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People Can Cam into my SL rental house?


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Storm Clarence wrote:


What???  I didn't laugh (not at Mayalily's situation anyway).  I may have giggled at a few of the responses.  innocent0003.gif

NOW do I get my troll badge???

Okay Maya - you have an option for privacy that does not require you to leave SL.  If you can pick up the entire house, furniture and all, and move it into a skybox without messing up any of the placement, that sounds like a good plan.  I know people's houses are an extention of themselves, I saw how proud you were of it when you posted a pic in the vanity thread.  It would be a shame to give up something you worked so hard on, so give it another shot before you log out for good.

Do I have to give my troll badge back now???

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Mayalily wrote:

Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Use ALT+left-click-mouse to cam through walls, etc. Not sure but I think that silly view thingy that I have never used will stop at a prim?

As for the alleged expectation of privacy in SL... There never was any.

I don't see how people can say there was no expectation of privacy... well, what are changing rooms there for then?  Just to confuse us? 

And yes, LL should ethically disclose there is no privacy in changing rooms, in rented land, etc because of the camming abilities.

There has to be some way to remedy this. 

What are bathrooms for in SL?  We don't really urinate or defecate.  What are kitchens for in SL?  We don't really eat or cook anything.  What are beds for in SL?  Avatars don't really sleep... er, ya there is pixel bumping... You get the jest.  Now on parcels where avatar nudity is against the rating, a changing room can be used to adhere to the ratings, but mostly they are just another RL prop that is used to present a virtual world that mimics our own.  Their existance certainly does not imply that some sort of condition must be offered.  Besides the fact, I doubt that LL themselves have ever implemented a changing room in SL.  They are built by the residents themselves, so by your logic LL must provide someway for Avatars to urinate and defecate, simply because someone built a bathroom in SL. 

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If you're this upset about our having gone into your house and snapped a few photos on your prompting, with the location you gave us, then I think you probably should just take a break and get a little perspective.

With all the work you put into your home, you must have enjoyed the time you spent on it, and if your health allows you to go out for lunch, surely it allows you to throw around a prim or two occasionally. You don't have to do it all at once.

But, if it's the fact of having found out how little privacy you can expect in SL, then you may be right to find something else.

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Mayalily wrote:

Yes, I'm running a brothel.  Just kidding.

Yes me.  It's my avatar.  I paid for it.  I want my privacy PERIOD! 

What I have paid for, should belong to no one else, nor should they have a right to anything about my avatar period without my permission period.


Either you did not read the TOS, or you did not understand it. 

You did not buy your avatar.  You bought a limited use-license.  That is all.

LL discloses as much in the TOS that you are obliged to agree that you have both read and accepted before you are allowed to log into SL.


There is nothing unethical about the cam feature.  If you choose to try to walk around in lag infested areas, bumping into other people, causing collisions, and creating more lag, I guess that's your perogative.  Some people have more respect for their limited time on this planet.


Just ask your landlord/landlady to turn the privacy setting on for your parcel. As to why they should bother to do that for you (whether or not you own your avatar [which you don't]), the fact that you are a paying customer might be persuasive. Luckily sending IMs is a free service so it will not cost you anything to ask.  Alternatively moving is easy if you pack your house up as a coaleased object.  I'll send you a copy of a coaleased object so you can see what we mean about being able to pack things together and rezz them "like they were" (you should open/rezz it in a sandbox rather than your home for easy clean-up).

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As we have entered the era where every discrete public nose-pick is permanently burned onto someone's survellance tape (and in the case of nannies, most likely private ones, too)  It's important to wrap your head around the reality that you most likely potentially being watched even in RL.  However as there are billions of people on the planet, no one is paying particular attention to you in any meaningful way, unless you've broken the law. One can only hope.

There are 3 choices here.  1) Close your drapes, and in the case of SL, expensive drapes they are.  2) Change your behavior and don't do anything  where you would be ashamed or embarrassed to be seen 3) Grow a thick skin

I recommend the third option..  SL is all about voyerism and the visual is its appeal.  Realistically, (and as you pointed out 90 percent or some such number of your photo's you take are of YOURSELF) due to most people's  limiited time in SL, people are  mostly camera'd in on themselves.  Maybe a noob or two might get a passing thrill looking in on your place, but without being able to get any meaninful dialogue (you are talking in IM I hope?!?)  it's a pretty dull activity.  They'll tire of it quick and go away.  The true pervs are off getting better pervy satisfaction on Zindra, no doubt.  They aren't interested in random individual cartoon characters changing their drawers...er drawings.

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There is something deliciously liberating about the virtual world of SL and we each express it in many ways.  As I spent my first several weeks homeless, I became adept at changing clothes without ever taking anything off (another DJ friend and I turned it into silly 'floor changes' when we worked together at a club--watch that lag!).  I have spent many a sweet hour lounging naked on a beach alone or with a companion and never worried about camming eyes.

Who cares?

Maya, SL could be the best thing that ever happened to you.  Take a lesson from this thread and learn to relax.  It's healthy!

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I knew this would happen...!! I did asked you, Maya...

Look, if it makes you feel better how about I offer you a 3 free months stay in a 512sqm with 117 prim allowance (or possibly more) in undisclosed area of mine over in Mainland? I'll help you move in too if you want and you'll have the land setting of invisibility on your avatar. The moving and redecorating of your new house would not take long... if you let me help you.

For up to 84.2% of total privacy, I could also make you a small platform up in the sky where very few avatars could go in and you will be in your own world. No neighbours or unwanted visitors unless you give them the LM.

3 months should be good enough for you to recover from the trauma you are having right now. So just let me know.


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Ah Mayalily what can I say... apart from the fact that the entire SL experience was designed for catering to those with supposedly *coughs Liberal attitudes. There are much more descriptive terms for these types of people but I wont persist.

I understand how you feel when you finally realise that despite the good people, those who would laugh at your expense and parade themselves and their attempts to deride you in public are... the majority.

Welcome to SL.

Suffice to say this is precisely the type of behaviour and sort of people that have bought SL to ruin. Just look at the replies here and you will see that despite SL's best attempts at minimising their influence it still runs rampant and spews like perpetual waste products into the forums as well.

To say that SL has never made anyone cry is yet another example of *normal attitudes within Second Life. Take heart and distance yourself from your avatar. The connection you have with her is what I would consider to be normal. That others would see this as a weakness is par for the course in what can only described as a GAME.

Grit your teeth & try your hand at making things, it creates distance between you and the effluentsia. *Chin up girl :matte-motes-bashful:.

 *Cue outflow... 3, 2, 1...

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The replies I see here are from many who attempted to help Maya understand, provided her links, repeated themselves patiently and then took up her offer to cam her home and provide photographic evidence.  You may have skimmed that bit. 

Most of the waste product I have seen of late has been in the form of one PM from one person.  *winx

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Maryanne Solo wrote:

Welcome to SL.


I love it that you have 950+ posts and Mayalily has 1050+ posts, and you welcome her to SL.

/me laughs at your ignorance, again.  

Yay for the DJ's.


ETA: your edit to cue my response post my response to your cue - how cuet!  Isn't that a tactic of copybotters: edit after the fact!  I think so.  Maybe you, too, should watch yourself!

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Maryanne Solo wrote:


Suffice to say this is precisely the type of behaviour and sort of people that have bought SL to ruin. Just look at the replies here and you will see that despite SL's best attempts at minimising
their influence it still runs rampant and spews like perpetual waste products into the forums as well.

Be careful.  You include both Dillon and Sylvia multiple members of your clique (yes, the one in your sig) in this mini-rant.  And, look!  You edited your post to add your 'cue'..nice touch!

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Maya if you want i will show you how to move everything at one time..i have moved huge builds at one time with everything in them before and put them  in my inventory then put them in other sims and everything was left intact..

from what it sounds like you live in a quiet area..

i really don't think you would have many trying to look in on your home..location has a lot to do with how private our sl homes will be as well..

i've had my land where i am since 2007 if i remember right..and a lot of that reason is because  it's quiet and  i just love the community and the estate owner..

i think you have to really enjoy where you live..moving is the easy part..finding a place where you feel happy is a bit harder..

the community or area should fit your needs that you want out of your second life when it comes to where you decide to live..

so if you are happy there and it is a nice community then you should be able to relax..people camming in on people is really not as common in some places as others..

from what it sounds like where you live..you shouldn't really have much of that happening..

if you want to IM me in world i can try to show you ways that will help you feel a bit more secure in thing..or if you ever have questions like this..

i would hate to see someone leave the grid or  the forums over something that is easily cured..

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