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Marketplace Release Notes: September 16, 2011

Brooke Linden

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Hi all,

Since the deploy yesterday, we have been monitoring Marketplace and JIRA for any issues that have arisen. We were able to get an emergency fix deployed this evening to address WEB-4134. We continue to monitor performance and error rates, as well as JIRA throughout the weekend. 

Please continue to use JIRA for reporting bugs and customer service for issues that need immediate attention.


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Billa Diesel wrote:

I bought a thing in Markplace spent the money and the product did not come ..

I chose to go to the history and it said the money was transferred to Commerce Linden.

I wonder how I can get my money back.


Billa Diesel

Please submit a Support Case through the Support Portal and a member of Customer Support will be able to assist you.


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...for me things got once again only worse. I cant anymore group distribution and normal store sales separate. Both have same description /type: mkt2 item purchase. And I mean basic account transactions list , not marketplace transactions, in marketplace I dont even know if distributions seen anywhere at all..maybe they are but  not used it much. Before distribution type was named different. This means that I cant get those separated in reports as reports have to be done self as marketplace reports are worth nothing.

Not big problem for me but for someone else could be a disappointment. Also still cant see name of item sold but only item number which has no meaning..just a running number..what sense?



Source:Commerce Linden

Mkt2 Item Purchase      !!!!!!

Description Order...




Source Marketplace Linden

Mkt2 Item Sale Dist        !!!!!!!!

Description order#...

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Brooke, I'm sorry to report that as of yesterday, the confirmation emails are not getting through except sporadically. I know sometimes there is lag in receiving them, but I now have 4 instances where the transaction is recorded successfully on dashboard, MP transactions, and the magic box notification of delivery comes through, but the email confirmation does not. In the past, there was a "lag" if the shopping cart contained more than one item/multiple merchants, but in these instances the purchases are for one item only from my store (no other merchants or items in the order) -> those email confirmations have always come through successfully up until yesterday.

I believe there are JIRAs for delayed email confirmations, but I think those are different and related to multiple items in a cart. This time it is related to the changes deployed in the past day or so. Not sure what to do...I feel like the JIRA queen right now :(


Edited: JIRA created: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4138

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Sadly you, single handedly, are a better and more thorough Q-A software testing person then ANYTHING LL Commerce & Development has.  If it wasnt for you, Brooke's team would likely have already gone home after their shift and we would all continue to be suffering over the entire weekend.

The fact that Brooke and company purposely rely on their own customers to test their code is a sad and strong aspect of why Rodvik needs to stop Fiddling on the the sidelines as the SL Commerce / MP is being torched by his own staff.

He surely knows that the LL Commerce group has totally screwed up this deployment - trust me.  But to date he is staying very quiet and ignoring the entire issue that his team does not have the skills to effectively manage nor build and deploy such a complex software overhaul as DD.

SL's main / growing component of commerce (MP) is at serious risk of collapse by LL's own team if Rodvik lets them continue on with the next and more dangerous phase of the DD deployment.  These changes this week alone has pretty much crushed my MP sales - which were already hurting from LL's August changes.

I think even the most strong advocate of LL's Commerce Team whom were all giving LL the benefit of the doubt in spring that they could pull off this DD overhaul are now agreeing that the LL Commerce Team simply does not have the skills / talent / resources to pull off this complex overhaul of the MP to DD.

But so far all I see from Rodvik is him completely ignoring the serious issues here.  I had a lot of respect for him but after trying to warn him on a couple occassions this summer and this week that the LL Commerce Team needs a serious overhaul and no visible action on his part, I am losing respect for his abilities to deal with the serious issues of SL.

GREAT WORK ARWEN - Maybe they should hire you for QA.

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lol, Toy, dubious distinction that -> "Maybe they should hire you for QA"

Unfortunately, this has taken serious time away from my creating and I'm not on anyone's payroll but my own. I want what we all want, a solid working MP platform. I'm happy to help when I can (and obviously, I watch these things like a hawk because they matter to me and so many others). I see the posts...whether they are reports of glitches, complaints, venting, even amusing banter (too little of that I'm afraid). I'm glad if I can help a small amount :)

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Brooke, i'm opening this again for the second time this week https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-2920

When a product is a split revenue and is sold by a business partner, the other recipients SL transaction log only shows "Order number xxxxxxxx (avatar name)"

When multiple people work on the same company and provide support, this is utterly useless.  We have no view of what was sold, this MUST include the description please as it does for the vending merchant.

Dare I say it but fortunately, because I have ANS set up, there's a database in which I CAN see what the transactions of my business partner are but that's no subsitute for those that haven't.

It's a small change and one that's needed.  If you put a Facebook "like" button on the JIRA, you'll get lots of thumbs up.

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Doing a review saying you didnt get it and giving one star is the wrong thing to do... YOU will be hitting the wrong person. Its not the Merchants fault, they are victims as much as the buyer. Doing that will only cause the seller harm and the seller that has over 100 items on the MP may not even see it. If you dont get an item. IM the Merchant, better still send them a notecard giving the purchase information. You will find it much quicker and you will get your item. Now if the Merchant tells you they have not been paid for the item you should then make out a ticket to get your money back from the MP. 

AGAIN, I stress NON DELIVERY IS NOT A FAULT OF THE MERCHANT, so do not treat them like the enemy..... look towards LINDEN LABS they are the ones to blame.


Legend Hye

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Regarding splits:

What's happened this week is you've made what was already an almost useless notificiation system fully useless.  Let me explain.  Let's say you have two businesses.  One is your own-you get all the money from that. The other is split, between you and your friend Bob. Up until this week, you'd get a notification like this:


Source: Marketplace Linden
MKT2 Item Sale Dist 
Description: Order #9459290528, Item #592958929 (Bob Partner) 

Now, this is *almost* useless. You have no idea what sold unless Bob tells you, but you at least know that something sold from your shared store. 

As of this week, you now get this information:

MKT2 Item Purchase 
Description: Order #5820958287 (Some Stranger) 

This information is *completely* useless. You have an order number you can't check. You still have no idea what sold, and now, you're given the name of the actual customer. Glorious, except since you get *NO* email notification of the sale. You have no idea who this person is, and you have no way of knowing if a) they bought something from your shared store b) they bought something from YOUR store, and you have no notification of it anywhere.

Before you tell me that "if you didn't get an email it wasn't from your store" I would think about how many times the notification system has failed, or been extremely slow. 

This is now completely useless, and it wasn't much more than useless before. 

What is actually needed is *email notification on split sales*, and *what sold* in the transaction history. 

Really, this stuff is honestly important when you're running multiple businesses with other people.  How confusing does this get when you share a business with Bob, and a *different* business with Cindy?  Think about it.





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What is actually needed is *email notification on split sales*, and *what sold* in the transaction history. 

Really, this stuff is honestly important when you're running multiple businesses with other people.  How confusing does this get when you share a business with Bob, and a *different* business with Cindy?  Think about it.


It's also childs play to implement so my advice is employ some children and get the job done. :)  I'm learning all my Blender skillz from what look like spotty 13 year olds on Youtube tutorials so i'm well qualified to make that judgement on what children can do. ;)

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And you know why I'm laughing, too, huh?

At some point, watching lemmings plunge to their deaths, there is really nothing left to do but laugh.

You can keep filing your JIRA's, but even if they solve your specific problem, the root problem will still be there, and it will just be something else next time.

 Until you start looking at the big picture nothing is going to change.

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I am still getting duplicate entries in my Inventory Management screen -  Unlisted.  In the past couple of days, I've posted a LOT of new products in my store and every single one of them have a duplicate entry.  Do we have any idea when this issue is due to be resolved?  It's drivin me nutso!  :smileyvery-happy:

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