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Adding a new item to your magic box is OH SO FUN !

Zhoie Zimermann

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I have a conspiracy theory as well: Josh is a Linden alt.
He is not satisfied with the management but he cannot state that open at work, that is why he is playing the unsatisfied customer. Of course I cannot proof this, but there are enough things pointing  into this direction.  One strong point for example is he says to have no bank account. Ofcourse he cannot receive his merchandise money on the same account as his Linden Lab salary, because then he would be discovered by his collegues.

At the moment I'm working on a second conspiracy theory: Darrius and Dartagan are Linden alts as well. In the past they both have applied for the function of forum moderator, because both are tired of coding. Both thought the other one was the only competition they had and both concentrated on proofing "I'm better for this job then him". But there was a third person at the lab who only focused on his own qualities, he became the job, and Darrius and Dartagan had to stay in their old team at the lab and go on with coding. Of course I cannot proof this yet, but read their quarrels on the forums and decide for yourself.

I think I need about another year to work out my final conspiracy theory. I cannot give you any tasty details on that one yet, but I can lift a tip of the veil. My ultimate task is to proof that actually all of you are Linden alts and I am the only non Linden merchant in SL. (So be prepared, the harder you try to proof you are not a Linden alt, the more evidence you will give me you are.)

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Jeez, you are deadly ;)

Now I'm not sure who any of us are.

Darrius and I .. eh, we get along more than what lies on the surface I think. We're reincarnations of each others ex-wives, and that makes it difficult. Bad karma "is" an ex-spouse.

Tired of coding though, ugg yes ... need to get back to that. I've got customers that are going to lynch me at the nearest hanging tree if I don't stop talking on forums and working more.

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Linden hanging tree ... yes. Of course you're probably a Linden too. There's a product in the making. A series of Linden and Linden-alt abuse products would do well for some merchant, I think.

Going to start wtih Dakota Linden if she doesn't get her butt back in here.

Note to Dakota ... sorry for those previous comments a couple of weeks back, wasn't directed at you ... put it in context with these posts here and it may become clear.

Hoping Dakota is actually a she, but what difference does gender in SL make anyway?

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Dartagan Shepherd wrote:

Linden hanging tree ... yes. Of course you're probably a Linden too. There's a product in the making. A series of Linden and Linden-alt abuse products would do well for some merchant, I think.

As far as my information reaches these products are going to be premium only. But not all Linden alts are premium members. Some years back there were still many very old Lindens, who had these 'premium for lifetime' alt accounts. But many of them have left the lab and took their merchants alt accounts with them. The modern Linden alt often does not take a premium account because that is better for the hiding their real identity. 


But I'm quit sure a Linden-alt merchant will come with an alternate product line of Linden-alt abuse products on the marketplace. And those will have a lower prim count then the official LL Linden-alt abuse products.

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I buy from Linden alts all the time. As long as I'm not 99% sure that a merchant is a Linden alt, I'm not going to buy any scripted products from him. I would like to suggest others to do neither. With Linden alt merchants you can always be sure to receive regular updates from products, where bugs are solved and new bugs are added. 

I have bought some of these SEO tools as well. I love these products, though I must say it's a bit dissappointing that they came without bugs. That is also the main reason that my theory of this merchant being a Linden alt became uncertain for a while, and I could not bring this second conspiracy theory to the forums before. But since I found new proof lately I surely dare to shout out loud: YES, HE IS A LINDEN ALT AS WELL!!!

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Pamela Galli wrote:

/me wracks brain to remember
which Linden I am

I guess you are one of those Linden merchants who have identified so much with their alt, that they just forgot their official Linden name. You probably never used it for logging in to SL.

This in fact makes you not a Linden with a merchant alt, but a merchant with a Linden alt.

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There is a kind of trick for the other way around, when you still know your Linden name, but forgot about your merchants alt.

You have to take two things in mind that you daily do at the lab. For example you drink a lot of coffee and you daily push the power button. Bring these activities back to two key words. Then you go to the marketplace and type in search 'coffee + power', and then you will see your alt(s) pop up. 

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Madeliefste Oh wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

/me wracks brain to remember
which Linden I am

I guess you are one of those Linden merchants who have identified so much with their alt, that they just forgot their official Linden name. You probably never used it for logging in to SL.

This in fact makes you not a Linden with a merchant alt, but a merchant with a Linden alt.

We call her muggle when she's not there. Not to her face, because she's always carrying this blood stained ruler around.

Thanks for explaining search, by the way. Now if we could just convince everyone how it all makes perfect sense!



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"Give me a break, you're the one treating these forums as your own personal sounding board, It has nothing to do with merchants, business or even reality in my book."

I post conspiracy theory on threads which are pertinent to conspiracy theory, which is substantially less than half. Go ahead. Count them if you like.

OTOH, It's a good thing we all have one absolute arbiter here of what can possibly be real and what can't. BTW: where's the Kool-Aid bowl?

"It takes more than some whacky logic that multiple things go wrong therefore this indicates some kind of equally whacky conspiracy theory."

Yes. It takes more than that, and I have provided more than that. The things that have gone wrong hurt some merchants, but actually favor others. That is the pattern, and that's "more".

"Just about every person that's held a job knows that some days it seems that everything is conspiring against you and nothing goes right. It's no different here in SL. I've had this happen more times than I can count and so have other people inside and outside of SL."

I think I know something about having a job. I used to have 5 of them, and I worked 80+ hours a week. I didn't see any conspiracies during my 5 years at the McD drive-thru window (for example).

This isn't "some days"; this is most of the month of August, and, in some ways, then some.

"You can't prove it because it doesn't exist that anyone knows of except for you. I know of Lindens and ex-Lindens that have businesses here and I have yet to see any of them that seem to have some unfair advantage over any other merchant."

Please check Wikipedia for "Semelweiss Bias". 

"Sure they might be able to sit down with, or contact a Linden buddy from work and get an answer sooner than some resident going through support. Big deal."

I have never made an issue of that.

"Unless you have something more than "oh my god, 2 things happened at once therefore there's a pattern!"."

This is many more than 2 things, and they have happened less at once than in a succession that stinks of deliberate order.

"Some numerology is just as whacky as your theories simply because there are patterns in numbers. Most of the time it doesn't mean anything."

I didn't study numerology. I studied statistics, and I was good at it. Later, a major criticism I had of the state of graphic music analysis was that it made no useful distinction between mathematical relationships and coincident extramathematical relationships. Please feel free to explain to everyone what this means.

"We don't live our lives in business looking for conspiracy. It doesn't sell product, it doesn't market product, and in your case, you're not one step further to producing anything credible than when you started this."

Conspiracy wasn't the first thing I looked for. A malefactor was the first thing I looked for, though, that made SLM events more predictable than other explanations provided. A malefactor is not ncecessarily a conspiracy, but if his actions are being intentionally obscured, even by his enemies for their own purposes, this would qualify as a defacto conspiracy. How does complaining about my conspiracy theory help you produce, market or sell anything either? My theory at least puts some vague kind of pressure on LL to figure out what the problem is and get it fixed. That would improve total market function. You're welcome.

"In fact, I'm tempted to believe that any problems you report weren't problems in the first place, they were issues you intentionally knew about, didn't feel like fixing like everyone else and then went on as if they were problems. You've destroyed any shred of credibility at least with me that you might have had."

The fixes, when tried, did not work. That I tried some of them later than advised reflects that I had actually not been significantly having the problems for which they were being prescribed to others until about 8 August.

"Oh, look I rapid fired the synch boxes page and noticed that warning to wait a few moments. I think I'll intentionally turn that into a problem. That's about the extent of what I'm getting out of all this. Not all of us were born yesterday, or are less intelligent than yourself."

How am I supposed to wait a few moments before letting my customer make an order?

I have repeatedly pointed out this problem to you, and you have repeatedly declined to address it.

How do you magically apply your superior intelligence to interrupt your customers in the process of placing an order?

Is it some kind of telekinesis?

If not that, then what, exactly?

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The potential benefits to some are the indicators.

That is what any police detective or insurance investigator would tell you, and that is what I have been telling you.

If you want others here to consider you an authority on what is bogus and what is not, you should start by explaining (as I have already very pointedly asked) how you keep your customers from placing orders while your box is being synched.

If you think I'm not going to bring up your implicit telekinesis every single time you try to debunk my conspiracy theory without offering any evidence of your own, you are very mistaken.

Do you have supernatural mental powers or not?

This has become a reasonable question due to your own line of argument, and if you do not answer it, I'll make a point of making sure that other merchants here notice you haven't provided any other explanation for what you mean when you ridicule me for "not waiting for synch".


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, welcome to the mental health hotline.

If you have obsessive compulsive disorder, press 1 repeatedly.

If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2 for you.

If you have multiple personality syndrome, press 3, 4, 5, and 6.

If you suffer from paranoid schizophrenia, we know who you are and what you want. Stay on the line so we can trace your call.

If you are delusional, press 7 and your call will be transfered to the mothership.

If you are hearing voices, listen carefully and a small voice will tell you which number to press.

If you are manic depressive, it doesn't matter which button you press. No one will answer anyway.

If you are dyslexic, press 96969696969696.

If you have a nervous disorder, please fidget with the pound button until a representative comes on the line.

If you have amnesia, press 8 and state your name, address, phone number, date of birth, social security number, and your mother's and grandmother's maiden names.

If you have post traumatic stress disorder, slowly and carefully press 911.

If you have bi-polar disorder, please leave a message after the beep. Or before the beep. Or after the beep. Please wait for the beep.

If you have short term memory loss, please try you call again in a few minutes.

If you have low self esteem, please hang up. All our representatives are busy.

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