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Priorities - a full-blown rant

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In the context of the OP how much have we spent on Libya in the past 5 months?


A better question is, how much have we spent IN Libya in the past 5 months.

Much of the cost of these fights is spent either 1) in the US, or 2) on US people (soldiers, contractors, etc.).  That money doesn't just evaporate, it is used to creat jobs in the US or in salaries to US people.

That doesn't justify the wars, and it isn't necessarily an efficient way to spend money, but I never see anyone who quotes these multi-trilion dollar costs telling us how much of that cost stays in the US economy.


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When USA go to war it has always been about exploiting resources of other countries. Once it was oil. This time it seem to be minerals and metals. 3 trillion dollars worth of lithium. (Google it to know more) So if war cost 1 trillion dollars it is still worth it. And money does not really have any real value, it is always about something more usefull than piece of paper with a dollar sign on it.

USA just like all other countries obey the world bank. And only handfull of people know who really control world bank.

Our whole system been based on exploiting the weak for thoulsands of years. And it is getting worse and worse. It may last for couple hundreds of years more, but not forever. If earth is lucky our system collapses before we have destroyed the whole ecosystem. If humans are lucky some of them survive and can start the stone age once again. But it is very likely that we make the same mistakes over and over again.

This is all very depressing but the milk has been spilled. We cant go back. We can just try to enjoy the ride and try to live our lifes without causing too much harm to the earth and other people. Some take bigger steps toward better world, some smaller. If it makes you feel any better: In the end sun will consume earth. (some say that humans might shoot themselfs to space, and there maybe once was that option, but personally i think the window for that has been closed long time ago. We took wrong path and now it is too late for that)

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i remember when we lived up north going passed fermilab all the time..you could see it from the road..

my father took me in there one time just to cut through it while he explained what they did there..i really wasn't paying too much attention because of all the houses hehehe..

i tried to but when you are younger ..things like houses painted with really wild designs is very destracting ..

each house had strange colors ..some were purple with a red roof with a shape painted on the roof in maybe yello or something like that..

you had this strange looking tower and then this really strange area of houses...i didn't really piece what my father was talking about  until much later..

i just thought it was really neat and very strange at the time..

then later when i found out what the rings were for and that they were trying to create matter  it really made me wish i would have looked much closer when we went through there..

oh and security did pull us over  in there and searched our car..

i remember the guard really making a big deal over a butter knife that we had in the car for some reason lol...

i look at the map of it now and remember how big it was just for those rings ,,then remembering how big it actually was  when being there and it's just something that i always thought was so impressive..

i looked a lot harder when we would drive by after it all made sense..it was one of the things that just always made me stop in the middle of a conversation..

ok quiet..we are going past fermi!! lol


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Deltango Vale wrote:

I am perfectly willing to accept the possibility that I am insane, but, just out of curiosity, how does the Unites States plan to survive the next 50 years?

The U.S. Government is working along the lines of one very simple premise;

"Sure we Owe,, But who would dare forclose on us even if we default?"

The Chinese, who hold the largest amount of the U.S.debt have already warned the American Government that their ways have to change if they expect to survive, a sentiment that has been so far sneered at and dismissed out of hand.

They believe that they are a Law Unto Themselves, accountable to no one. Not thier creditors, Not the world banks, And certainly not thier citizens.

Like so many other World Powers that have reached this point in thier developement, They won't change, and only History will demonstrate if they are right (And so far, Historical Precident is NOT on thier side).



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Angelique LaFollette wrote:

Deltango Vale wrote:

I am perfectly willing to accept the possibility that I am insane, but, just out of curiosity, how does the Unites States plan to survive the next 50 years?

The U.S. Government is working along the lines of one very simple premise;

"Sure we Owe,, But who would dare forclose on us even if we default?"

The Chinese, who hold the largest amount of the U.S.debt have already warned the American Government that their ways have to change if they expect to survive, a sentiment that has been so far sneered at and dismissed out of hand.

They believe that they are a Law Unto Themselves, accountable to no one. Not thier creditors, Not the world banks, And certainly not thier citizens.

Like so many other World Powers that have reached this point in thier development, They won't change, and only History will demonstrate if they are right (And so far, Historical Precident is NOT on thier side).

The U.S. has never defaulted; we have an impeccable credit rating.  

We are accountable to the world bank - who do you think funds this institution?  Unemployment has been extended for years - people have been receiving checks for years for not working isn't that accountability?

No other world power has ever reached the 'development' point that the U.S. has attained in it's very very short history ergo the U.S. is setting the precedent.   Let the U.S. not make the same mistakes that 3000 yr. old Greece are making. 

Immigration, education, innovation, and the defeat of terrorism is how the U.S. will survive over the next 50 years.  

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It is still an impeccable rating.  We have never defaulted. The rating drop was directed at the current administration agenda in having carte blance privileges until the end of his administration vis 'a vis raising the debt ceiling.   How many billons of dollars have been owed by other nations to the U.S. and defaulted?   

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Storm Clarence wrote:

The U.S. has never defaulted; we have an impeccable credit rating.  

Ok, Two points here,, First it hasn't defaulted "YET", But if things continue unabated, it eventually and inevitably will. Second, it's "Impeccable credit rating" has already been downgraded once. Cracks are beginning to show.

We are accountable to the world bank - who do you think funds this institution?  Unemployment has been extended for years - people have been receiving checks for years for not working isn't that accountability?

Well considering the Chinese hold between a quarter and a third of your national debt I'd say it's THEY who are funding that Institution indirectly by shoring up the US, and again, they have warned that it cannot continue indefinately.
All the cheques written to cover these debts are being written with borrowed money.
Eventually SOMEBODY is going to demand payback.
What then? Will the US elect to submit to the same levels of foreign regulation and control the Greeks are being asked to accept? At present, i think not.

No other world power has ever reached the 'development' point that the U.S. has attained in it's very very short history ergo the U.S. is setting the precedent.   Let the U.S. not make the same mistakes that 3000 yr. old Greece are making. 

Immigration, education, innovation, and the defeat of terrorism is how the U.S. will survive over the next 50 years.  

On the contrary, EVERY empire in history has stretched the limits of territorial influence, and economic and technological innovation. And every empire in history, has eventually surpassed thier ability to cover this expansion with it's available resources. If you read documents from the Roman Senate on the subject of foreign aid, Infrastructure maintenance, government debt, insurgency, immigration, or ANY other problem faced by the United States today, you will be amazed at the similarity of the political concerns and responses. Same holds true for the parlimentary records of the British Empire as it approached the inevitable downturn facing it. The U.S. IS making the same mistakes the Greek empire made 3000 years ago, Only the Scale is larger, and the time frame shorter, as Each successive empire has gone from inception to peak to collapse in successively shorter intervals.

 You demonstrate a great deal of national pride, and well you should. America has reached peaks No other world body has attained before, BUT if they keep the course they are on, thier fall will be equally impressive. I Know it's a sore subject with a lot of people, but History is an unmerciful B*tch

Those who forget the errors of the past are doomed to repeat them.


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