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Stalking tools?

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Hi folks!  I'm not sure if this is the correct place for this, but I'm curious about something and I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this.  I have a couple of questions actually.


While chatting with a young lady new to SL, she posed a concern to me.  She has another friend who seems to tp directly to her, as if by invitation, no matter where she is on any parcel without the invitation, and without her telling him where she is in SL.  She also will begin dancing with him without any invitation to do so or pose balls visible, as if on a dance hud, but without clicking the animate avatar button. 


We've gone over the whole... Did he give you any gifts that you're wearing bit.  I've suggested she do an avatar reset and remove all her attachments and replace them one by one.  Then she posed a question to me:  Is there some kind of hud that he can wear that can track and control me without being detectable?"    So I searched the marketplace with the word "Undetectable" and found an item that says you can either rez it or wear it as a hud, enter any avatars name, and it will tell you where they are in SL, and give you their AV key. 


So,  I'm curious now what can be done with an AV key, and is there a way to block something like this? 


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Yes you can be tracked by receiving a scripted object. You may also look into a script hidden in any clothing item that may seem out of place. Scripts can be dropped into any Prim (eg shoes, dresses, hats. jewelry etc etc) Possible he has given her some shoes or a jewlry item. The tricky part is also edit linked parts and look inside each individual prim if they are multiple linked prims.

Right click any prims worn as clothing. And look inside the contents and see if any strange scripts are in there


And depending on the viewer make sure Restrained Life is not enables on her viewer in Preferences

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I looked at the item, and it doesn't tell you *where* someone is in SL, just whether or not they are online. It sounds to me like she's wearing something that lets him control her...does she have RLV enabled? 

If this guy is a friend, can't she ask him how he's doing this? If he won't tell her, maybe she needs to block and AR him if he won't knock it off. 

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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

Yes it can be done by giving the avatar a scripted object. You may also look into a script hidden in any clothing item that may seem out of place. Scripts can be dropped into any Prim (eg shoes, dresses, hats. jewelry etc etc)

Right click any prims worn as clothing. And look inside the contents and see if any strange scripts are in there


And depending on the viewer make sure Restrained Life is not enables on her viewer in Preferences

That's what I was thinking too.  I will pass this on to her also.  Thank you! 

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Sylvia Tamalyn wrote:

I looked at the item, and it doesn't tell you *where* someone is in SL, just whether or not they are online. It sounds to me like she's wearing something that lets him control her...does she have RLV enabled? 

If this guy is a friend, can't she ask him how he's doing this? If he won't tell her, maybe she needs to block and AR him if he won't knock it off. 

Hi Cupcake!  You're right, it does not say it can show you where they are.. I was mistaken.  Thank you for pointing that out :)   I asked about RLV, but I wouldn't think she would.. don't you have to enable that?  It's not on by default is it? 


I agree too about asking about it directly.  It seems a bit controling and creepy in my opinion.  I'm still curious about what someone can do with the AV key. 

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Probably need a scripter to tell you what all can be done with a UUID (av key), but as far as I know, they're public knowledge. My understanding is that everything in SL (objects, avatars, etc) has a UUID as an identifying number....beyond that, I have no idea. :smileyvery-happy:

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Your avatar key is just a simple idenification key.  I could put your key in a script and know when you are online at any time even if you block it... But giving out coordinates the key does not do. There would have to be a more scrpted script to do so . And hopefully all those exploits have been fixed. But you never know when somone can find another exploit.

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Thank you :)  This kind of confirms my suspiscions... it would almost certainly HAVE to be something that he gave to her that she is wearing.  I suggested she double check the mapping ability, I know you can give someone the ability to track them, and make sure RLV is disabled and check all attachments.   


@Mags, thank you dear friend!  She is very calm about it, more curious as to how it can be done.  So at this point, I don't see any drama, but I will be cautious as always :)   I like my drama on a stage or movie screen.  ;)

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animate avatar doesn't require RLV at all but it does sound like she's wearing a scripted object which will implicitly grant animation permissions when requested.  She'll have seen no popup.  Or, she could have just granted permission to animate avatar to his dance hud which has not reset the script or removed permissions such that permissions is still granted.

In fact, there's NO RLV api that forces an accept of animation permission. I wish there was.

Scripted object that's all, it's a half a dozen lines of script.  No RLV drama, move along, nothing to see :)


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tracking someones location in SL isn't easy... but it also isn't hard... go to the places in their profiles and the profiles of their friends that are linked to them, check the same spots they always go to....  once you have the right region, it's quite easy to TP right to the person.

animating a person without their permission is also not that easy, but again, not that hard.... if they happen to accept permissions for an innocent seeming item to animate them, then those permissions remain until the script gets some new ones from someone else or is reset or recompiled.  if the item is scripted to use those permissions for other things later, currently you are SOL to do anything about it.

tracking online status is always easy as pie... many business owners use the script functions to do so to show shoppers at their stores that they are available for questions, even if they aren't standing around...  av key is meaningless.. it's just the systems way of identifying your account... it amounts to the servers name for you instead of the friendly text name you have.


your friend needs to abuse report their stalker, and have everyone else around report him too when they see it happening... may take a while but it adds up and eventually they'll get nailed.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

animate avatar doesn't require RLV at all but it does sound like she's wearing a scripted object which will implicitly grant animation permissions when requested.  She'll have seen no popup.  Or, she could have just granted permission to animate avatar to his dance hud which has not reset the script or removed permissions such that permissions is still granted.

In fact, there's NO RLV api that forces an accept of animation permission. I wish there was.

Scripted object that's all, it's a half a dozen lines of script.  No RLV drama, move along, nothing to see


The dancing thing, that was my first though too.. I've had that happen several times with Dee's dance hud.  That's why we call her the puppet master.. hehe.    I didn't ask if it is a regular thing.  The thing that has me more curious though is his ability to tp directly in front of her as if she sent a request.  Unless she's got it set so he can see her location.  No drama :)

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ITA - if someone 'new' comes to you with a need for help and the events swirling around them seem impossible, in this instance they are unless she is using RLV, then you are most likely an unwilling participant in a drama being played out for whatever satisfaction the person derives from this.

I`ve ran into quite a few my time on the grid.  I think they should create a name for these people - they aren`t quite at the ``emotional vampire`level ... perhaps `help untie me from the railroad tracks`euphemism.

I should add that it takes a while to learn your way around the viewer, never mind sl. It never ceases to amaze me how some forget this when they reinvent themselves & try to insist they are new yet know so much about the workings of sl.

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Void Singer wrote:

tracking someones location in SL isn't easy... but it also isn't hard... go to the places in their profiles and the profiles of their friends that are linked to them, check the same spots they always go to....  once you have the right region, it's quite easy to TP right to the person.

animating a person without their permission is also not that easy, but again, not that hard.... if they happen to accept permissions for an innocent seeming item to animate them, then those permissions remain until the script gets some new ones from someone else or is reset or recompiled.  if the item is scripted to use those permissions for other things later, currently you are SOL to do anything about it.

tracking online status is always easy as pie... many business owners use the script functions to do so to show shoppers at their stores that they are available for questions, even if they aren't standing around...  av key is meaningless.. it's just the systems way of identifying your account... it amounts to the servers name for you instead of the friendly text name you have.


your friend needs to abuse report their stalker, and have everyone else around report him too when they see it happening... may take a while but it adds up and eventually they'll get nailed.

Thank you Void.. I was wondering about that too, it would take some work on his part, but I can see how that could be done.  I will pass this info on to her as well.  :)

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Rival Destiny wrote:

ITA - if someone 'new' comes to you with a need for help and the events swirling around them seem impossible, in this instance they are unless she is using RLV, then you are most likely an unwilling participant in a drama being played out for whatever satisfaction the person derives from this.

I`ve ran into quite a few my time on the grid.  I think they should create a name for these people - they aren`t quite at the ``emotional vampire`level ... perhaps `help untie me from the railroad tracks`euphemism.

Thank you very much for the word of caution.  I feel that it is necessary to warn people to look out for things like that.    I will say, without going into details, that I know it is not a ploy for drama.  I have come across people like that before too and I do my best to avoid them, but I can assure you this is not the case this time. 

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Your welcome.   On another note, am not sure if this has been mentioned yet so forgive me if I`m repeating info already given.  If this woman`s friend uses a tpv (third party viewer) some have functions to enable tp to anyone on the sim or region.  Regarding the knowing where she is on the grid, if she has checked the map me box next to his name on her friends list, then he can find her anywhere on the grid.  But as far as I know, this option must be given to someone & cannot be scripted otherwise.

hth & good luck

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RLV itself offers NO tracking or stalking functions. 

All a script has to do is pick up the change event for region change and then get the current region and IM it to someone (or us a timer event and do the same).  It's trival, please lets not attach any misaligned accusations in the direction of a very innocent and functional RLV feature set, it already suffers enough from misinformation.

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Sorry I reread my reply & find nothing in it that gives negative connotation to RLV nor provides any misinformation.  RLV has many uses but is IMO the only other thing that can give control of avie to another.  If that is negative then forgive my faux pas.

My intention was only to give her a few ideas of what may be happening. 

But cudos to you for now putting RLV in a negative light.



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Rival Destiny wrote:

Regarding the knowing where she is on the grid, if she has checked the map me box next to his name on her friends list, then he can find her anywhere on the grid.  But as far as I know, this option must be given to someone & cannot be scripted otherwise.

hth & good luck

^^This^^ is the most obvious way in which he might be finding her.  Untick the box and he no longer can.

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Well I'll just depart with the statement that I wasn't the first person who mentioned it in relation to something that would give control over to another avie.  It was simply restated but I feel that anyone who has referred to it, have been obviously misunderstood by you. 

I appreciate your comments & fully...totally understand what you are saying but please know that my comments are nothing more nor nothing less than anyone else's.

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