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Login 2 Life - SL documentary online only till the 24th

Jo Yardley

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Hope this is not a double posting

This documentary was broadcast a day or so ago on German tv and can now be seen online.

The subject is virtual online worlds, so quite a bit of Second Life.

80 minutes long.

Yes some of it is in German and French, but much of it is also in English.


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Interesting that it was deleted, I did look for it on the forum but couldn't find it.

Maybe something about international copyrights but if a international TV station puts this on their website for everyone to see I am pretty sure they have taken care of the copyrights.

If this thread gets deleted as well I hope LL explains why.

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I really enjoyed it and it really made me smile..A lot actually..

A few joy tears as well because of a few things..

It really made me feel like i am missing a lot of great things about this world..

I waste time shopping and things when i could be exploring so much more and making more value of my time while in here..

I'm really glad i watched this and glad it made me feel this way..

It also makes me see how much i want to get away from the technical side of things to enjoy the world more immersive than the past few years..

It really showed me just how important something like this is to people ..Especially someone disabled or thier health getting bad..

Tomorrow is going to be a better more immersive day for me when i go in..I've been bored mostly standing around wondering what i can do in here anymore..

Now a whole flood of things  are on my mind to do..

Thank you for posting this..I'm so glad i watched it..It really reopened  my eyes =)

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Glad the responses are positive.  Gentle enjoyed making her part of it, and learned a lot of the German language in the process.  When she was preparing for it, we were at a conference in Arizona in RL.  It was almost time to go to bed, and she said, ok, Treasure, now I am going to practice my German on you.  I said ok!  I finally fell asleep with her practicing.  It was very important to her to show a way that  people, including disabled people,  use virtual worlds, how important it can be.  So many think it's just dress up dolly.......

Watching the finished product made me cry, too. .  It really is 'Logging into Life'........



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Thank you for posting this - I would probably never have seen it otherwise in my part of the world.

It made me smile, and it also made me shed a few tears. It makes me realise just how lucky I am in RL, but also, to appreciate SL for how wonderful it can be to those less fortunate.

The very end - the meeting in Berlin... and the brief SL dance shot which mirrored the shot in the square, left me with a few happy tears. Very emotional.

A positive documentary, definitely worth watching. :matte-motes-smile:

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Thanks Jo. I'll check it out. 

I wish all television networks would get with it and put content online. I don't care if I have to pay. And it should all be available world wide. (And without the stupid lag and commercials we can't fast forward through.) It's so frustrating, like waiting in the mid-1990s for most corporate entities to get online and put up an order page. Why are they always so far behind?

Germans always seem to be more efficient.  ;)

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  • 1 year later...

As someone who has lobbied hard to make this film available FIRST online [new media style] I was and still am frustrated that the distributor is going the old school route of negotiating with each national TV market plus festivals...this needs to be in the hands of the people via download or streaming - so while I do not want to encourage STEALING content I am glad someone put it up on YouTube. Let's keep it there :)

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I can't believe they didn't make it available INWORLD!!!

Get a nice cinema, perhaps even get people to pay to enter the sim and put up a big tip jar.

I would have LOVED to have seen this in Second Life with my friends and it would also be a good PR stunt; Login 2 Life, the documentary about a virtual world, premiered in a virtual cinema.

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i know what u mean :(.... now i have to go to back crying....but seriously: there was a screening at VAI and there was a mixed reality press event with Gentle in Berlin and one in Munich where she was only virtually. it was grassroots and a lot of work by the director Daniel and myself - not much other help. Kudos to ZDF though who stuck through thick and thin producing this and financing - they got new blood in that organisation and they are fighting an uphill battle!!!

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I don't know anything about how and why rights to see things are assigned so I can't speak to that, but I did get to see the work, thanks to the link in Nalates's blog. I may be overlooking some really obvious tells, but I can't imagine why LL hasn't bought into this. It should be part of their advertising. Okay yes, the avatar looked younger and (slightly) prettier than the operator and did not need crutches to walk. Like, that's NORMAL. You'd be amazed at how many of us don't look like our avatars! I kind of fixated on her, but the stuff from Cory and his mother, with their SL footage, showed another way it can matter.

Deltango Vale once said (or at least I remember her saying), "Sometimes I think Linden Lab just doesn't GET Second Life.". The fact this film has been available but not somehow used as advertising leads me to believe she is right. Sure, it's not what everyone who might be interested in SL may be looking for. But it points to something that maybe can't be found anywhere else.


Edited to reverse the 't' and the 'l' in Nalates's name. I bet I'm not the first person to do that but given that I really hate when people get names wrong I wish I hadn't done it myself. I'll be contrite and not criticize the next person I see do that. For about a week.

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