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To Commerce Team: Direct Delivery Update please

Arwen Serpente

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Dear Commerce Team/Brooke, the server updates today apparently include DD per Maestro Linden's Deploy notes:


Second Life RC LeTigre
LeTigre is getitng a new project this week, with agent inventory service updates.  Users of viewer 2.5.1 or above (or those using thirrd party viewers which have merged in 2.5.1 or above) should see a speed increase when fetching inventory.  This server version also includes support for Marketplace Direct Delivery, which should improve reliability when buying and selling items on the Marketplace.
2011-10-05, 9:00am: Rolling Restart - Release Notes: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_LeTigre/11"

Since DD is moving forward on the servers and the Merchants have not been updated on the progress of the BETA, it seems an update to us would be quite timely right now.

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I asked something similar the other day and I'm glad to see you posting it as well.  They had been talking about this for a year now, and though LL tends to advance promote things well too far ahead of the release schedule, this is a very important feature which deserves more transparency.


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I and others hoped and asked that the Direct Delivery rollout would not occur until after the first of the year so problems during one of the busiest shopping seasons of the year would not be plagued with problems relating to DD so our sales would be minimally impacted during this busy time.  It seems, if I'm reading your post correctly, Arwen, that they are proceeding post haste to deploy it anyway.  OK, commerce team, if you're gonna roll this out starting this week, we need to know EXACTLY what's going on, what we need to do and how things are going to work and we need to know it right NOW!  Not next week after the rollout is complete like you did on 13 September!

I have huge concerns about this and I'm sure other Merchants do as well.  Please do NOT keep us in the dark about this!  You're messing with our SecondLife livelihoods here...keep that in mind!

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Yes, Marcus, I was with you and others asking that the deploy of DD wait until after our busy season. Without an update from LL, there's no way to know when DD is being deployed. They are clearly putting the pieces in place, but when they will activate them and how is what we need to know.

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I'm working on prepping an update on Direct Delivery. The server changes that are rolling out are changes to existing APIs and functionality to support Direct Delivery--that should be clarified in the release notes. I will make sure that happens going forward.

Thanks for pointing this out, Arwen!


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Yeah its pretty sad that the LL Commerce Team (or LL in general) has not learned its lesson from the Sep 13th fiasco.

Even after Brooke's horrible approach on releasing the SL Sep 13th changes...

Even after the resulting bug ridden changes hurt so many Merchants and SL customers (and that they are still trying to fix the bugs)...

Even after several Merchants asked Brooke to finally come clean and open up the cloak of the DD activities and times lines...

Even after a thread on here asked, begged, pleaded Brooke and Rodvik to PLEASEEEEE do not deploy DD as we are entering the busiest sales period of the year....

Surprise Surprise.... More of the DD Puzzle gets slithered secretly into place under another team's deployment.  And LL completely ignored us and our requests to put a CHANGE FREEZE on DD until January.

At least when the LL Team screws up the next major phase of DD, they will destroy our sales when it generally is at its quietest.  But of course this is LL.  They do not care whatsoever how the risks of their changes and implementation affects us.

CUSTOMER SERVICE AT LL.... continues to be the same old crap ... they never learn.

And Rodvik is quickly proving to have the same philisophy on Customer Service as LL is known to have about its Customers.... ZERO!

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Darrius opened up a forum thread here where he asked that you start answering OUR QUESTIONS on DD... not just your belief of what an update of DD is.  There were several questions posted in that thread.  You never responded to that thread at all.

I am hoping that this UPDATE that you are working on will be in a format that you and your team will finally put some effort and answer OUR QUESTIONS on DD with real answers.

I think I can speak for most Merchants that we dont want to see your current approach of communicating with us that involves a 4 or 5 paragraph Blog Post that onyl touches on a few high level motherhood statements of DD and then refuse to anwer any of our concerns or questions.

If you simply do not have the time or do not care to answer our questions, please make sure you assign a person from your team to monitor the thread/blog you start and will be commited to providing us REAL ANSWERS.


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For my own part, I would have sincerely stayed away from that thread if I hadn't been specifically asked to get involved.

If I'm supposed to ask questions, people must realize those are the kinds of questions I'm going to ask; otherwise, why have me there at all?

So if that in any way discouraged Brooke from engaging that thread, I'm sorry. 

If she'll promise to come back to it now, I'll promise to stay off of it.


To my own perception, today is already being handled on your end MUCH better than 13 September.

Better is good.


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