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Attacking a person's spelling and grammar?


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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

is it ok 2 wine @ ppl wo tri 2 mk it bad 2 b kul & never ever use ny punctuation and jst kp tiping n tiping 4fer like they r 12 but 2 gr8 2 b n||m'l & f u rd t 4 days u mt gt sum ida & t sez they lst frnd/gt band || sum1 upst them so now they wannab drama queen in the 4ums

Yes, I know how to fix that.  Rebake your textures, clear cache and cookies.  Reboot.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

Eloise Baily wrote:

[in reply to mine]


It's snobbery, pure and simple ..

No snobbery is involved (I didn't correct them) and I applaud those that put in the effort to translate the question.


Effort? 'Come back' should have been all one word; there should have been an 's' at the end of resort. You found that difficult to translate? I think you overstate the case.


You mistake the post to which I was refering - my original post in this thread has the link under its first word ('here').  My position was, and is, that I will put the same amount of effort (if any) into my reply to a post (if any) as the writer of that post appears to have done in theirs.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

Eloise Baily wrote:

It's snobbery, pure and simple ..

No snobbery is involved (I didn't correct them) and I applaud those that put in the effort to translate the question.

That sort of behavior is frequently seen here. I've never cared for it.
I admit I strive to get it right when I post something and I have enough confidence in my composition skills to be able to shrug off any nit-picking when I get something wrong, as I often do. That may not be true for everyone.

Well fiddlesticks Dillon.  I do recall you correcting my usage at one time.  I did not get upset about the fact that you 'publicly' admonished my incorrect usage.  I learned.  Maybe you hold your personal troll to a higher standard?

But, ostensibly you *do* care for it [sic].

PS  Btw, I learned to not have cocktails when posting. 

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See, now i had no troubles understanding any of that, and i Rarely use net abbreviations. Someone else did a Thread here with half the letters in a post substituted with numbers, and marvelled at the human brain's capacity to find order in what at first seemed incomprehensible, Proving you CAN with a little effort understand posts so presented, so a few spelling and grammatical errors should be childs play to understand.

I don't think any of us have been advocating all posts be written in this fashion, but IF one comes up in this forum, it's not as hard to understand as some would have us believe.



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Storm Clarence wrote:

Demonsthenes wrote:

I agree, honerken. It is petty and trifling, especially
in an environment that is supposed to be helpful and welcoming
to any and all Residents. 

Incorrect grammar and spelling in non-verbal media is lazy and inconsiderate.  Especially given the number and quality of tools available before one depresses the 'post' button.  


it's the intranets..it's my day off on the intranets..i'm not here to be all energetic..i'm here to be lazy!!

don't make me have to pull this recliner ovvva!! :smileytongue:



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honerken wrote:

Am I the only one who's tired of this?  A typical scenario includes Person #1 not having a come back for person #2's opinion, so #1 resort to bashing the other person's grammar.


"... bashing the other person's grammar" does seem very ...





and sometimes I want to do it, but I hold back, and I will tell you why I want to do it.

With me it's a generation thing.  At my school, when we took exams, ALL our exams, whether they were for English language or physics or French were marked very strictly. We lost marks for misspelling, inaccurate punctuation, poor grammar.  I find myself using "And" and "But" sometimes at the beginning of sentences, which, when I was at school, was a no-no.

And then there was my mother, who was actually two generations older than me, so the rules at her school were even stricter.  I remember we both walked around a Jobcentre together, reading the latest vacancy cards, and my mother tut tutted, and then got out a pen from her handbag and started to mark corrections on all the cards.  It turned out, the young clerical officer who was in charge of typing out the new vacancy cards could not spell very well (which I think was exceptionally bad considering she was working in a Jobcentre).

Maybe some people do want to try and show they are superior to others by pointing out their errors, and maybe some people just wish to teach others. 

I make errors often; typing errors, errors because of being tired, errors because it's harder for me to read text on a computer screen than on paper.

But (But at the beginning of a sentence tut tut!!!) I think it's rude to correct people's spelling etc on an adult forum.  Once we've left school, it should be up to us to go for further education if we choose to, not have people pick fault with us and jab at our self-esteem to feed their own egos.

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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

You mistake the post to which I was refering - my original post in this thread has the link under its first word ('here').  My position was, and is, that I will put the same amount of effort (if any) into my reply to a post (if any) as the writer of that post appears to have done in theirs.


Indeed I did; I'd thought your reference was to the OP in this thread. I completely missed the link highlight. Sorry about that.


Edited for (of course) spelling

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I think it is fairly amusing when the spelling and grammar of *lost cause posters deteriorates with the increasingly urgent flurry of desperate replies. In reality it is quite sad, but good for a giggle anyway. Particularly when these contributions are generally ignored.

Let's not forget the standard/obligatory contradiction of one's own statements that usually appears in the last sentence. Classic SL forum stuffs indeed. I haven't really seen that in other fora.

I do adore the musicality of some non native english speakers writings. Particularly the spanish, italian and erm americans.. *giggles and runs... real quick....

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I can (usually) understand the meaning if the spelling and grammar are not correct, but leaving out periods means I will probably have no clue what the writer is trying to say. I sometimes have to ask several questions to get a clear meaning -- and clear meaning is the entire purpose of the conventions of any language.

Being considerate of your readers means observing the conventions that make your meaning as clear as possible.

I used to teach fourth graders how to tell where to put periods* -- if they can do it anyone can; periods are the same in every language.


*Read what you wrote -- where your voice drops, put a period. If your voice goes up, put a comma (or question mark).

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

Storm Clarence wrote:

Demonsthenes wrote:

I agree, honerken. It is petty and trifling, especially
in an environment that is supposed to be helpful and welcoming
to any and all Residents. 

Incorrect grammar and spelling in non-verbal media is lazy and inconsiderate.  Especially given the number and quality of tools available before one depresses the 'post' button.  


it's the intranets..it's my day off on the intranets..i'm not here to be all energetic..i'm here to be lazy!!

don't make me have to pull this recliner ovvva!! :smileytongue:


You make me *want* to use poor grammar.  

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Ian Undercroft wrote:

Making due and proper allowance for those who don't have English as their first language, you're kidding yourself if you're suggesting that a person's grammar and spelling doesn't, as a general rule, also say a lot about their intelliegence.

My history teacher at school could not spell, his teaching of history was inspiring.

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Knowl Paine wrote:

If a writer wrote right, readers would readily read what the writer wrote. Thinking thinker's thoughts throughout the thought, is thoughtful thinking. The Speaker spoke about speaking to speaking Speaker's.

English is a wonderfully horrible language.

Write each word with care so your reader may intimately understand and benefit from your thoughts as they read and when you hear good orators, speak that unto others.

English can be a wonderful and simple language too.






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"Correcting spelling is generally considered bad form in most forums. And if you constantly do it you will not be very popular."


So far, I have not received any hate mail for being articulate in my posts, but thanks for letting me know how deeply unpopular I have become. mbee me wrk hrddr to fitin n be lliked n futurrr

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