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No more sidebar!

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I've just taken the new Development Viewer 3.2 out for a spin.   

It comes with a load of known bugs, notable that it crashes if you try to TP anywhere, but it's worth a try for a look at the new UI.

No more sidebars.   Just a load of buttons which you can move around and customise endlessly.    This is what my UI looked like after a bit of a play (that's my AO down at the right hand corner):

v3 ui.JPG

Other notable changes are the the chicklets and toasts and dialog menus all appear now at the top right, which I find far more convenient. And they've ported over the single click to walk somewhere from the "Basic" viewer, which is fun. More write ups at Living In the Modem World and Nalates Blog.   We've also been chatting about it over at SLU.

Like I said, it comes with a load of known issues

Here's a quick rundown of some of the known issues: 

  • The Viewer floater camera views and presets do not work.
  • The Nearby Voice panel does not update to a new call or from nearby voice info once opened.
  • Viewer crashes when updating UI size in preferences.
  • The Speak button is activated when dragging and dropping between toolbars and/or moving back to the Tool Box.
  • Viewer crash when moving the speak button from one toolbar to another when there is an active call request.
  • Teleport history doesn't display visited locations.
  • Viewer crash when double-clicking the mini-map in People > Nearby.
  • Notification and conversation chiclets overlap.
  • WASD controls don't move avatar while the Move floater is in focus.
  • Closing voice controls while a group or p2p call also closes the group call/IM window.
  • Viewer crash after teleport.
  • Hitting back in the 'Create Group' panel or 'Blocked' panel requires multiple clicks for action to occur.

The team is busily addressing these issues and will be updating as we plan the next couple of beta releases. If you see other issues, please report them in Jira as always and we'll make sure they are routed appropriately.

But, with that in mind, it's well-worth downloading for a look at the shape of things to come.

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I'm sad to say, but I have never even tried an official viewer since V2 came out and I'm scared to in case it wipes my history out or something.

I can't help new people as much as I'd like because I cling to V1. I really really like V1 and V2 was just  awful for me.

I need a very, very good reason to even dare to download this onto my PC with nearly 3 years of history to lose.

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Yep, very nice to see that a LOT is now customizable ! :) (One can even hide ALL controls!)

Unfortunatly for me the Notifications in the top right are rather inconvinient, especially since they are hidden if another Window is open there :( Would be nice to customize the location of this too.

Can't say much about most of the control windows, cause i don't use em.

But stability should definatly improved :)

Also, the locations and sizes of the Windows don't seem to be saved.

And finally, Subfolders in Places Tab (Window) are still expanded !!!!!!!  WHY ????????? This is a MAYOR pain for ppl with more than 20 LM's.

But otherwise, some really nice improvements and a very big step forward !!


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Eloise Baily wrote:

I'm sad to say, but I have never even tried an official viewer since V2 came out and I'm scared to in case it wipes my history out or something.

I can't help new people as much as I'd like because I cling to V1. I really really like V1 and V2 was just  awful for me.

I need a very, very good reason to even dare to download this onto my PC with nearly 3 years of history to lose.

Why should it wipe your History ? I still have all my chatlogs and TP history since my Rezday.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

Mark my words..........there will be a big stink about the new UI.  It'll be as if V-2/3 were the greatest UI ever and LL will be condemned endlessly for changing it. 


It happened with V-1............there's no reason to believe it won't happen with V-2/3.

Indeed. Whatever LL do there will be some that kick up a loud stink about it. That's just a fact. The sensible ones just need to completely ignore such drama though and actually look at any UI changes rationally.

Personally speaking (and I know I'm in a minority here!) I actually like the sidebar in V2 / V3 and have been happliy using V2 / V3 for over 6 months now.

The new interface design does look to have some potential though. Inara has done a nice write up of it with screenshots here: 


Personally, what I would like to see is every action / item logically organised into the top menus, and for users to essentially be able to configure any of those items as they want them on their screen. In other words, you can access everything from the top drop-down menus (profile, inventory, map, appearance etc) and with a simple drag and drop put them either as buttons at the bottom or icons to the side of your screen.

I'm personally a big fan of the icons approach (a la sidebar) although I fully appreciate that the sidebar has it's issues and is not to everyone's liking. I'd like to have icons at the side of my screen for the things I most use, but I can access the rest from the top menus if i need to.

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Hello to all. I find most (if not all) changes unnecessary, needless and unjustified. What LL really try to do? To bring closer the official viewer to Phoenix and other TPV's? WHY??? It is known more or less that i use always the last version of the official viewer and i will agree with Suella that i like the side bar. Maybe it covers a big part of the monitor, especially when a motinor has small resolution but everything is neatly. First time i opened the new Development Viewer i was in mess. No side bar, other buttons on the left and other down! I spent time to arrange all them and to understand what's happens here (where is the local chat??). Think now a new user to log in for first time in this mess. Incidentally i want to say that if you crash, the viewer does no keep your changes and after when you relog you have to do everything from the beginning! Nodifications, im's and etc moved on the top right corner. WHY??? Are they there more visible maybe? Is this an improvement? The known search on the right up corner gone! The new user has now to discover the the tiny button with the magnifying lens (assuming that everyone will choose icons only and no icons and labels). About performance to be honest i didin't notice any difference (never i had problems with crashes, loading etc). Ok i crashed once but it happens, no particular problem. If i have to report something good is that the navigation bar and the favorites bar were merged. Also no Modes, at last! But it is no an improvement just an error correction. (Improvement is this. ) So i have the right to wonder and to ask directly LL...



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Why?  Because it's beta software.  Maybe a proto-type.  It's not the final version for release..........you can't judge anythng (good or bad) by using something that is still in development.  No matter what the UI winds up being in a final release, there will be haters and lovers.  In the end, everyone has to adjust.  Just like I've had to do every time Microsoft releases a new OS version (I hated Windows 7 for the first week or so when I got it).

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Tristizia Demonista wrote:

Ahh. Well, V2 actually improved a bit in all those years. Just sayin

I actually deleted a "jus sayin" from another post so's I didn't make myself misunderstood. I get ya though :D

My point proves your point though. Before V2 I was happy to try anything new, but after the disaster that was V2 pt.1, I was not prepared to risk the damage, and LL have done very little to let me know about all the positive changes. 

I'll download it when I feel safe that it won't kill my V1 and any of the attachments within. I'll only accept it from LL that that is the case. I think after 3 years of paying that's not too much to ask.

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i personally was originally an emerald man until they **bleep**ed that up. i am now on pheonix. i went off LL veiwers when i tried V1 and coulndt find anything. i have recently tried firestorm and it seems similar to LL's v2 or 3 ( i dont really know) but things for me are still hard to find and i dont feel like spending a lot of time working out where everything is now, even if it does do mesh. besides that, i find the new version very laggy and i hate lag, so i will cruise along on the old pheonix until they fix it all..........just sayin

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Eloise Baily wrote:

I'm sad to say, but I have never even tried an official viewer since V2 came out and I'm scared to in case it wipes my history out or something.

I can't help new people as much as I'd like because I cling to V1. I really really like V1 and V2 was just  awful for me.

I need a very, very good reason to even dare to download this onto my PC with nearly 3 years of history to lose.

If you have a lot of clothes and like to mix and match them and don't like taking a long time to get dressed. V2 outfits are to die for.

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its a very good move that they made the interface more flexible, that way we can adapt easier to whatever we use Second Life for, socializing, creating, exploring or whatever we do.

the Destination Guide window will be very useful for me that im an explorer, and the link to the Marketplace in the interface is going to give a boost in sales to the merchants. the possibility to arrange the buttons to the right is important too, specially for left handed users.

is looking pretty well at this stage. i hope they add the ability to change the colors of the interface, that will solve some issues for some users.

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No sidebar is great news.

Would be nice to lose the Me My system. I had a good laugh when I first used V2. Me My, lol.  

About Land is now; hey, check out my PP, yeah..., place profile.

Just a load of issues is probably not so bad. A boat load or truck load, that would .... I will stop. No sidebar is worth it.

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looks like they are taking some cues from firestorm or at least input from those that use it. Although in firestorm you can choose if you want the side bar or not or how the layout looks with different skins. Maybe this is what LL will do once they get farther along with it. Make so you can turn it on or off if you want it or don't. Personally I don't like it.

My biggest issue with any of the V3 viewers is it hangs after I log in while stuff loads so it takes forever for me to log in. And that is with LL, firestorm or Kirstens. Phoenix logs in in seconds. No idea why.

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Oh, I like this alot. Kudos to LL!! Now, if I could only get the pie menu back. The pie menu insured that you would not click the wrong thing, using muscle memory clicks. With out rightclick menus, things are always in a different place, and it is quite easy to choose the wrong thing.

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Eloise Baily wrote:

Tristizia Demonista wrote:

Ahh. Well, V2 actually improved a bit in all those years. Just sayin

I actually deleted a "jus sayin" from another post so's I didn't make myself misunderstood. I get ya though

My point proves your point though. Before V2 I was happy to try anything new, but after the disaster that was V2 pt.1, I was not prepared to risk the damage, and LL have done very little to let me know about all the positive changes. 

I'll download it when I feel safe that it won't kill my V1 and any of the attachments within. I'll only accept it from LL that that is the case. I think after 3 years of paying that's not too much to ask.

The key to not losing your logs is to move them from your cache folder to another area on your HD.   They are safe there while you uninstall, delete the cache, and install a new viewer.  Once the new viewer is installed and setup as you like, you can move your chat logs back into the cache area.  Voila.  No loss.

I agree that the outfits feature rocks.  I am not using V3, rather Firestorm Mesh (based on V3 but with features that make it feel more like V1).

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I shared your view, too.  I loved Emerald until they messed it up.  Phoenix has been great but, because of mesh and other features, I switched to Firestorm a couple of months ago and I love it.  It is already customizable so you can have it look closer to Phoenix/V1 (e.g. no sidebar).  It does take a bit of getting used to but so does everything else.

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bleh..i really liked the side bar once it was fixed to where your whole screen didn't slide over..

i really liked FS's version of it where you could have it or not or have or have certain parts of it or have it over there with no tabs and just buttons on the bottom for each window..

thats too bad..a lot didn't like it because of the first version..cell phones used to be in big bags until someone started to modify them to what we have today hehehe

oh well ..i can just hope FS or whatevr viewer i end up going with will keep them..if not i'll just have to readjust  ..not a biggy hehehe

Also i'm curious..have they decided to get on the bandwagon with media and music url filters for users to decide about using certain urls or not or are they still waiting till they can figure out a filter for MoaP..

that should not be something that stops filtering the others i think hehehe

till they do those or something better i will more than likely be staying on tpv's i guess *winks*


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It's been a long time since I tried a V2 (or more recent) style viewer. I'd have been prepared to persist with the V2 design if it hadn't been for numerous technical issues in the early versions that totally killed it off for me. These might have been conflicts between my system and the viewer, but they did exist. Between the glitches and learning the new interface, it was just a step too far for me.

This viewer looks a lot cleaner and more familiar to me. I'll have to hold off comment until I see some of the other features; notably, if there's a chat/IM panel that works in a way I can live with, if the search is less obstructive, and how accessible profiles are. Obviously, it has to work technically too, but that's more an issue for the release version.

Overall, my first impression is favourable, and it could be the first official viewer I'd consider in a long time.

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