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My viewer wont run when it did just fine before


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the way its built im unable to take out the vid card without tearing it completely apart it seems and just realized it wouldnt have helped anyway its not a hardware problem cuz sl wont run on my other pc either but i dont know what in my network would be doing it cuz i host servers so my network is completely open but im more than willing to blame our dsl provider cuz ive had nothing but problems with them

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Okay. That may be why you cannot get SL to run..........a router or an ISP could be the problem. But, that does not answer the crashes. I guess we are fighting two separate and different problems. Perhaps you can take your laptop to a friends house who does not share your ISP and see if it works there. If it does then give your ISP a phone call to find out why. You say you host servers on your network........you may be experiencing Internet throttling. I know my ISP (Time Warner) frowns heavily on commericial activities on a residential connection..........the hosting of servers may be viewed as commercial use. But, that's just speculation on my part.


When you can get connected I guess the next step is to find out the why of the crashes after a time period. With all you've done by reinstalling Win 7 you may have fixed it.........if so, then great. If not, it's back to square one.

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Bandwidth throttling? I don't know. I don't know your ISP even or what your data plan is......that's between you and your ISP and no one else. I don't want to know the details. I just mentioned how my ISP views what would be considered commercial use on a residential plan............they don't like it at all. The only way you will find out is to call them and ask them..........no one else can do that for you so no one else can answer you if that's the problem. I happen to think it's a possibility using what my ISP has in the residential contract I agreed to when I signed up years ago. Your's may be different..........but that's unlikely in my opinion.


You have a problem with getting your viewer to load. It's a hard nut to crack......especially from my standpoint with me sitting untold miles from your computer. If you insist on shooting down suggestions without even trying then I can't help you at all.


And, again, I find out something new about your problem. No one can help when the story keeps changing. And that's how I"m beginning to view your problem. First it's one thing, then another, then something else, the "yeah but", and now "oh no" it's not that. You seem to be a pretty intelligent person.....get it straight in your head and think. In the end it's your problem.........and you asked for help. I've tried. But with "new" information coming out after a number or responces from me and a few days there's no way I know what to tell you.


I'm sorry Wolf. I really want to figure this out with you (not for you, but with you). But I can't unless I get something besides "I tried that", "that doesn't make sense", "that is not what happens (after you led be to believe for days that it was what happened)". See my point? Give me somthing to help you with.

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But you told me that you were surprised that reinstalling Windows did not fix your problem. See my problem here?


Something caused you to reinstall your OS. I've asked you what made to come to that conclusion......you haven't answered me in a way that I can understand. You told me that you were crashing after about 2 hours of being on SL. Then you say you reinstalled Windows........and never told me why except the chronology or your posts is that you were crashing, you reinstalled Windows, now you can't log in. That has changed a few times since you told me that.


What, Wolf, made you decide to reinstall Windows? I mean why would you do that? Because you could log into SL and everything was hunky dorey? I think not......something made you think Windows needed to be reinstalled. What was that something? You said it was crashes before. Just today you say no it wasn't crashes, that you only crashed that one time. What time? Before or after? I'm trying to help. I think I can help. But you are not helping me at all. Mostly because you keep changing your story.

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what exactly happened i turned on my pc one day and none of my viewers would open i tried everything i could think of none of them worked i reinstalled windows just to see if that would fix it cuz i was out of ideas after i did that and installed my viewer it worked fine then after a couple hours it crashed and then refused to open once again thats when i posted to the forums and started talking to you so i reinstalled windows cuz i thought it would fix it and my problem exactly is my viewer wont run period

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The what was all that crashing talk about? So you only crashed once..........and now you can't get your viewer to work. That's it in a nutshell, right?


The Windows reinstallation was pointless...........and your mention of it confused the hell out of me since no one would reinstall an OS because one single program refused to start. At least not in my eyes. Forget the reinstallation then..........it did absolutely nothing to fix or create your problem. It's back to basics.


From what you have told me that you've done after I and Marigold suggested things you are looking at a hardware problem. I don't know enough about the HD graphics that the i3, i5, and i7 have on them to help much. I do know a little about discrete video cards. I've tried several ways to isolate which graphics might be the problem and from what you have responded by it can't be done (I know that's not true but niether of us know how to isolate one graphics device over the other). I know the i series Intel CPU's with HD graphics have the graphics switching capabilities. Which means the CPU will automatically switch between the two devices depending on the demand. There has to be a way to force one over the other. Otherwise the technology is seriously flawed and, by now, it would be well known and I would have read about it...........I haven't so I'm assuming there is a way (and I don't know what that way is......you have a handbook, I don't). One thing I just thought of when I mentioned "technology"............power saving. How do you have your laptop set up for power savings? If you have it set up to save power at all cost (what some would consider "efficient") then that may be forcing your computer to use the HD graphics no matter what the graphic demand..............in effect, taking your discrete card out of the picture. That certainly could prevent your viewer from loading. Check it out.


Sorry if I'm coming across as harsh......I don't mean to sound that way. But, I keep getting "different" stories and it confuses the hell out of me......yeah, it aggrivates me a litte too. Something is wrong. I'm trying to find out what it is..........and very little makes sense to me except your discrete card has failed. I know you can't afford to replace it so I'm trying every out of the world thing I can thing of in the hopes I'm wrong.

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It's been about 2 days since your last response. I don't know if that's because you have your problem fixed or trying something new or given up........it also could be because your thread is now about half way down page 9 with this crappy excuse for forum software and you simply can't find it anymore. I hope you get your problem fixed (I've spent a lot of thinking and tongue biting since I got involved). Can I declare this thread dead? I know it's difficult when someone gets more than one thread going on the same problem for people to keep up and be of much help, but once a thread gets this deep down the thread list it might be an occassion where it's desirable to start a new thread. If you do that, please include all the information that I've dragged out of you over the week or so. System specs, an accurate discription of the problem, what you've done so far and the chronology of events leading up the point that you are in now.


Good luck, Wolf..........I really do hope you get your problem resolved.

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I can't close your thread. The only way to "close" a thread in Answers is to declare it resolved..........but it isn't resolved so the best way is to just let it die . What I was simi joking about is I've been watching to see if anything new has cropped and every day the thread gets deeper and deeper on the unresolved list. It's a little harder to find each day. Plus I don't think any other minds are looking and reading..........and the strength of Answers is the number of people reading, thinking, and coming up with solutions. Page 9 is some place few people will ever wander too.


I'll wait for your new thread when you've had the chance to talk to your ISP. When you do post your next thread make sure you give system specs, what the problem is and a brief outline of what you've tried so far. That will help others to help you..........not to mention jog my memory. I hope you find out somthing new and it solves your problem. Good luck.

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