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8 weeks of misery

Mulan Mayako

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For over 8 weeks at Olaf 95,141,20 I have had this poking into my land Palm Coast Roof 2 .  I have IM amd Notecarded  the item owner and also IM and notedcard the land owner with no affect   There has been over 40 abuse reports filed. 3 Lindens have been sent a notecard and no reply. Live chat  says they cant do anything.  I have been trying everything i can think of to get rid of this{Palm Coast Roof 2]   I cant delete the item either, over 90 % of it in the other land. This has  been a pure nightmare for me.


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You know, you have sent me and my wife both Notercards about this and we have nothing to do with it. On 2 occasions I have teleported to the location, you have provided, with no luck in seeing what the issue is, or even a prim encroaching onto the location you are providing. I think this would be clue number one you are either providing the wrong location. Or the issue does not exist and you are seeing this only on your PC.

This land at the location you are showing Belongs to Andrea Jolbey and not you. I would suggest right clicking on the actual object in question and report abuse. If you are the land owner then you should be able to return Encroaching objects now. So I am still baffled even after receiving several notecards about this and I don't even own this object nor do I see an issue of a roof hanging over that location

Perhaps you can explain better

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Mulan Mayako wrote:

For over 8 weeks at Olaf 95,141,20 I have had this poking into my land Palm Coast Roof 2 .
I have IM amd Notecarded  the item owner and also IM and notedcard the land owner with no affect   There has been over 40 abuse reports filed. 3 Lindens have been sent a notecard and no reply. Live chat  says they cant do anything.  I have been trying everything i can think of to get rid of this{Palm Coast Roof 2]   I cant delete the item either, over 90 % of it in the other land. This has  been a pure nightmare for me.



I am currently at the location you have given. I do not see the object to which you refer.

Edited: I see it now, poking through your very ugly mess of colour-changing megaprims as per following photos:

Offending prim...


Your ugly colour-changing megaprims...




The Palm Coast Roof 2 would appear to have been left behind by a relatively new person to Second Life.  The fact they are in a group belonging to Dilbert has absolutely nothing to do with the owner of Sweethearts Jazz, and frankly, if I were him, I would be more than a little annoyed at your poster rant with him named in it (see photo above).  As that The Palm Coast Roof somehow has rezzed mostly on the land in the next sim (Bjorn sim) to where your sandbox is; my guess is that they were making use of your sandbox, and because the root of the prim is not on your sandbox, it has unfortunately not auto-returned.

However, submitting an abuse report is inappropriate, and submitting 40 or more really ought to get YOU suspended for abusing the system, not to mention the defamatory rant that is overwhelming the views in the most ugliest of ways on Olaf sim. 

In view of everything, I feel the best thing for you to do is just derender the offending object.  Then you won't be able to see it.

I really am surprised your neighbours haven't ARd you for all your ugly colour-changing megaprims. (And Dilbert too.)  Also, your megaprims are littering on someone else's land!



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If I were a neighbour, I don't think I could reach for the derender button fast enough. It pre-empts a lot of "pure nightmares" on both sides of the boundary.

/me wrestles with herself about possible further suggestions, and decides not to, but it's really really difficult.

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Generally speaking, tickets get a faster response than reporting the object. You also help your case by not shooting yourself in the foot. Griefing all your neighbours is not helping (and creates a much bigger eyesore on your land than the initial prim, so I'm not seeing what you're gaining from it).

I'm really surprised you haven't been reported by your neighbours. They've obviously been very patient about it. Particularly as it seems like you're lashing out at people at random and don't understand who can actually remove the prim. Sending notecards to totally unrelated people demanding they remove it isn't going to help. They can't help you.


Short version: 1) Send a ticket, not an abuse report. 2) Be polite in your ticket. 3) Take down your griefer prim. 4) Be really nice to your neighbours from now on.

1 and 3 are essential. 2 and 4 are highly recommended.

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Marigold Devin wrote:

Mulan Mayako wrote:

For over 8 weeks at Olaf 95,141,20 I have had this poking into my land Palm Coast Roof 2 .
I have IM amd Notecarded  the item owner and also IM and notedcard the land owner with no affect   There has been over 40 abuse reports filed. 3 Lindens have been sent a notecard and no reply. Live chat  says they cant do anything.  I have been trying everything i can think of to get rid of this{Palm Coast Roof 2]   I cant delete the item either, over 90 % of it in the other land. This has  been a pure nightmare for me.



I am currently at the location you have given. I do not see the object to which you refer.

Edited: I see it now, poking through your very ugly mess of colour-changing megaprims as per following photos:

Offending prim...

Your ugly colour-changing megaprims...



The Palm Coast Roof 2 would appear to have been left behind by a relatively new person to Second Life.  The fact they are in a group belonging to Dilbert has absolutely nothing to do with the owner of Sweethearts Jazz, and frankly, if I were him, I would be more than a little annoyed at your poster rant with him named in it (see photo above).  As that The Palm Coast Roof somehow has rezzed mostly on the land in the next sim (Bjorn sim) to where your sandbox is; my guess is that they were making use of your sandbox, and because the root of the prim is not on your sandbox, it has unfortunately not auto-returned.

However, submitting an abuse report is inappropriate, and submitting 40 or more really ought to get YOU suspended for abusing the system, not to mention the defamatory rant that is overwhelming the views in the most ugliest of ways on Olaf sim. 

In view of everything, I feel the best thing for you to do is just derender the offending object.  Then you won't be able to see it.

I really am surprised your neighbours haven't ARd you for all your ugly colour-changing megaprims. (And Dilbert too.)  Also, your megaprims are littering on someone else's land!



Wow...just wow.

I would say some apologies to Dilbert are in place...

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those prims r there as a stop gap to keep more stuff from being built becuase the land owner that dont care enough to put on the auto return or no build. If the land owner would go to the land and set the auto return on or set it no build it would fix this. I have filed a report over 3 weeks ago and just stated the facts and they told me to file a abuse report. All this proving to me about LL  is they got there heads so far up the rears they cant see problem(s) and all they care about is making money. As for derender  i cant.  I use SL version 1.23 becuase the new SL version crashes my comp so hard i have to reload the OS and all the programs.

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You really are doing yourself a lot of harm here, Mulan.

Please read carefully ...

You have cluttered up land that does not even belong to you, with HUGE ugly colour-changing megaprims.

You have defamed LL and Dilbert and other people who have done absolutely nothing to you.

Please read this even more carefully ...

The land that you have cluttered up with your megaprims and rant-posters is currently for sale. IT WILL NEVER SELL WHILE YOU HAVE GOT YOUR PRIMS ON IT!!!!! No one will want you as a neighbour.  If you had not gone to such crazy lengths to draw attention to the teeny tiny palm roof encroaching in such a minor way onto your sandbox, all of this could have been over by now.

So you will be stuck with that teeny tiny palm roof poking through onto your sandbox indefinitely.

Also, you really do run the risk of receiving many ARs against you, for such incredibly antisocial behaviour.  

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Knowl Paine wrote:

I nominate you to be on the Board of Directors for a Resident run dispute resolution council. The council would present their conclusions and recommendations to the appropriate Linden. Justice for the Residents and by the Residents.



1492, a good year.

Pfffft and LOL.

I shall kick you up the arse when I see you inworld.

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Mulan, the problem is not LL. The problem is your lack of knowledge on how to effectively report a problem in a way that LL can do something with. The actual location you provide is not the Exact location of the prim. If you expect LL to spend 20 or 30 minutes of valuable man hours, to Figure out what prim, and where, on their own, then you are sadly mistaken. Your issue is with your inability to follow proper protocol in reporting issues or even handling them.

The notecards you sent me were rude and demanding, Which is why I ignored them for 4 weeks (and there was nothing i could do) before I finally got fed up and contacted you. I clearly explained to you that there is absolutely nothing I can do. Despite telling you this. You still demanded that I take care of this. After of which I have muted you. Honestly If there was something I could do about it. I would have cleared it up right away

I think your approach should be about asking others how to affectively get this taken care of, rather than be accusatory and demanding.

Most Second Life residents are always happy and willing to clear things up, if there is a problem. Personally I feel bad you may be having this issue. But the problem can be remedied if you changed your approach

If the land belongs to one of your other avatars. Then Use that Avatar to do the reporting. .

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when i file ARs i just state the facts and nothing else and the location and use the AR to take a pic.  how can that be wrong.

on the  the cube is nothing but  facts noting else. i would like LL  , the land owner or the object  owner to get it gone.

Cant seeing LL doing anything but keeping there heads in there butts.  Only put the cubes as stop gaps there after 6 weeks of going through every channel i know and here on the 8th week.  But all im getting here smarty pants remarks nothing helpfull on getting the object gone.

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Mulan you will get the type of replies derived from the type of interaction you do your self. I have to ask why the "Land Owner" Of the land where the prim is encroaching on, does not turn on auto return? and why do they not turn off Object entry? Linden lab have provided all the tools needed and  The fact you are using an Older viewer  you are unable to also take advantage to returning prims that are encroaching on your land.

Your inability to use the proper viewer and stay updated is why you are frustrated.  You have been provided with the tools. Just time to upgrade to take advantage of them

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If its dilbert's group - then dilbert has power to remove it.

The mega prims - those are probably the result of this person being so frustrated from so many others refusing to do what is right and just zap that prim.

I'm going to have to side with the OP, even after seeing the screenshots. Dilbert should take care to manage his group member's if he's going to give them the ability to leave behind things like this.


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Just because somone rezzes an object that happenes to be SET to my group does not make me responsible one single bit. 

I do not own the land. I do not own the object. I can not remove a prim from a land that i do not own. Even if it was set to my group.

I am in no way responsible for the behavior of another resident weather he/she be in my group or not.

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@Pussycat Catnip   Sorry, Pussycat, but Dilbert is right.  Someone could have had his group active, such as if he runs a club of some sort and they wanted to have the tag over their head.  If they create a new object/put a new object down, it's set to the group.  I often have to switch my objects' group status when I realize I still had the tag for a given club over my head.


Dilbert's no more at fault then say the creator of an object that somebody elese buys and then plops on a given parcel.  Talk to the plopper, or the land owner.


P.S.  Lolzapalooza at the giant sign!  :womanvery-happy:  This needs to go in the SL History thread under the heading  "MoleHill Mountain:  Who says you can't make a mountain out of a molehill?  Second Life allows you to do just that, with judicious use of the new megaprim options..."



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Mulan, I have tried to explain things to you, and you either do not understand, or you simply choose not to. You have been harrassing Dilbert and myself for weeks over something that has nothing to do with us, or our group, Sweethearts Jazz. I have tried to be very patient and understanding with you.

The facts are, that the owner of the object that you claim to be an eyesore, just happened to have a tag on for our group when he/she placed the object down. I have explained to you repeatedly what you should do if it is encroaching on your property, and that we have no control over it, and you have continued to defame us.....now with your OWN God awful eyesore.

The fact that you cannot follow any specific instructions on how to resolve your problem, and refuse to understand that Dilbert and I are not involved or responsible makes me honestly question your mental state and maybe Second Life isn't a healthy place for you to be.

Please stop harrassing us.

Charity Colville


PS....To any of you that this this is a joke or a stunt, trust me that it is not. My husband and I are at our limit with this person. We cannot do anything regarding this issue for her, and she refuses to leave us alone and has been driving our group members nuts.

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Well, sorry to laugh at it.  Hope you put your foot down and went after them for the harassment.


Only laughing at the irony of a tiny little prim hangover being combated with a mega prim foaming-at-the-mouth diatribe-on-a-sign.


Trust me, when the dust settles, and folks ask you about your experiences in SL, this one's gonna be at the top of the list for a good laugh over a mug o' beer...

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I Thought it was funny . . Odd But funny. Was the first time ever being abused and held responsible for somone elses prims. And the fact that prim got there due to a object entry bug. Lol

Needless to say It was taken care of 10 minutes after my report.

If the  OP would have just done things right It would have been much less of a painfull process

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