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Avatar Rezzed Corrupted and sometimes invisible

Kristin Burner

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I cannot get myself to rez properly anymore. I have tried, clear cache, character test, and changing outfits, even tried a brand new created shape, all invisible. Happens in different clients to. I filed a ticket, but if you have tried to file a ticket but sincet the ticket system has no category for general help i might not get help from lindens for a long long time.


Anyone have any ideas, has it happened to you before , what did you do, is there some secret keywords to say in the ticket so they know what to do to fix it ?



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ok, reply to myself :matte-motes-inlove:


I bite the bullet and unisntalled every viewer i had installed, (6 of them :smileyvery-happy:). Wiped out all the app data in the user folder, a complete 100% uninstall, except registry clean.


Reinstalled the latest viewer 3, and after remember to seelct advance mode :) logged in. Still a mess. Tried character test, still a mess. Went into my outfits and changed to one of those, i just happened to pick on that had no clothing layers in it. And viola, poof, my shape and skin rezzed yay :). Switched to some other outfits, had a few little glitches of deja vu, but now its stable again, my avi is back to normal.


So, not sure what the cause was, but i do flip a lot between viewer 3 and Phoenix, so maybe the old and the new are not getting along with the server or something. But anyways, if you find your self in this bad state, and you are certain you are not wearing a full body alpha, then try what i did and pray :)



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  • 1 month later...

I have been having this same issue for almost a week. My problem started when I purchased a pair of jean from Robbish and put them on.

Sometime I can log in, do the test male, and am fine when I switch back to my usual self, but most times I go back to invisible with the first change. I have a local OSGrid server than I run once in a while to build with, and do NOT have the same problem there.

It makes no difference if I use primary monitor or secondary monitor, remove all clothing, or even if I log in with metabolt (a non-graphical viewer), phoenix, firestorm or SL. I have tried about every thing I have found in other forum posts, and a few things not listed, such as deleting my normally worn inventory item, and re-unboxing them. Nothing helps this.

HELP!! I am almost ready to leave SL because of this, but I hate to give up all my friends and the money I have invested!

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I think i have the same problem. For me it started maybe about 3 weeks ago. With snowglobe i see my self as black, exept head is missing. And with v3 i see me like the above picture, mostly invisible with random colored pixels here and there.

I have also tried everything. Format: C is the next thing to try, maybe some other day.. big job.

Now roaming the grid with AV made entirely from prims.

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  • 2 months later...

I have been having the same problem since the beginning of the year and I dont see any solutions anywhere. Having been a resident since 2005, I have seen many problems and some solutions but none quite as game-changing as this one. I would assume that Linden Labs would like people to play their game and not quit in frustration, because I haven't see any solutions posted anywhere that address this issue.


Thats my viewer:    Second Life 3.2.8 (248931) Feb  9 2012 09:04:17 (Second Life Release)

Thats my pc info:   CPU: Intel® Core2 CPU          6700  @ 2.66GHz (2660.08 MHz) Memory: 3070 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 260/PCI/SSE2

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.17.0012.6658 OpenGL Version: 3.3.0

I am not going to add pictures as i look invis or just plain meshy and pixalated in different stages and let me assure you, I have tried absolutely everything suggested in the whole forum.

So some help from the "specialists" will be appreciated since it seems that there are enough of us out there with the same problem to demand a solution.

I will say thanks if someone has a actual solution to this quite frustrating problem.

BTW, i have tried all viewers as well, problem persists and its not only on my screen, everyone sees me like that.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

We're having related problems - avis rez fine sometimes, then at other times one or both of us will have a pink torso, a dark-toned lower half, and feet that are exposed whether wearing shoes or boots with or without alpha coverage. Sometimes, clothing textures will creep down our arms or legs too. Downright weird!

We've tried all the fixes noted here and more. We turned off the computers altogether, unplugged them from their power sources, reset the modem and started up again. Have the latest graphics card drivers on new computers running Windows 7...been to protected water and done all the total clearing of cache and relogging while the camera is underwater for the Inventory load, etc. - have even done clean reinstalls of the viewer (LL V3). Nothing works. (And yes, this issue just began with the last update of LL V3 not with the new computers - which are now four months old.) Tried Firestorm - still have the issue. Completely eradicated Firestorm (didn't much care for it) and even deleted the LSL AO and Bridge folders that showed up in V3.

Last night, we were out dancing (yep - looking like this, LOL!), and all of a sudden (near the end of the concert) my avi was fine. But then we went home to logoff, and...you guessed it! - problem returned.

So...I give up! LOL. Just gonna wait it out and see if the next viewer update resolves this or not. If not (or if the problem gets worse), I'll be hollering! And loudly.

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I have a similar problem.  Parts of my avatar become invisible (parts of arms, legs and neck).  I've tried loading the test avatar, clearing the cache, different viewers, rebaking textures. 

I think the problem dates from a nasty RLV trap I fell in (moral: don't lean on lampposts in suspect areas!).  It changed my head to the same one visible in the first post on this thread.  I think there are some nasty virus-like alpha masks that have now been planted somewhere in my inventory and their file names hidden.

At one point, when I did a Ctrl-Alt-T I could see the teeth of the replaced head (see the first post picture) on the missing part of one leg.

I think someone created this problem deliberately.

Is there such a thing as an "inventory cleaner" that could find these alpha masks and delete them?


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  • 4 months later...

Hi all

I've had the same on two of my avatars, and finally been able to fix both.

This is what I did that worked for me

1. Cleared all the cache

2. Loaded the test avatar from the develop menu

3. Right clicked on the avatar and removed all clothing, huds, and attachments

4. Reloaded the default avatar again

5. Put on a "Fresh" copy of the skin

6. Put on "Fresh" copy of the shape

You should start to see parts of your avatar. I still had the head and eyes still missing at this point

7. Put on "Fresh" copy of hair base (this caused my face to appear), then added a "Fresh" copy of the eyes

8. Put on a "Fresh" copy of a bald base (This caused the linden hair to go away)

After I had done all this I had a naked avatar who was fixed.

9. Dress and add any attachments or huds using "Fresh" copies

It seemed when I used older copies that I had put together in folders, the avatar corrupted again and I had to start from scratch again.

Hope this helps everyone who has had this problem. I don't know what causes, but I found it possible to fix my avatar.






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  • 3 weeks later...

to no avail! :( 

I sent a request to SL support.

For some reason it got fixed once, when I re-installed a viewer... but it only stayed fixed for about a month (It was broken for a year before that. I stopped playing SL and lost a ton of SL friends).

So, this time when it broke again, I tried all of your advice, but the only thing that worked was wearing an animal avatar. (At least now I can still explore sims! without just looking like floating teeth and eyes)

I thought it must be something in the inventory - but when I log on under an alt character, it has the same issue. 

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