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Who was your first benefactor? (Thank you for helping me as a newbie!)

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I have one more benefactor to thank and that's Chaos Mohr, who let me squat on his sim and then have a parcel there for ages, who helped me terraform my first sim, and who also helped me purchase my first computer after joining SL so it had kickass specs.

I could go on and on. Gulliver, who long ago suggested I start a blog to work on my writing; Xavier, who was my first Mentor as a Mentor; Blaze, who held my drink at SLCC; Zolute, who helped me understand windlight; Callie, who made me start fashion blogging; Frank, who published me in Architectural Digest; Ikon, who taught me all about eyes and the rest...

Even if they don't give you lindens, if they give of time by answering questions or being a friend, they are a benefactor so don't discount anyone's efforts....

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my first benefactor was Autumn Sorbet, a dancer in a new club of industrial music, i went there looking around at the posibilities of what could exist in this new world, typing words in the search engine, shy, not daring to talk to other people, everything around was unknown, and confusing.. i think one of the things that newbies find most confusing, is not the interface, but the fact that we are faced with a world different from real life, we have no idea of what is possible, what we may find, we dont know what kind of people habitate this strange place, how we are protected from those experts, we are weak and confused like newborns. Autumn was very gentle to me, she didnt criticize my appearance i got together the best i could, i spent most of the day there feeling safe, she took me to a shop where i could get some things after she ended working, show me around some places, and gave me a lift to stay.

thank you Autumn.

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1. DoctorEigen Flow   I would not be in SL if it weren't for my long-time building partner DoctorEigen Flow.  We knew each other before SL, and he told me about the creation aspect of SL..and that's how I first come to be in this virtual world. 

DocEigen also gave me safe harbor, a place to build, and spent countless hours teaching me how to build.  He bought me my first prim/sculpty hair, and gave me clothing and outfits for my avatar.

2. Kenn Nilsson for helping me get focused (we started our Libertarian group together) and working to teach me scripting.  (also giving me a place to build when my SL world went topsy-turvy)


This past spring, I met another man in SL, who has been quite amazing...and he has given me some perfect outfits and advice on how to help my avatar.  (I never cared much about how my avatar looked, prior to meeting this particular man. *laughing*)

I asked this man, how he came to have such a keen fashion sense.  He said that when he came to SL, he had a mentor who was this smart fashionista...and she helped him.  So, I guess by proxy, I owe that fashion orientated woman...too.  ; )


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/me laughs

Void, perhaps my definition was too restrictive.  Of course, I do not have all of the names of those who responded to my questions. 

One who helped me with my first AO and with whom I spent countless hours shopping for hair and who is still a good friend is Josie.  My early shopping excursions were problematic as the graphics capability on my laptop at the time was minimal.  We would go into a shop like Calico, fly up to the top row (this was before either one of us was adept at camming), and she might have to describe the style I was facing.  Talk about trust!  Good times.

ETA: minor grammar

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teachers and friends, sometimes more important, because they show us what we can do, and give us a reason to do it....


a single HS geometry teacher inspired most on my love of math, a middle school teacher my love of the written word (by demostrating the connection with music), and my father backwards as he was sparked my first interest in computers (later rekindled by some good luck and a very cool cousin and later a roommate)

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What a great idea for a thread! Clearly the subject resonates with a great many people. I was helped by many people (and still am) but there were three that I met right at the start that really made a huge difference. They are in my Picks; I made a 'Mentor' pick listing for them at the end of my first year.

Joana Ethaniel just walked up to me one day about two weeks after I arrived and started talking. We spent days flitting all over SL while she showed me how stuff worked, how to buy clothes, even how those pink & blue poseballs work (not in 'full-contact' mode, mind you: we were fully dressed). I don't think she ever gave me money but she gave me so many articles of clothing it was embarassing.

Miyako Akina saw me standing in the street in front of her shop/house, said hello, and went on from there. She was the first person to show me how to use Edit to move or stretch a skirt. Lord, she was picky. I'd think I'd just nailed some outfit, tp over to her place and she'd say something like, "Your shoes are too small. As usual."

Naz Fride I met on a visit to Las Princesas. She was both a DJ and one of the managers. I never really figured out why she took an interest in me, but she did. She more than anyone else is probably responsible for the way my avatar looks, I think. But our friendship means so much more than any of that.

Wow, that was fun. Thanks, Harper! I'd been thinking of those three anyway; my third rezday was not long ago so my third anniversary of 'friending' them had been on my mind. Joana's was earlier this week, actually, and I happened to be inworld early enough to catch her online. The other two are coming up; my calendar's marked :-).

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

i think one of the things that newbies find most confusing, is not the interface, but the fact that we are faced with a world different from real life, we have no idea of what is possible, what we may find, we dont know what kind of people habitate this strange place.

Canoro, this was very much my feeling on first entering SL. I knew I'd come to understand the interface but, as I had come to explore things I hadn't before online, I wondered if I'd understand the inhabitants and would they accept me.

I still wonder ;-)

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When I first came to SL there were'n't many people in it - only a few thousand accounts.  i remember the day that the 10K people milestone was reached, which was after I had been in SL for a while.  The first few weeks I wandered around mostly learning through trial and error or asking an occasional question of a random person i happened to run into.  You really had to seek people out as the 'world' at the time was mostly empty.   Folks were friendly and were happy to answer questions, but no one really took me under their wing or acted as a mentor to me.  I did make friends with people that were newbs like me.  I even taught myself to build and script.

After i was here for a couple months and knew the basic ropes to a degree, I made it a point to help newbies because i saw it was something that was sorely needed.  The more experiece i gained the more I became the mentor and enjoyed adopting a newb or two at a time helping them to set up their avi, teaching them the ropes and to build if they wanted to learn. I always chose people who seemed serious about learning and were eager. Learning was a two way street, as they probably taught me as much about other things as i taught them about SL.  The only thing i ever asked in return for my mentoring was that when they felt ready that they in turn adopt newbs and pass on the knowledge.

Over the years i've never regretted it as a number of those people are now some of my closest friends.  I've managed to maintain these friendships with some of the early ones for more than five years now.  I encourage everyone to mentor a newb at least once.  Its a very enriching experience.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Watch it, Ms. Singer. My fireplace awaits you.

Oh, I think you could sell tickets for that one, Maddy. The Singeing of Singer.

Oooh, if we can get the vacuous lass to commit to a date and time, we could celebrate "Burning Void, the Singeing of Singer"!

I'll prepare the handbills.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Watch it, Ms. Singer. My fireplace awaits you.

Oh, I think you could sell tickets for that one, Maddy. The Singeing of Singer.

Oooh, if we can get the vacuous lass to commit to a date and time, we could celebrate "Burning Void, the Singeing of Singer"!

I'll prepare the handbills.

Sign me up.  I want to watch the Singeing of Singer! 

I like to see the...singeing of "She whose name once struck fear into the masses at its mere mention"


*smirks*  Seeing as how she's not the least bit scary....


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