love it. But you have to be highly motivated to get on and learn to use it.

it's unclear to me if SL is in his past or if it will soon be in our shared past as well. What do you think? Does Second Life have a future?

It's interesting how that article came out just when this latest viewer was released.  I noticed on this latest viewer that it seems they have merged advanced and basic into one viewer as you can pick up a complete avatar now on advanced, which would be easy for many people and beginners.  However, I don't like this new viewer for myself.  The IM's are at the top of the screen which makes me crane my neck to try to read the messages, and they removed the camera icon completely and there is only an ability to reach the camera by finding it in the top menu, so the camera positions are a little weird and off for those of us who love SL photography. 

Anyhow, with newest viewer you can get a complete avatar on advanced now.  I guess they are merging the two together.  There is also a button below on the lower tool bar to connect directly to live help and a live help window inworld (but you have to pay for that to be activated, I'd guess?).

The viewer is not for me though because the messaging system is at the top to the far right and that's too far to see when you have a large screen LCD like I do.  I might rupture a disc in my neck or something. 

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Chelsea Malibu wrote:

However, I have known Philip since he was the CTO at real Networks. I still meet with him at SLCC whenever I attend and yes, I do have some insight to this Voided One.

Since you know him so well, do you think you can send him a message and inform him of this thread and of the initial SL Coffee and Power meeting scheduled in events for November 12 @11PM SLT? The meeting was very carefully scheduled so that it could be attended by residents from Asia, California, and Europe. I think you have to be logged into to see the event as the location is a parcel having a mature rating.

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it's a pretty common model among effective creative types, get the idea off the ground, and if it's working let someone else maintain it, and move on to the next new and shiny... 

of course then there's us ineffective creative type that come up with the idea, but rarely move it to the point of launch, and it sits in a bin somewhere untill someone else rediscovers the wheel we invented and gets the glory =D


so glad you could demonstrate agreement with my previous post.

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