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has this ever happened to you?


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The other evening I was dancing in a club and there was a little silver robot on the floor. A guy asked me if I wanted the robot to wear on my shoulder and I said "sure"! It appeared in my inv and I clicked "wear." Then it appeared on my shoulder alright but at the same time, all my clothes came off & even my hair!! I clicked on an outfit & was soon clothed again but the guy and other people in the club got a good laugh over the dumb noob falling for his trick. I've heard of "deformers" before but this robot didn't deform my avatar, just made her naked & bald. Has anything similar ever happend to you before?



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It sounds like you were wearing a lot of prim items because unless you were using an RLV enabled viewer, there's no scripting function to removing clothing layers, however it would be utterly trivial to invoke llDetachFromAvatar script command to remove attachments from all the attachment points.

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No, it has never happened to me.  If you still have that robot in your inventory, try adding it to your avie and see if your clothes, etc. remain on.  If you selected 'wear' it may have just attached itself to all the points you were wearing something (which is extremely weird).

You might be better off just deleting the sucker.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

It sounds like you were wearing a lot of prim items because unless you were using an RLV enabled viewer, there's no scripting function to removing clothing layers, however it would be utterly trivial to invoke llDetachFromAvatar script command to remove attachments from all the attachment points.

I guess that's what someone did, Sassy. In my case it was just a joke and even I thot it was funny. If I had been a total noob & not have had any outfits ready it would've been more embarrassing and I would have probably just logged out. But it makes me think that if it's possible to embed scripts in objects like this, more malicious things could be embedded such as deformers & booters, or things that are more difficult to fix or get rid of. I wonder how common things like this are in SL. Guess I learned my lesson about uncritically accepting things from strangers. Could of been worse, tho, I reckon..


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Venus Petrov wrote:

No, it has never happened to me.  If you still have that robot in your inventory, try adding it to your avie and see if your clothes, etc. remain on.  It may have just attached itself to all the points you were wearing something (which is extremely weird).

You might be better off just deleting the sucker.

Thanks Venus. I already deleted, which made it go to my garbage and from there I purged it so I think it's gone. If I'd been thinking I would have shared it with my alt, which I don't care much about, & experimented with it on her.


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Sassy and I have just been chatting about this in world, and we think we know what happened.    Sassy's busy and asked me to post our solution.

We think that the little robot gave you a copy of itself in a folder, and you accidentally clicked "Replace Current Outfit" rather than "Add to Current Outfit".

I can't think of any way other way to do what you describe unless you're using a viewer with RLV turned on.

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

Sassy and I have just been chatting about this in world, and we think we know what happened.    Sassy's busy and asked me to post our solution.

We think that the little robot gave you a copy of itself in a folder, and you accidentally clicked "Replace Current Outfit" rather than "Add to Current Outfit".

I can't think of any way other way to do what you describe unless you're using a viewer with RLV turned on.

Hmmm... Innula. I don't think that's what I did, but I guess I could have. It happened kinduv fast and I don't remember exactly what I clicked. The way the guy laughed when it happened made me think that he'd done it as a joke. You may be right, tho!


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You're right to be wary of scripted objects though but common sense applies.  If it's someone you don't know giving you something then treat it with the same suspicion that you would with any gift.  There are many things that can be done except STEAL ALL YOUR LINDENS.  At least, there's a big orange dialog that ask for debit permission so unless you grant, it won't happen.

There are many wonderfully scripted objects to have fun with though so don't assume all are evil and many objects that need debit permission so again, don't assume that instantly means you'll lose money, just give due consideration as to the purpose of the object and where it came from.  Example:  Someone gives you a nice necklace to wear that asks for debit permissions.  Um FAIL.  vs you pick up a set of affiliate vendors and rez them.  They'll need money permissions to work.

At the end of the day, while some goofy things might happen, nothing really that bad can come to harm you *smiles*

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squashy Beeswing wrote:

Exactly what Innula said.  That's why your hair came off as well. I've done the 'replace outfit' thing by accident heaps of times.  Nothing sinister there at all. :smileyhappy:

'K Guess that's what mustuv happened, then. Thanks everyone, for helping me figure this out!




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Chelsea Malibu wrote:

It sounds like instead of "Wear" it did a "Replace".  I know you can do a Wear Object script, couldnt you also do a "Replace" script?

I was pretty sure I clicked 'wear' not 'add to outfit' (& thereby accidently hit 'replace outfit') cuz it appeared under objects not outfits. But, then, it was several evenings ago (last Friday, I think) and I may not remember exactly what I did. Seems like I didn't go to outfits 'til I saw myself naked. I'm not sure how it all works, tho, so if people who understand how sl works much better than I do say that the only way it coulduv happened was if i accidently clicked 'replace outfit' then maybe I did. The way the guy who offered me the robot laughed, like "Haha gotcha!" made me tend to believe that he did it on purpose altho he didn't say that & I didn't ask. The whole thing struck me as more of a joke than as anything malicious but it made me think that if script like that could be embedded in an object then so could more malicious script be. Could very well just be something I did to myself tho, too. I'm just curious about the whole thing, is all.


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It's off by default in Firestorm.   The setting is Prefs → Firestorm → General → Allow scripted viewer controls.   This should be unchecked, if you don't want RLV activated.    If, for some reason, it is activated and you don't want it to be, uncheck it and relog.   But it shouldn't be unless you've turned it on for some reason.

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

It's off by default in Firestorm.   The setting is Prefs → Firestorm → General → Allow scripted viewer controls.   This should be unchecked, if you don't want RLV activated.    If, for some reason, it is activated and you don't want it to be, uncheck it and relog.   But it shouldn't be unless you've turned it on for some reason.

Aha!! Allow Remote Scripted Viewer Controls was checked. I never checked it, but... I bet I know how it got checked...

I bet it happened when I stole that slave collar from that doofy dom guy. (I told that story in these fora before.) I didn't think the collar got "activated" but I guess the box got checked when he put it on me.

Hmmm, tho... The guy who gave me that robot wasn't the same guy I stole the collar from. Can someone tell that RVL is checked on someone else's avatar? Have I been wearing a tag all this while without seeing it? And what does a ltl robot have to do with it? Sorry for all my questions but this is interesting! (RLV is unchecked now.) Thanks!


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Ah.   The fact the box was checked and RLV was enabled would explain it, but I am certain that it didn't check itself.   You must have done it and forgotten about it -- a collar couldn't turn it on for you.

Be that as it may, then, yes, it is possible to tell if someone's got RLV activated.   One way is simply to IM someone with the single word "@version" (no quotes) in a line on its own.   If they're using RLV, then they won't get the IM but you'll get an autoreply giving details of what version they're using.    If they aren't using it, of course, then they'll wonder why this strange person is IMing nonsense at them.   If they're using a relay, there's another way to ask their relay if it's turned on, but I'm assuming you wouldn't be wearing an RLV relay without knowing about it.

The little robot must have contained a script that, when you attached the object, issued a couple of commands to remove all your clothes and attachments; if RLV commands come from something that belongs to you (which something you're wearing does, by definition), then they're executed automatically.    Or, indeed, the robot could just have checked if you were using RLV when you attached it and, on discovering you were, gone on to remove your stuff.    That's how some of my toys work -- if you're not using RLV they don't bother trying to do anything else, so you don't get spammed with incomprehensible commands from them, but you know my stuff uses RLV when you buy it.

 It's a nasty trick to play on someone, though I have to say that there's other pretty nasty things people who are that way inclined can do to someone who is incautious enough to accept and wear an unsolicited gift from someone they don't know, RLV or not.   I've been using RLV for three years and change, now, and I've never had any mishaps I didn't want to happen (except when I'm testing and debugging items, as my unfortunate testing alt could confirm).

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JeanneAnne wrote:

Aha!! Allow Remote Scripted Viewer Controls
checked. I never checked it, but... I bet I know how it got checked...

I see my first guess was right afterall then :)

RLV isn't a drama time, it just lets scripted objects have a bit more fun with you.  Toys that are suitably scripted and used appropriately can introduce some fun elements to SL.  There are also the practical reasons like wardrobes that dress you from a web page, wet t shirt games and such like.

Don't get caught up in the hype that having RLV enabled will allow your inventory to be stolen, L$'s to be stolen or any of the other false tales that are often repeated by those who are unfamiliar with the full scope of these fun extensions.  Best one i've heard so far is "I couldn't turn it off, lost my avatar, Lenden Labs support couldn't help, had to create a new account."   (His spelling of Linden, not mine).  I forget whether he said he had to format his drive or buy another PC, it was so drama laden.

I call it Really Lotsmorefun Viewer because that's what it is.  At the end of the day, you can always just log out, turn it off and log back in again.

Bottom line, the toy you encountered was a BAD one, VERY BAD.  NEVER EVER EVER... EVER ... strip hair and shoes.  Just no! :)

As Innula says, more mishaps occur during testing like when my partner got trapped, ended up naked and unable to release as I'd forgotten that bit.  What to do?.. easy, invite his friends over :)

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Fascinating! Thank you so much Innula & Sassy.

I didn't even know what RLV meant until yesterday. I'm sure that I didn't check it. (I have messed with some of the preferences, just to see what they would do, but I don't think I even saw that box before.) My only guess must be that that dom guy somehow did it when he collared me. He wanted to "activate" the collar but I TPed home, removed the collar and logged out. I kept it in my inv as a trophy and have even worn it as jewelry a time or two. I was warned to be careful of it but thot that since it hadn't been "activated," it was harmless. I think I will delete it when i log in this evening. With the help & advice of you all, I'm slowly but surely figuring out how SL works! Thanks again.


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