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Is the SL you similar to the RL you in looks?

Strawberry Singh

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My fashion is pretty close but my look is definitely not.  When I first joined I tried to make my avi look like me and what a bizarre mess that was.   I quickly learned that we tend to look at our own features far different than others see us.  I think I have  a big nose but others don't (or are being kind)

So, I had one of my good RL friends who also makes shapes in SL do some "tweaking" and it came out much better.  What I found funny is that she thinks my avi looks like me now and didn't before.

So for now I just go with what I think looks good and wear what I would wear in RL for the most part but I do love getting very extravagant which I am too shy to do in RL.

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Strawberry Singh wrote:

Do you dress your av the same way? Did you make your av look like you? My av is kind of similar to me, but I think a lot prettier.
I do tend to stick with the darkers skins and darker hair like I have in RL. How about you?

I'm about the same SS. I made my Avvie to look like an ideal, more perfect version of me. I gave her green eyes but my rl eyes are brown. That's the main difference, besides being prettier, being able to dance aerobically all evening long, breathe underwater and fly! LoL

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No, not really. Though to be honest, when I first created this avatar, it was during a very sick period in my life. I was diagnosed with cancer and was in a lot of pain most of the time. Sitting at the computer was limited at best. So when I did log in, I would have a very short time. I created this avatar to look like a character I played in a tabletop role-playing game back when my husband and I were dating. My plan was to make an avatar that reminded me of a very happy time in my life and allowed me to escape my day, pills, doctors, treatments, etc...  I ended up having very little time to rp at the time so I turned to designing to get me out of my own head space. It worked. I could spend a little time here and there saving and coming back to something when I could. The style of clothing is very much my style and what I like and the personality is all me (when I am not role-playing with her which is super rare) but physically, nope... nothing like me.

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The SL me is a lot like the RL me, just more idealized and with one heck of a better wardrobe. But my virtual self wears pretty much the same things I wear, and has the same haircut (um, usually...), and we look similar. The big thing I changed (other than giving myself an awesome physique without having to hit the gym every day) was my nose: I always wanted a really sexy Sarah Bernhardt nose, and RL, mine's boring.

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Given that my RL self isn't covered with fur and blessed with one or more tails, I'd have to say no.

Most of my avatar forms are designed quite intentionally to NOT look like the real me. If I want to be "the real me", I'll just walk out of my house into the real world and interact with people there. In SL, where I can be anything I can imagine, making my avvie look just like I do in real life is as boring as going to a fancy 5-star ethnic restaurant and ordering macaroni and cheese, or going to a 151-flavor ice cream shop and getting a plain vanilla cone, or going to the world's best amusement park and paying the fee for the best rides, to sit indoors on a folding metal chair in an office cubicle, doing nothing.

I tried once to make an avatar that loked like the real me, just to see if I could do it. I got a really creepy feeling looking at that avatar, and I virtually never use it.

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Quite similar but more idealized to a degree.  My style is the same in SL & RL however I often do something far more bold than I would IRL. When I was heavy into Roleplay I had a look that was completely fantastical so no that did not come close to being like real me-unless I am a 8ft tall red bull man! That is the beauty of SL, you can be anything you want.

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Not at all and increasingly so since I change up my look so much. I will say that Queue Marlowe made a hair that she named "Harper" without having seen me, and we agreed that it looked pretty much like my RL hair once she saw my RL photo.


You know what I love is when people are better looking n RL than their avatars.it's not always just surface but also personal presence and personality. A few people come to mind (Eshi, Callie, Taryn, Queue, oh and Kara Ennui, who is no longer in) Sometimes I am gobsmacked by the gorgeous people who are in SL.

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My avi doesn't really look anything like me. I don't want to be me on SL. I have several forms, but even the most "normal" one that I used more often isn't anything like me, and usually doesn't even have the same color hair.

Her style is pretty similar to mine, if I could find those styles in RL; but quite a bit sexier than I'd probably feel comfortable in. (She does have an Indian flair are times, and I don't, but maybe that's because I can't find that sort of thing in RL.) I tend towards pale skin, which I have in RL, and usually a fairly dark hair, but other than that, we're not really alike "physically."

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