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Regrets? I've had a few...

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I could just kick myself!!!  After almost 4 years of not smoking, I went and picked up a pack last week and haven't stopped since :matte-motes-crying:  When I quit back then, the tide was starting to turn, now with even more enforced laws, I feel like a total outcast as a smoker.

Please, I didn't post this to receive sermons on the virtues of being a non-smoker...I'm getting enough of that from my girls in real.  I know what I have to do.

But, what about anyone else...any regrets in other things?


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To many questions?

You sound like a therapist, exept they usually don't ask many ....they ask you what you want to do about it...patient heal thyself!

Yes, they are that useless...so, yeah...ever trying to talk to a therapist...maybe I need to give them money and check credentials though.....sort of a point to think about for me..hhhm.

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Poenald Palen wrote:

To many questions?

You sound like a therapist, exept they usually don't ask many ....they ask you what you want to do about it...patient heal thyself!



lol, nah...just trying to get a conversation going.  After all, it is hump day, we need something to see us through the end of the week :matte-motes-tongue:

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Kylie, as a smoker for many years, I fully understand what your going through. I have not smoked a cigarette for the last 2 months and I don't miss them at all. What I do instead is what they call "vamp vaping" which is e-cigarettes, you might find it an aid.:)

Anyway worth checking out and of course the decision is then yours.


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it's a bit pricey to start (but cheaper in the long run than current Us prices), and I recommend doing much reading up from users (not company adflash)  e-cigs can be viable alternatives (they are banned in some places, and controlled in other a few others, but for the most part people can get and use them easily).

for fast cheap wholesale US parts, I can say that madvapes.com is an excellent source, although I find most of their liquids to be on the weaker side. for liquids it's good to shop around and grab small samples from multiple places.

I also strongly recommend refillable "cartomizers" over cartridge and atomizer models... the flavor is a bit weaker, but the ease of use is much better...and works out much cheaper in my experience. oh and don't start with anything over 16mg, and modify from there based on the frequency of use.

basic recommendation is a 510 manual model. (the automatics seem nice but they tend to turn on with the slightest jolt or breeze and tend to get gummed up, breaking them)


and screw the anti-smoking crowd, I hated them before I smoked, and after, and even more now.


While there are things I wish I hadn't done in hindsight, I don't regret doing them... the journey is what it's all about... the only things I really regret are things I could have done but didn't

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Oh Void, how long have you been vamping vaping? It's cost me about 100 US so far but in the total of 3 months I have saved more than that not buying cigarettes.

I use the eGo-T it looks like I am smoking a cigarillo but I don't need cartridges.

I am pleased with what the results are.:)

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DQ Darwin wrote:

I am pleased with what the results are.

If the results are tobacco free then you win the game!  Me too.  Good luck Dee, I am trying to convince myself I don't need tobacco either.  I had a steak dinner with some friends this week, and I wanted so much to light up a Havana.  I wish there was a replacement.   So I drank more. 

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Thanks Storm, we all know how difficult this battle is. What appealed to me and as a result has so far worked is that I go through all the motions just no tobacco and it's byproducts.

Makes you want to stand in a group setting and say "Hi I am Dee and I am a smoker"

Wish you all the luck and staying power, fight it and beat it:)

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I quite for two years and picked up again a few months ago simply because I thought I wasn't dying fast enough... lol.

Seriously, I hate, hate, hate smoking... oh, if only I knew what I was getting myself into at sixteen.  I actually smoked for the first time at thirteen but I hated it.  That was due to peer pressure... at sixteen I didn't have any peers (don't get me started on my miserable childhood), so I had to pressure myself. 

I remember one day just sitting there, being boring, then out of the blue, I decided I needed to become a smoker.  I walked myself over to the corner store and bought a pack of Vantage... you know, the ones with the holes in the filter.  That should tell you how completely out of my mind I was back then.

Now my life is nothing but coffee and cigarettes...

coffee and cigarettes
coffee and cigarettes
coffee and cigarettes


I swear I'm gonna quit again... as soon as I gather enough strength.  Meanwhile I'll concentrate on losing a few pounds... every bit helps, I suppose.


PS. When I first saw the title of these thread, this song came into my head and now it won't go away... so, in retaliation, I shall torture you with it as well...

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Storm Clarence wrote:

DQ Darwin wrote:

I am pleased with what the results are.

If the results are tobacco free then you win the game!  Me too.  Good luck Dee, I am trying to convince myself I don't need tobacco either.  I had a steak dinner with some friends this week, and I wanted so much to light up a Havana.  I wish there was a replacement.   So I drank more. 

I have to admit, the first time I quite smoking, I bought a big bag of weed and stayed stoned twenty four hours a day, for about a week.  It worked, but it only lasted eight months and may not have been the smartest thing I've ever done.

I wish you luck, Storm.

...Dres *curses that fact he no longer has any connections anyway*

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:: cough :: Vaping (and in vapor).

I picked it up earlier this year.... I like the 510's because they are small and light and not that noticeable in public... but you do have to change them out a bit more often. and the 5v usb version is very nice for sitting in front of the computer. the bigger ones are nice, but a bit unweildy for me.

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I do have to laugh. I guess the added "m" (vamping instead of vaping) would pretty much verify my novice status. Thanks.:)

I tried it out on a ProSmoke. It was so much like a normal cigarette I was worried about finishing a smoke in the car and chucking it out the window. That could get expensive. :P

What ever one uses good luck. Never thought of a weed binge Dres:)


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heh, first time I thought you typoed... it was probably someone else's typo that you picked up on though. I actually started with a mini 306 automatic, which is the closest to a normal cigarette size.... bad choice.... they don't last long enough and don't hold enough, making you constantly have to fiddle with it. I think this is why most people move on to large sizes.... just easier to use.

fortunately the weight if them is so different that you'll never toss one away (and for me impossible, because I made myself the promise that I would never toss butts), but I did start to reach for the ash tray a few times in the beginning.

I also found they are much smoother if you don't do a normal inhale, but rather draw to the mouth and then inhale like most probably did when you first started smoking...

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hehe the "vamp" was self inflected;)

Yes, I didn't like all the fiddling around  so that was why I moved to the larger brand.

I also found they are much smoother if you don't do a normal inhale, but rather draw to the mouth and then inhale like most probably did when you first started smoking  Yes, that method works best for me.

I hope these comments are a help to others.:)

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