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Standing on heads

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Try teleporting to some busy sims over and over again. You'll generally end up standing on someone's head. Hours and hours of fun, or even better, you may end up standing on your own head with your feet pointing up in the air. I'm getting giddy just thinking of the hilarity I get with that one.

Are you by any chance related to a guy who lies in the floor in my local club pretending to be a doormat and asking people to wipe their feet on his head?

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Alternatively, you could just emote and see if that gets some giggles.

as in /me stands on <name the avatar> head and laughs

What I wish more people would do when they TP someplace is to take a few steps away from the landing zone.  There is nothing more ridiculous than getting someplace and flapping arms and legs over one or more who are just....standing....there.

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Standing on heads (and pushing people around) both got much harder around the time that Havok was introduced, when they changed the avatar bounding box from a box to an oval & we became much more slippery.

It is still possible to get on heads, but if you slip off even slightly you will fall & usually get stuck doing your falling animation, which, if you don`t have a cool one in your AO, usually means you are left flapping in the air like a demented duck with the default falling anim lol

If you have noticed a change in the last few weeks, its possible that Havok has been updated or some other tweak has been made to the physics engine.

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Venus Petrov wrote:

What I wish more people would do when they TP someplace is to take a few steps away from the landing zone.  There is nothing more ridiculous than getting someplace and flapping arms and legs over one or more who are just....standing....there.

I agree, Venus!  I know it takes a minute for everything to rez, but why can't people just go ahead and move those few steps it would take to get away from the landing zone? It's like they think a dragon will eat them if they move before they can see the shoes on the bottom shelf at the very back of the store. 

The really annoying ones land and just stand there for ages, probably IMing with someone....it makes me want to go give them a shove. :smileytongue:

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This thread has a lot of pretty avatars in it...I wonder if this is how it got started? I mean, we think it is a technical failure BUT simply using random numbers and a little bit of calculus the server and client could easily put people randomly in an area of lets say....10 meters around..or square(I like sqaure, easier math lol) so...I mean, basically you have all this neato popular cool girl headstanding so they leave the code as it was! Even though it must be very very easy to program in....they still leave it as is!


I have heard of FIC, galazons and many other things people seem to be part of that they don't even know they are part of or are being one of....this is some kind of Fettered Inner Head standing thing...there are better ways, avatars dont' need to suffere potentially from headaches or getting collided on and dying (almost could at damage enabled sims!) and so on...this quasi ritualistic headstanding thing is a bit odd and now I see why...all the cool pretty girls are doing it!

I have to say stacking is more progressice, those heels are not any sharper for avatars...damage is damage I think. Hhhm.

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Frankly I'm surprised we don't have spawning zones, rather than coordinates.

Allowing builders to mark off an area where people could land and having the sim automatically place them in an empty spot within that area would reduce the amount of headstanding from people who don't feel the need to move.

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