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Open letter to Vamps

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Dear Vampies from Korea welcome area..


          Hi,  After crashing the other day, and relogging on to a welcome area. I found myself over enunciated with vamps hunting in what I thought was a safe area.. But to my surprise hunting noobs even after only one day in SL is open game?!? While truly believe in free will and does as you please. I think there should be some restrictions to hunting in a safe area. Ok I might be going over board with verbal attacks on me last night. But in a welcome area, by the 6 or 7 from that one clan..(and you know who you are, but I don’t think you have the stomach to bully like that in real life do ya..?) You almost in a very exaggerated sense hurt my feelings. Yet someone new might that insults like that to heart. While I’m big enough in RL to handle those slighted comments, other might being call a derogatory name implying sexual preference might be slightly more offend.

        So, kids, and yes you act very adolescent,  can you please refrain from hunting in the safe areas? As one of your “king’s” said, “50 other vampires are here doing so mind your own business, and get the F*** out”   I applaud your sense of vocabulary, and word usage. When you Vamp’s start ordering others around it is time to butt in…






Here is an open chat with a Vampy


Vamp M.. Hi looks like you need to in the adult area

Noob  M (2 days old)  Hi I’m having trouble walking can you help?

Vamp  M   Go to your dashboard NoobM and age Verify

Noob  M   Hi can you help me walk?

Vamp M   Go to the SL page Noob M and do the age verification

Noob  M   Please all I want is some help..

Vamp M   I can’t help until you age verify..


Noob.. *poofs***


And you vamps wish to sling more insults I will be on later today..

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It is unfortunate that you witnessed this type of harassment.  I would advise that the best recourse would be to file a Report Abuse (AR) at the scene.  It is very easy to do.  Click Help on your top toolbar and select Report Abuse.  Fill out the form.  You can even add a photo of the abuser (along with their name, which is required).  You can copy/paste relevant chat into a box on the form.

Unfortunately, there are those that seem to enjoy going to Help areas and harassing anyone there.  Fortunately, there are many, many places in SL you can go where you will not be bothered by these annoyances.

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If someone is having trouble walking after 2 days, then they probably deserve to be munched on by vampires. See it as a Darwin's natural selection. Only the strongest noobs survive


Hi, no offense but you sound like one of trolls from last night , justfying their actions with by their numbers.. So rather then trying to help someone it easier bite them .. Now there is vampire logic.

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If you didn't like his/her response then you really won't like mine.

After a single day within Second Life, a new user should not be in one of the public welcome areas. If they had any neural capacity for cognitive thought they would have remained on whatever passes for the starter islands these days until such a time as they are able to at least move around and communicate without much trouble.

As a former Mentor/Helper .... I have very little patience for such individuals who feel they are OH so advanced and can skip right past the orientation process. I have even less patience for those who took an offered teleport by a "friend", dragging them off of the starter zones.

"Welcome to Second Life: Learn how to operate on a basic level or leave." - The mantra of every burnt out helper.

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I was active in a clan for a while.  In our clan it was unbecoming to offer unsolicited bites.  And you'd never see someone refuse to help, even if the newb in question didn't want to let you bite/to join the clan.

Must be a lot more bad vamps now than there were a time ago.

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Back in the day one had to make it through orientation island before being able to enter the main grid.  The Lindens should bring that back.  Not only will it assist new users in a positive and constructive way, but it will also cause griefers with their multitudes of ALts to reconsider if all that effort of going through orientation really is worth the hassle.

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Solar Legion speaks a lot of wisdom there and he says it better than I did. Being a newbie comes with certain responsibilities...

You only have a right to help from others if you are prepared to help yourself as much as you can.

If there is a problem that a newbie can solve by reading one of the help posters three feet away, or by using google or simply by spending a half hour trying to figure it out, then they shouldnt be acting helpless. Often these people are incapable of acting on help given because their own skills are not up to the task of following guidance.

Anybody who continues to expect everything and puts in no effort is not going to make a good citizen in second life and if some vamps can get a few souls out of them, then it is the vamps who are the more worthy residents as at least they pay for their HUD and are motivated enough to want to stick around.

Solar and I both make a point of going far out of our way to help new residents. I have spent many evenings teaching basic building, helping people get their first outfit or otherwise just giving some directions and making someone feel welcome. The only "newbie" area i do this in is the shelter, as people who have found their way their have at least put in some effort beyond logging on. I`m not a shelter mentor, because i like the freedom to help people anywhere i stumble across them or to spend half a day taking them on a tour of the cool spots.

I wear a garlic necklace myself and i had one after a few days, purely as i learned about bloodlines and went off to get one. It's free and transferrable. I found out about it myself and they are easily obtained from most helper type people, who carry a copy with them.

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Well there is also another issue with noobs, and that is V2's "basic mode"  I accidently logged on with basic mode once, and it all became clear to me why most noobs act like total idiots.  Lol, I was walking around in my own home like a noob climbing over things, walking into walls, not bieng able to find or do anything, lol it was madness. 

Couple that with the fact that most tutorials are not geared towards "Basic Mode" and that noobs are not aware of alternative viewers, you really cannot expect the poor souls to figure all this out on their own.  Throw a language barrier into the mix and what you have is bedlam.  Noobs walking all over one another, all asking the most basic questions, not understanding any answers given to them, and being perceived as griefers, when in fact it is just plain ignorance.

that being said, I feel it is imperative that a.) something like orientation island is brought back, locking users in before they can pass a basic skills test, and b.) the creators of alternative viewers should spend a lot more time and resources on training for their own users, maybe even have orientation islands based on your viewer

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Every MMO I've ever played has a training area for noobs and they simply cannot leave until they have learnd to walk, run, jump, put on some gear and kill a boar. With the exception of the last one, these should be mandatory things for new users before they are allowed to join the main grid. 

I love to help when I can, but it's frustrating when so many of the new users who come in turn out like this:


- Me: Hi, Welcome to Second Life :) How are you?

- Them: Sex?

- Me: No.

- Them: *Sends friend request*


They can learn to send friend requests and ask for sex but they can't walk or dress themselves.

That said, some of my best friends on SL are only ten days to a month old :) Those are the ones who can think for themselves and only ask to be pointed in the right direction, not hand-held every step of the way.

People love to help those who can help themselves.

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Edward Towton wrote:

I was active in a clan for a while.  In our clan it was unbecoming to offer unsolicited bites.  And you'd never see someone refuse to help, even if the newb in question didn't want to let you bite/to join the clan.

Must be a lot more bad vamps now than there were a time ago.

yeah same here, in fact I had a line I'd give every person I brought into my clan 

"welcome to the clan, I can teach you to hunt if you want, but we have blood dolls and tanks for a reason, we don't get into the "gotta collect em all" mentality on getting souls, rule number 1 is NEVER send a bite request without permission from who you're going to bite, if I ever hear about you sending unsolicited bites I'll kick your ass out of the clan myself"


Hayley Spore wrote:

Every MMO I've ever played has a training area for noobs and they simply cannot leave until they have learnd to walk, run, jump, put on some gear and kill a boar. With the exception of the last one, these should be mandatory things for new users before they are allowed to join the main grid. 

I love to help when I can, but it's frustrating when so many of the new users who come in turn out like this:


Hi, Welcome to Second Life
How are you?



*Sends friend request*


They can learn to send friend requests and ask for sex but they can't walk or dress themselves.

That said, some of my best friends on SL are only ten days to a month old
Those are the ones who can think for themselves and only ask to be pointed in the right direction, not hand-held every step of the way.

People love to help those who can help themselves.

oh yeah I  hate those, some of them it seems 'sex' is the only word they know in english, then they send TP requests to you 12 times a day, 

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Solar Legion wrote:

If you didn't like his/her response then you 
won't like mine.

After a single day within Second Life, a new user should
be in one of the public welcome areas. If they had any neural capacity for cognitive thought they would have remained on whatever passes for the starter islands these days until such a time as they are able to at least move around and communicate without much trouble.

As a former Mentor/Helper .... I have very little patience for such individuals who feel they are OH so advanced and can skip right past the orientation process. I have even less patience for those who took an offered teleport by a "friend", dragging them off of the starter zones.

"Welcome to Second Life: Learn how to operate on a basic level or leave." - The mantra of every burnt out helper.

I cannot express strongly enough how much I agree with the sentiments in your post. Noobs either get with it pronto, or they get out. I mean, it's not like we NEED new residents, do we? I mean, even if just a handful of us super-expert old-timers are left in SL, it'll continue to be a successful and solid business anyway, won't it? I mean - who says you NEED new residents at all? I bet SL would be just fine and continue to survive even if numbers of residents continued to drop, don't you think? And anyway, probably the newbies still stuck at the welcome points are maybe elderly, with limited pc skills or - who knows - visually impaired, with some sort of disability which limits hand-eye co-ordination or lord knows what!

sarcasm off/

PS Why on earth BE a helper at all if you have no patience, no tolerance and only feel burnt-out by the experience? I think this isn't a unreasonable question to ask - just how many new residents have you chased off the grid because they didn't grasp the basics quickly enough for your taste?

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If you can't walk, it is best to go to one of the newbie islands and do the simple steps that teach you walking and other simple basics.  Also, type in newbie friendly club in your destination/search guide and go to the newbie friendly places. 

You push the arrow keys on your keyboard forward to move. 

Also you cannot be on age verified "land" if you are not verified. 

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Roseysun Galicia wrote:

. Most of the time if you have worn the garlic they leave you alone.  I have had vamps comment on the garlic smell.  :-)  



HAH I do that whenever I'm feeling especially snarky 


"*sniff sniff* hey mind if I borrow that? *points at garlic neckalace* "my spaghetti's a little bland"

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Solar Legion wrote:

If you didn't like his/her response then you 
won't like mine.

After a single day within Second Life, a new user should
be in one of the public welcome areas. If they had any neural capacity for cognitive thought they would have remained on whatever passes for the starter islands these days until such a time as they are able to at least move around and communicate without much trouble.

As a former Mentor/Helper .... I have very little patience for such individuals who feel they are OH so advanced and can skip right past the orientation process. I have even less patience for those who took an offered teleport by a "friend", dragging them off of the starter zones.

"Welcome to Second Life: Learn how to operate on a basic level or leave." - The mantra of every burnt out helper.

How inconsiderate... I spent a few hours on help island before I accidentally clicked on something that sent me to Korea.  I didn't wanna be there... I knew I hadn't spent enough time on help island, but at that point, there was nothing I could do about it.

But... seeing as though you've been a mentor for so long, I can understand why you'd be burnt out and have such an attitude... thank you for dealing with it and holding out for as long as you could.  Surely, in your time, you've done a lot of good.


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Carole Franizzi wrote:

Solar Legion wrote:

If you didn't like his/her response then you 
won't like mine.

After a single day within Second Life, a new user should
be in one of the public welcome areas. If they had any neural capacity for cognitive thought they would have remained on whatever passes for the starter islands these days until such a time as they are able to at least move around and communicate without much trouble.

As a former Mentor/Helper .... I have very little patience for such individuals who feel they are OH so advanced and can skip right past the orientation process. I have even less patience for those who took an offered teleport by a "friend", dragging them off of the starter zones.

"Welcome to Second Life: Learn how to operate on a basic level or leave." - The mantra of every burnt out helper.

I cannot express strongly enough how much I agree with the sentiments in your post. Noobs either get with it pronto, or they get out. I mean, it's not like we NEED new residents, do we? I mean, even if just a handful of us super-expert old-timers are left in SL, it'll continue to be a successful and solid business anyway, won't it? I mean - who says you NEED new residents at all? I bet SL would be just fine and continue to survive even if numbers of residents continued to drop, don't you think? And anyway, probably the newbies still stuck at the welcome points are maybe elderly, with limited pc skills or - who knows - visually impaired, with some sort of disability which limits hand-eye co-ordination or lord knows what!

sarcasm off/

PS Why on earth BE a helper at all if you have no patience, no tolerance and only feel burnt-out by the experience? I think this isn't a unreasonable question to ask - just how many new residents have you chased off the grid because they didn't grasp the basics quickly enough for your taste?



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Hey Thermal, this is not the way that most SL vampires behave, contrary to the way it may seem... there are rules in place to stop this kind of activity.  Unfortunately, new users have no idea what's going on, so they are "easy pray" to those in the vampire community that are unscrupulous or taught incorrectly.

I'm not sure if reporting them to LL would do much good, but I know you can report them to someone in Bloodlines... and if there are enough reports (which if they are behaving as you say they are, there will be), the whole clan could be chastised for it in some way (don't ask me how... I don't follow all that very closely).


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