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Marketplace Release Notes: September 13, 2011

Brooke Linden

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Hi all,

First of all, we apologize for the extended downtime this morning and the lingering slowness on the Marketplace web site. The issues were related to hardware downtime and database issues hit during the deploy. We will update this forum once we have addressed the slowness on the Marketplace.

Now for the details on the deploy.

With today’s deploy, all payments will now move into and out of the Commerce Linden account, and Marketplace Linden will no longer be used. (Currently only listing enhancements are paid to Commerce Linden.) Going forward, you will see money getting paid to Commerce Linden, as opposed to Marketplace Linden, when you make a purchase, and money moving into your account from Commerce Linden when you receive payments or distributions from Marketplace sales.

Here is an overview of the changes in this release:

  • All payments now go through Commerce Linden.
  • New transactions will no longer appear on XStreet L$ transaction reports, though historical transactions will continue to be available. The next deploy will include a downloadable CSV with the same data for all new transactions. This report will be available with the next Marketplace deploy later this week or early next week.
  • Fixes have been made for WEB-3446. Please see the JIRA for details on the corrected rounding logic.

This change in the way payments are processed is necessary groundwork for moving forward with Direct Delivery. With this release, the way objects are listed on the Marketplace and delivered to customers has NOT changed. Please continue to list and purchase items as you always have.

For those who would like to read more about Direct Delivery, please see the Direct Delivery FAQ.

Please contact Customer Service or file a JIRA if you see additional issues with this latest release. Note that an index is in the process of being updated, so you may see duplicate listings in your merchant admin. These are not duplicates, and will be cleaned up as the index completes.

Thank you!


We are currently testing the following items and will deploy fixes tomorrow (Sept. 15) if these pass testing (there will be no downtime):

In addition, we have an outstanding internal JIRA for the new report with transaction details, which has been completed, but is still being tested. This report is part of the planned release for Sept. 15.

The following issues are still under investigation. If we have fixes ready, we will deploy them early next week:

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Hi all,

First of all, we apologize for the extended downtime this morning and the lingering slowness on the Marketplace web site. The issues were related to hardware downtime and database issues hit during the deploy. We will update this forum once we have addressed the slowness on the Marketplace.

Now for the details on the deploy.

With today’s deploy, all payments will now move into and out of the Commerce Linden account, and Marketplace Linden will no longer be used. (Currently only listing enhancements are paid to Commerce Linden.) Going forward, you will see money getting paid to Commerce Linden, as opposed to Marketplace Linden, when you make a purchase, and money moving into your account from Commerce Linden when you receive payments or distributions from Marketplace sales.

Here is an overview of the changes in this release:

  • All payments now go through Commerce Linden.
  • New transactions will no longer appear on XStreet L$ transaction reports, though historical transactions will continue to be available. The next deploy will include a downloadable CSV with the same data for all new transactions. This report will be available with the next Marketplace deploy later this week or early next week.
  • Fixes have been made for WEB-3446. Please see the JIRA for details on the corrected rounding logic.

This change in the way payments are processed is necessary groundwork for moving forward with Direct Delivery. With this release, the way objects are listed on the Marketplace and delivered to customers has NOT changed. Please continue to list and purchase items as you always have.

For those who would like to read more about Direct Delivery, please see the Direct Delivery FAQ.

Please contact Customer Service or file a JIRA if you see additional issues with this latest release. Note that an index is in the process of being updated, so you may see duplicate listings in your merchant admin. These are not duplicates, and will be cleaned up as the index completes.

Thank you!


We are currently testing the following items and will deploy fixes tomorrow (Sept. 15) if these pass testing (there will be no downtime):

In addition, we have an outstanding internal JIRA for the new report with transaction details, which has been completed, but is still being tested. This report is part of the planned release for Sept. 15.

The following issues are still under investigation. If we have fixes ready, we will deploy them early next week:

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Brooke, when is that? please, we cannot keep proper records if there is going to be a gap of another week of partial information on the dashboard transactions. Whether these businesses are hobbies or real income for people, they are real money - we need the proper documentation. This isn't something that can wait a week, really, it can't wait a day.

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This is more evidence of a LL Commerce Team that has no grasp of the needs and operations of their Customer - i.e. us Merchants.

Brooke, just to give you a little lesson....

The Merchants in SL are not running a hobby virtual game of pretending to be merchants and pretending to be generating revenue.  Maybe some are, but these transactions are a critical part of many Merchants TRANSACTION RECORDS SYSTEM.

And your team's response is to deploy a PARTIAL CHANGE to a critical transaction logging system because you felt that its not really that important for Merchants to track sales and revenue data?

Does your team know your customers???

Rodvik must pull his hair out when he hears about how out of touch his Sr. Management is with its LL customer base.

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I don't understand -- I thought the marketplace transactions would not appear on main transaction list at all?

This would be helpful in making my spreadsheets -- don't have to take out the MP data.


But here's the thing -- since the MP doesn't have any way to give you a total of sales for a time period, I will have to download the CSV every freaking day just to know what my sales for the day were???

Please tell me no.


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The MP transactions have been appearing on my main transaction log for a long while but since the history on MP is longer than 30 days, I use MP transaction log for MP sales and the main log for inworld sales.  The pain in the butt is that the inworld transaction then have to have the MP transactions removed again and the inworld transactions are only 30days.

Its a major pain in the butt to do month transaction capturing / downloading / processing each month.

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If I understand correctly, the information that we have had on the dashboard transactions regarding the MP transactions will be restored in the next 24 hours or so.  So, however you did your record keeping up until today's deploy would continue the same way (if you screen out MP transactions, you still would. I use all the transactions data whether from inworld or MP from my dashboard downloads. I only do the CVS download from the MP every so often). So basically, no change to your current way of working (as I understand it).

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blah blah blah jargon blah blah blah tech talk blah blah


OK, in plain English:  Can I buy stuff online or not?  How?  Do I still just click on the Shopping tab at www.secondlife.com?  Can I sell stuff online or not?  How?


And what's a JIRA?  Though from context it's clear it's some sort of an error report, but it would be nice if folks would spell this out and provide details now and then, especially if it's not just some dude in his underwear in front of his computer in his mother's basement posting on the forums, but rather an official press release from Linden Lab.

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Rabid Cheetah wrote:

...especially if it's not just some dude in his underwear in front of his computer in his mother's basement posting on the forums, but rather an official press release from Linden Lab.

Keep in mind that it always can be worse... just some dude in front of his computer in his own basement wearing his mothers underwear.

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My magic box have an ANS system and now all trasactions show has L$0...

"(2011-09-13 at 21:26:00) "Username" paid you SLL$0.00 for an item at marketplace."


Im gonna need a linden lab employee working for me 24/7 to insert all the records manualy on my database and to offer the customers bonus...


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Wanted to ask that with the new Commerce acceptance of the cash transaction instead of ML...does this have an affect of the glitch I currently see. The reports come through that a sale has been made, as well as the main transaction has the correct balance of the sale, yet the in world balance does not reflect it. I am sure this is due to the new changes and might be one of the minor corrections that will take place with the next deployment.


Just wanted to know if anyone else is experiencing this?

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The dashboard transaction history shows both MP and inworld. The change is that the only info that accompanies the MP transaction info on your dashboard is "Commerce Linden" and the amount. The details of order number, item number, and name of purchaser are what got deleted in this update. So yes, both MP and inworld are there, just less info that we have been getting for the MP transaction.

The fix in the near future is to "re-include" the additional info.

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Arwen Serpente wrote:

Khayman, do you mean that your inworld balance is not reflecting sales as they happen? but they are being reflected on the website? I'm not inworld at the moment, so I can't tell. Ummm, that would be more than a small glitch...

That's what they are saying inworld

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Jen007 Lemon wrote:

My magic box have an ANS system and now all trasactions show has L$0...

"(2011-09-13 at 21:26:00) "Username" paid you SLL$0.00 for an item at marketplace."


Im gonna need a linden lab employee working for me 24/7 to insert all the records manualy on my database and to offer the customers bonus...


I just checked .. and sure enough .. ALL TRANSACTIONS STORED VIA ANS SHOW ZERO AMOUNTS!!!!

This is totally unacceptable. This MUST be fixed before anyone leaves the office today. NOW!

How in the freakin world did you NOT get this right Brooke? You and your team have been using my ANS test jig for months now .. and you STILL blew it!?!?! Gross ineptitude. GROSS!!

I am personally offended that I've gone out of my way to help you and provide resources so you didn't get this wrong .. and YOU GOT IT WRONG!!

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